Lediga jobb Electrolux Professional AB (publ) i Ljungby

Se alla lediga jobb från Electrolux Professional AB (publ) i Ljungby. Genom att välja ett specifikt yrke kan du även välja att se alla lediga jobb i Ljungby som finns inom det yrket.

Production Supervisor

Då en av våra nuvarande produktionsledare valt att gå vidare inom organisationen söker vi nu en ny medarbetare till vårt team av produktionsledare. Vi söker dig som vill ta över taktpinnen och leda en av våra avdelningar. Din avdelning och ditt team är en del i kedjan för en fortsatt framgångsrik fabrik och vi tror att rätt person i den här rollen kan bidra med att höja resultatet. Detta genom att styra din avdelning enligt överenskomna KPI:er för säkerh... Visa mer
Då en av våra nuvarande produktionsledare valt att gå vidare inom organisationen söker vi nu en ny medarbetare till vårt team av produktionsledare. Vi söker dig som vill ta över taktpinnen och leda en av våra avdelningar.

Din avdelning och ditt team är en del i kedjan för en fortsatt framgångsrik fabrik och vi tror att rätt person i den här rollen kan bidra med att höja resultatet. Detta genom att styra din avdelning enligt överenskomna KPI:er för säkerhet, leverans, kvalitet, produktivitet och standarder gällande ständiga förbättringar. För just processerna sker samarbetet i nära samarbete med processägare som tillhör avdelningen produktionsteknik.

I rollen som produktionsledare samverkar du kontinuerligt med övriga produktionsledare, produktionstekniker, processägare, kvalitetsavdelningen, färdigvarulager och underhåll.
I ditt arbete har du också stöd av team leaders.

Är du en stark och tydlig ledare, som sätter laget före jaget?
Har du fokus på att bygga starka team och att främja sammanhållning?
Då är du kanske den vi söker!

Leda och fördela arbetet för medarbetare inom ditt produktionsledarområde
Coacha och stötta medarbetarna gällande säkerhet, kvalitet, kostnad, leverans, arbetsstandarder samt ständiga förbättringar.
Leda och utveckla medarbetarna genom ex coachning, utbildning, arbetsfördelning samt säkerställa så att nödvändig säkerhetsutrustning finns och används.
Jobba efter samt följa upp KPI:er.
Rekommendera och identifiera förbättringsmöjligheter för arbetsmetoder, utrustning och kvalitet.

Är en trygg och stark ledare
Driver och levererar resultat både på kort och lång sikt
Uppfattar snabbt förändrade behov och fattar beslut även i pressade situationer
Har alltid kunden i fokus
Kommunicerar effektivt både skriftligt och muntligt
Uppskattar förändring och att optimera ditt och ditt teams arbete.


Universitetsstudier omfattande minst 2 år inom teknik, material- och produktionsstyrning, logistik eller liknande.
Arbetslivserfarenhet om minst två år i ledande roller inom produktion.
Van IT-användare, bekväm i Officemiljö
Erfarenhet av ständiga förbättringar
Flytande svenska samt goda kunskaper i engelska.

About the Electrolux Professional Group
The Electrolux Professional Group is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage, and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 13 plants in eight countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2023, the Electrolux Professional Group had global sales of SEK 12bn and approximately 4,300 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit https://www.electroluxprofessionalgroup.com Visa mindre

Logistics Engineering Specialist

As a Logistics Engineering Specialist, you will be responsible for managing the development of the spare parts warehouse, ensuring efficient and effective operations. You will report according to the Heinrich pyramid and other safety systems, acting as a safety ambassador with a constant goal of achieving zero accidents within logistics. Utilizing various tools and innovative methods, you will strive to provide employees with a 100% secure and safe working... Visa mer
As a Logistics Engineering Specialist, you will be responsible for managing the development of the spare parts warehouse, ensuring efficient and effective operations. You will report according to the Heinrich pyramid and other safety systems, acting as a safety ambassador with a constant goal of achieving zero accidents within logistics. Utilizing various tools and innovative methods, you will strive to provide employees with a 100% secure and safe working environment. Additionally, you will maintain a broad network of contacts within the company, including various departments, as well as external partners

Main tasks
Leading and pursuing projects to take the logistics forward, and upgrading our working environment step by step
Finding ways to improve the way we work to make us more competitive on the market
Cooperating with colleagues on site in Sweden as well as on other sites globally, mainly in Italy
Involving the people around (together with the manager) in improving everything about safety. Observing safety first
Functioning as the superuser in our systems
Training and supporting the team with all necessary knowledge that is related to ADR

Key responsibilities
Driving and leading projects of developing the operational activities to increase safety, efficiency, standardisation, and quality of operational and business processes
Proposing and implementing best-practice solutions for the operations
Cooperating with various actors within the company and with external partners (transport companies, customers, suppliers)
Being in charge and functioning as a superuser of WMS at a local site.
Acting as a change agent and promoting change management.
Following and developing the stock counting routines
Being a part of some daily nonadministrative activities according to the sector hub concept in both transport and warehouse administration

Work environment responsibilities
Following the company code of conduct
Following the company guiding principles
Functioning as the safety pillar superuser

Educational requirements/Competencies
Education in transport, supply chain and/or logistics or corresponding skills
Fluency in Swedish and English
MS office
Analytical skills
Project management

Work experience
Relevant experience in transport, supply chain and/or logistics
Experience in working in an international environment

About the Electrolux Professional Group
The Electrolux Professional Group is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage, and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 13 plants in eight countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2023, the Electrolux Professional Group had global sales of SEK 12bn and approximately 4,300 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit https://www.electroluxprofessionalgroup.com Visa mindre

Power Electronics Specialist

As part of the Electrolux Professional team, every day is an opportunity to innovate and grow. Our mission is to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable, and truly sustainable. We aim to be their trusted partner, managing their complete operations. By understanding their daily journey, we help them succeed, whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry, or it is a property owner. Acting sustainably means going beyond products; it involves con... Visa mer
As part of the Electrolux Professional team, every day is an opportunity to innovate and grow. Our mission is to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable, and truly sustainable. We aim to be their trusted partner, managing their complete operations. By understanding their daily journey, we help them succeed, whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry, or it is a property owner. Acting sustainably means going beyond products; it involves connecting users with intelligence, humans with technology, and innovative thinkers with relevant business models. We provide an inclusive service offering with expertise, state-of-the-art interfaces, and a strong network of people. Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage, and laundry.
We are looking for a Power Electronics Specialist to lead our Drive Train Module development and verification, as part of BA Laundry CxO R&D Lab Organisation

Main tasks
Design, selection and verification of drive output stage layout
Verification is enabled through the state-of-the-art test and performance measurement e-drive bench
Design and verification of mechanical and cooling construction of the drive
Design, selection and verification of control sub-system of drive electronics
Definition of control algorithm, adopted to application in professional laundry appliances, and supervision during implementation in drive firmware
Parametrisation of drive for use with asynchronous and PM synchronous motors
Participation in motor selection for different applications within professional laundry equipment

Key responsibilities
Main responsible for drive train module development and verification
Leading team of engineers responsible for parts of drive train module: motor, inverter, belt, puley, sensors…

Work environment responsibilities
Participating in lab environment technological development driving towards sustainable, environmental friendly, low-running cost facility for testing of laundry products

Minimum Master Degree in Power Converters and Drives
Working knowledge of asynchronous and PM synchronous motors
Fluent in English

Work experience
At least three years of working within similar role in industry or as a researcher at university

As a person, you are:
Detail oriented, self-motivated, easy to deal with, willing to cooperate and learn, ready to take initiative when it is missing from others.
You are dealing with different personalities with different backgrounds, having always maximum of their output as target.

About the Electrolux Professional Group
The Electrolux Professional Group is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage, and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 13 plants in eight countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2023, the Electrolux Professional Group had global sales of SEK 12bn and approximately 4,300 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit https://www.electroluxprofessionalgroup.com Visa mindre

Accountant - 1 year fixed term contract

In this role our new Accountant will work together with team but will have a own well-defined area of responsibility with daily accounts receivable tasks. Areas of responsibility: Correctness and clean of accounts receivable ledger and corresponding AR GL accounts. Back up for team college handling Cash allocation Standard dunning collecting Supporting credit management with customer insurance administration. Maintain customer ledger and reportin... Visa mer
In this role our new Accountant will work together with team but will have a own well-defined area of responsibility with daily accounts receivable tasks.

Areas of responsibility:
Correctness and clean of accounts receivable ledger and corresponding AR GL accounts.
Back up for team college handling Cash allocation
Standard dunning collecting
Supporting credit management with customer insurance administration.
Maintain customer ledger and reporting monthly and quarterly cash flow forecasts.
Planning of selling/buying foreign currency.
Maintain PoA for bank accounts.

Working tasks:
Perform daily tasks and tasks in the monthly closing
Participate in group projects
Actively work with implementing new working methods and processes

Other Linkages:
Treasury team
Sales representatives
Finance transformation team

Around 2 years from similar work
Job requires university degree in accounting or upper secondary level education together with qualifying experience.
The person should be structured, meticulous, service minded and not afraid to take on new tasks.
Finance transformation team

You are:

Customer Obsessed - you are focused on delivering value to the customers, both internal and external
Trustworthy – you are accountable and deliver on your commitments. You welcome healthy debates and honest conversations. You are honest - especially about your mistakes and learn from your setbacks. You collaborate and enable others to deliver.
Bold - You take action to deliver better outcome. You seek diversity and inclusion by actively pursuing diverse perspectives and creating an inclusive environment. You bring new ideas to the table and take risks with confidence, supporting courageous decision-making that inspires progress and growth.
Sustainable – You consider the growth and development of our people to be as important as preserving our environment and take decisions that reflect our effort to build a better future. You always act ethically.

About the Electrolux Professional Group
The Electrolux Professional Group is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage, and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 13 plants in eight countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2023, the Electrolux Professional Group had global sales of SEK 12bn and approximately 4,300 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit https://www.electroluxprofessionalgroup.com Visa mindre

Maskinoperatör till bockautomat

Nu söker vi en maskinoperatör till en nyinvesterad helautomatiserad bockautomat till vår plåtverkstad på Electrolux Professional AB i Ljungby. Vi arbetar i skift och denna gången söker vi en operatör för att arbeta natt. Rollen som maskinoperatör kräver noggrannhet och sinne för kvalitet. Detaljerna som vi tillverkar är grundstommarna i produktionen av våra produkter, tvättmaskiner och torktumlare, vilket vi är vi stolta över. För att du ska lyckas som mas... Visa mer
Nu söker vi en maskinoperatör till en nyinvesterad helautomatiserad bockautomat till vår plåtverkstad på Electrolux Professional AB i Ljungby. Vi arbetar i skift och denna gången söker vi en operatör för att arbeta natt. Rollen som maskinoperatör kräver noggrannhet och sinne för kvalitet. Detaljerna som vi tillverkar är grundstommarna i produktionen av våra produkter, tvättmaskiner och torktumlare, vilket vi är vi stolta över.
För att du ska lyckas som maskinoperatör ser vi att du har ett tydligt ordningssinne och att du trivs med självständigt arbete. Du är ansvarstagande, flexibel, positiv och en riktig lagspelare. Man arbetar i team där man tillsammans ansvarar för att bockningen sker enligt körplan och med kvalitet. Har du även erfarenhet av arbete med plåt är detta meriterande.
Omfattning: heltid
Anställningsform: Visstidsanställning

Huvdsakliga arbetsuppgifter
Bockning enligt ritning och körplan
Materialhantering med truck
Kontroller enligt ritning och instruktioner
Övervakning av maskin
Allmänt maskinunderhåll och kringliggande vård
Industriteknisk utbildning alternativ erfarenhet av styrda maskiner
Goda kunskaper i ritningsläsning
Grundläggande IT-kunskaper
Flytande svenska i tal och skrift
Erfarenhet av kantpressning eller körning av styrda maskiner

About the Electrolux Professional Group
The Electrolux Professional Group is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage, and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 13 plants in eight countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2023, the Electrolux Professional Group had global sales of SEK 12bn and approximately 4,300 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit https://www.electroluxprofessionalgroup.com Visa mindre

Maskinoperatör till stans

Nu söker vi en stansoperatör till vår plåtverkstad på Electrolux Professional i Ljungby. Vi arbetar i skift och söker nu en operatör till 2-skiftsarbete. Rollen som stansoperatör kräver noggrannhet och sinne för kvalitet. Detaljerna som vi tillverkar är grundstommarna i produktionen av våra produkter, tvättmaskiner och torktumlare, vilket vi är vi stolta över. För att du ska lyckas som maskinoperatör ser vi att du har ett tydligt ordningssinne och att du t... Visa mer
Nu söker vi en stansoperatör till vår plåtverkstad på Electrolux Professional i Ljungby. Vi arbetar i skift och söker nu en operatör till 2-skiftsarbete. Rollen som stansoperatör kräver noggrannhet och sinne för kvalitet. Detaljerna som vi tillverkar är grundstommarna i produktionen av våra produkter, tvättmaskiner och torktumlare, vilket vi är vi stolta över.
För att du ska lyckas som maskinoperatör ser vi att du har ett tydligt ordningssinne och att du trivs med självständigt arbete. Du är ansvarstagande, flexibel, positiv och en riktig lagspelare. Man arbetar i team där man tillsammans ansvarar för att stansning sker enligt körplan.

Omfattning: heltid
Anställningsform: Visstidsanställning

Huvdsakliga arbetsuppgifter
Stansning enligt ritning och körplan
Ställ och nestning
Materialhantering med truck
Kontroller enligt ritning och instruktioner
Övervakning av maskin
Allmänt maskinunderhåll och kringliggande vård
Industriteknisk utbildning alt. erfarenhet av styrda maskiner
Goda kunskaper i ritningsläsning
Grundläggande IT-kunskaper
Flytande svenska i tal och skrift
Erfarenhet av att jobba med stansning

About the Electrolux Professional Group
The Electrolux Professional Group is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage, and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 13 plants in eight countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2023, the Electrolux Professional Group had global sales of SEK 12bn and approximately 4,300 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit
https://www.electroluxprofessionalgroup.com Visa mindre

Maskinoperatör till bockautomat

Om jobbet Nu söker vi en maskinoperatör till en nyinvesterad helautomatiserad bockautomat till vår plåtverkstad på Electrolux Professional AB i Ljungby. Vi arbetar i skift och denna gången söker vi en operatör för att arbeta natt. Rollen som maskinoperatör kräver noggrannhet och sinne för kvalitet. Detaljerna som vi tillverkar är grundstommarna i produktionen av våra produkter, tvättmaskiner och torktumlare, vilket vi är vi stolta över. För att du ska lyck... Visa mer
Om jobbet
Nu söker vi en maskinoperatör till en nyinvesterad helautomatiserad bockautomat till vår plåtverkstad på Electrolux Professional AB i Ljungby. Vi arbetar i skift och denna gången söker vi en operatör för att arbeta natt. Rollen som maskinoperatör kräver noggrannhet och sinne för kvalitet. Detaljerna som vi tillverkar är grundstommarna i produktionen av våra produkter, tvättmaskiner och torktumlare, vilket vi är vi stolta över.
För att du ska lyckas som maskinoperatör ser vi att du har ett tydligt ordningssinne och att du trivs med självständigt arbete. Du är ansvarstagande, flexibel, positiv och en riktig lagspelare. Man arbetar i team där man tillsammans ansvarar för att bockningen sker enligt körplan och med kvalitet. Har du även erfarenhet av arbete med plåt är detta meriterande.

Omfattning: heltid
Anställningsform: Visstidsanställning

Huvdsakliga arbetsuppgifter
Bockning enligt ritning och körplan
Materialhantering med truck
Kontroller enligt ritning och instruktioner
Övervakning av maskin
Allmänt maskinunderhåll och kringliggande vård

Industriteknisk utbildning alternativ erfarenhet av styrda maskiner
Goda kunskaper i ritningsläsning
Grundläggande IT-kunskaper
Flytande svenska i tal och skrift
Erfarenhet av kantpressning eller körning av styrda maskiner

About the Electrolux Professional Group
The Electrolux Professional Group is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage, and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 13 plants in eight countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2023, the Electrolux Professional Group had global sales of SEK 12bn and approximately 4,300 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit https://www.electroluxprofessionalgroup.com Visa mindre


Nu söker vi ett antal pressoperatörer till vår plåtverkstad på Electrolux Professional AB i Ljungby. Vi arbetar i skift och söker nu operatörer till 2-skiftsarbete. Rollen som pressoperatör kräver noggrannhet och sinne för kvalitet. Detaljerna som vi tillverkar är grundstommarna i produktionen av våra produkter, tvättmaskiner och torktumlare, vilket vi är vi stolta över. Vi vill att du som söker har ett tydligt ordningssinne och att du trivs med självständ... Visa mer
Nu söker vi ett antal pressoperatörer till vår plåtverkstad på Electrolux Professional AB i Ljungby. Vi arbetar i skift och söker nu operatörer till 2-skiftsarbete. Rollen som pressoperatör kräver noggrannhet och sinne för kvalitet. Detaljerna som vi tillverkar är grundstommarna i produktionen av våra produkter, tvättmaskiner och torktumlare, vilket vi är vi stolta över.
Vi vill att du som söker har ett tydligt ordningssinne och att du trivs med självständigt arbete. Du är ansvarstagande, flexibel och positiv. Man arbetar i team, där man tillsammans ansvarar för att pressning sker enligt körplan.

Omfattning: heltid
Anställningsform: Visstidsanställning

Huvdsakliga arbetsuppgifter
Pressning enligt ritning och körplan
Ställa, rigga och justera verktyg och program
Materialhantering med truck
Kontroller enligt ritning och instruktioner
Operativt arbete i press
Allmänt maskinunderhåll och kringliggande arbete i press
Industriteknisk utbildning alternativ erfarenhet av hydrauliska pressar
Goda kunskaper i ritningsläsning
Flytande svenska i tal och skrift
Erfarenhet av att arbeta med hydrauliska pressar

About the Electrolux Professional Group
The Electrolux Professional Group is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage, and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 13 plants in eight countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2023, the Electrolux Professional Group had global sales of SEK 12bn and approximately 4,300 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit https://www.electroluxprofessionalgroup.com Visa mindre

Accountant - 6 months FTC

Accountant – based in Ljungby, Sweden – 6 months contract. In this role our new Accountant will work together with team handling incoming supplier invoices, reminders, and related closing activities. This position reports directly to the Account Payable Manager Areas of responsibility: Take responsible to learn and perform task within the duty of account payable department. Working tasks but not limited to: Match invoices with purchase order. Handle expe... Visa mer
Accountant – based in Ljungby, Sweden – 6 months contract.
In this role our new Accountant will work together with team handling incoming supplier invoices, reminders, and related closing activities. This position reports directly to the Account Payable Manager
Areas of responsibility:
Take responsible to learn and perform task within the duty of account payable department.

Working tasks but not limited to:
Match invoices with purchase order.
Handle expense supplier invoices in workflow system.
Handle reminders from suppliers.
Accounts payable month end closing activities.

At least of 2 years from similar work
Job requires university degree in accounting or upper secondary level education together with qualifying experience.
The person should be structured, meticulous and not afraid to take on new tasks.

Other Linkages:
Purchasing organisation
Warehouse personnel
Ljungby plant PO and invoice approves
Finance transformation team

You are:
Customer Obsessed - you are focused on delivering value to the customers, both internal and external
Trustworthy – you are accountable and deliver on your commitments. You welcome healthy debates and honest conversations. You are honest - especially about your mistakes and learn from your setbacks. You collaborate and enable others to deliver.
Bold - You take action to deliver better outcome. You seek diversity and inclusion by actively pursuing diverse perspectives and creating an inclusive environment. You bring new ideas to the table and take risks with confidence, supporting courageous decision-making that inspires progress and growth.
Sustainable – You consider the growth and development of our people to be as important as preserving our environment and take decisions that reflect our effort to build a better future. You always act ethically. Visa mindre

Maskinoperatör till stans

Om jobbet Nu söker vi en stansoperatör till vår plåtverkstad på Electrolux Professional i Ljungby. Vi arbetar i skift och söker nu en operatör till 2-skiftsarbete. Rollen som stansoperatör kräver noggrannhet och sinne för kvalitet. Detaljerna som vi tillverkar är grundstommarna i produktionen av våra produkter, tvättmaskiner och torktumlare, vilket vi är vi stolta över. För att du ska lyckas som maskinoperatör ser vi att du har ett tydligt ordningssinne oc... Visa mer
Om jobbet
Nu söker vi en stansoperatör till vår plåtverkstad på Electrolux Professional i Ljungby. Vi arbetar i skift och söker nu en operatör till 2-skiftsarbete. Rollen som stansoperatör kräver noggrannhet och sinne för kvalitet. Detaljerna som vi tillverkar är grundstommarna i produktionen av våra produkter, tvättmaskiner och torktumlare, vilket vi är vi stolta över.
För att du ska lyckas som maskinoperatör ser vi att du har ett tydligt ordningssinne och att du trivs med självständigt arbete. Du är ansvarstagande, flexibel, positiv och en riktig lagspelare. Man arbetar i team där man tillsammans ansvarar för att stansning sker enligt körplan.

Omfattning: heltid
Anställningsform: Visstidsanställning

Huvdsakliga arbetsuppgifter
Stansning enligt ritning och körplan
Ställ och nestning
Materialhantering med truck
Kontroller enligt ritning och instruktioner
Övervakning av maskin
Allmänt maskinunderhåll och kringliggande vård

Industriteknisk utbildning alt. erfarenhet av styrda maskiner
Goda kunskaper i ritningsläsning
Grundläggande IT-kunskaper
Flytande svenska i tal och skrift
Erfarenhet av att jobba med stansning

About the Electrolux Professional Group
The Electrolux Professional Group is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage, and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 13 plants in eight countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2023, the Electrolux Professional Group had global sales of SEK 12bn and approximately 4,300 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit https://www.electroluxprofessionalgroup.com Visa mindre


Om jobbet Nu söker vi ett antal pressoperatörer till vår plåtverkstad på Electrolux Professional AB i Ljungby. Vi arbetar i skift och söker nu operatörer till 2-skiftsarbete. Rollen som pressoperatör kräver noggrannhet och sinne för kvalitet. Detaljerna som vi tillverkar är grundstommarna i produktionen av våra produkter, tvättmaskiner och torktumlare, vilket vi är vi stolta över. Vi vill att du som söker har ett tydligt ordningssinne och att du trivs med ... Visa mer
Om jobbet
Nu söker vi ett antal pressoperatörer till vår plåtverkstad på Electrolux Professional AB i Ljungby. Vi arbetar i skift och söker nu operatörer till 2-skiftsarbete. Rollen som pressoperatör kräver noggrannhet och sinne för kvalitet. Detaljerna som vi tillverkar är grundstommarna i produktionen av våra produkter, tvättmaskiner och torktumlare, vilket vi är vi stolta över.
Vi vill att du som söker har ett tydligt ordningssinne och att du trivs med självständigt arbete. Du är ansvarstagande, flexibel och positiv. Man arbetar i team, där man tillsammans ansvarar för att pressning sker enligt körplan.

Omfattning: heltid
Anställningsform: Visstidsanställning

Huvdsakliga arbetsuppgifter
Pressning enligt ritning och körplan
Ställa, rigga och justera verktyg och program
Materialhantering med truck
Kontroller enligt ritning och instruktioner
Operativt arbete i press
Allmänt maskinunderhåll och kringliggande arbete i press

Industriteknisk utbildning alternativ erfarenhet av hydrauliska pressar
Goda kunskaper i ritningsläsning
Flytande svenska i tal och skrift

Erfarenhet av att arbeta med hydrauliska pressar

About the Electrolux Professional Group
The Electrolux Professional Group is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage, and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 13 plants in eight countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2023, the Electrolux Professional Group had global sales of SEK 12bn and approximately 4,300 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit https://www.electroluxprofessionalgroup.com Visa mindre

Är du vår sommarjobbare 2024?

Sommarjobba?hos oss på Electrolux?Professional i Ljungby 2024 Electrolux Professional är en av de ledande globala leverantörerna inom matservice, dryck och tvätt för professionella användare. Våra innovativa produkter och världsomspännande servicenätverk gör våra kunders arbetsliv enklare, mer lönsamt och verkligen hållbart varje dag. Våra lösningar och produkter tillverkas i 12 fabriker i sju länder och säljs i över 110 länder. Tillsammans är vi ca 4300 a... Visa mer
Sommarjobba?hos oss på Electrolux?Professional i Ljungby 2024
Electrolux Professional är en av de ledande globala leverantörerna inom matservice, dryck och tvätt för professionella användare. Våra innovativa produkter och världsomspännande servicenätverk gör våra kunders arbetsliv enklare, mer lönsamt och verkligen hållbart varje dag. Våra lösningar och produkter tillverkas i 12 fabriker i sju länder och säljs i över 110 länder. Tillsammans är vi ca 4300 anställda.
Inom Electrolux Professional arbetar vi efter följande riktlinjer:
· Var kundfokuserad
· Bygg förtroende
· Var modig
· Agera hållbart
Nu söker vi dig som vill sommarjobba hos oss. Vi erbjuder sommarjobb inom produktion, lager, logistik eller administration. Ett sommarjobb hos oss är en bra start på en eventuell framtida karriär! Här får du en inblick i hur det är att arbeta inom ett världsledande, globalt bolag och en chans att bygga ett nätverk för framtiden.
Vem kan söka sommarjobb på Electrolux Professional?
Vi vänder oss till dig som är 18 år eller äldre. (Du måste ha fyllt 18 år innan du påbörjar ditt sommarjobb hos oss, i enlighet med Arbetsmiljölagen.)
Väljer du att söka sommarjobb inom lager är truckutbildning meriterande, då truckkörning ingår i arbetet.
Väljer du att söka sommarjobb inom produktion är det meriterande med en praktisk utbildning eller om du har erfarenhet inom tillverkning, montering, maskinkörning etc.
Väljer du att söka sommarjobb inom logistik innebär att du genomgår en säkerhetsprövning och registerkontroll via Transportstyrelsen. Detta gäller för att upprätthålla rådande säkerhetskrav gällande viss godshantering.
Väljer du att söka sommarjobb inom administration ser vi gärna att du har en relevant utbildning eller administrativ vana ifrån tidigare erfarenheter.
Uppge gärna i din ansökan vad du i första hand vill arbeta med hos oss. Platserna är begränsade, så vänta inte med din ansökan!
Vi ser gärna att du studerar på högskola, universitet eller yrkeshögskola med relevant inriktning, men vi välkomnar också dig som går på gymnasiet att söka.
Mångfald är viktigt för oss på Electrolux Professional!
Blivande sommarjobbare får ett besked om anställning senast under maj, men urvalsprocessen sker löpande.
Välkommen med din ansökan! Visa mindre

Är du vår nya lagerarbetare?

På Electrolux Professional är ingen dag likt den andra. Det som driver oss varje dag är vårt uppdrag: att göra våra kunders arbetsliv enklare, mer lönsamt – och verkligen hållbart. Vi är stolta över att vara världsledande inom innovation och design och över att kunna leverera de lösningar som efterfrågas. INFO En av våra nuvarande lagerarbetare ska gå i pension och nu söker vi en ny medarbetare till vårt team på Färdigvarulagret (FVL). Vi söker dig som v... Visa mer
På Electrolux Professional är ingen dag likt den andra. Det som driver oss varje dag är vårt uppdrag: att göra våra kunders arbetsliv enklare, mer lönsamt – och verkligen hållbart. Vi är stolta över att vara världsledande inom innovation och design och över att kunna leverera de lösningar som efterfrågas.
En av våra nuvarande lagerarbetare ska gå i pension och nu söker vi en ny medarbetare till vårt team på Färdigvarulagret (FVL). Vi söker dig som vill arbeta som lagerarbetare/truckförare.
Din avdelning och ditt team är en del i kedjan för ett fortsatt framgångsrikt företag och vi tror att rätt person i den här rollen kan bidra med att höja resultatet.
Vi arbetar alltid med kunden i fokus. På FVL arbetar lagerpersonalen framför allt med att plocka, packa och lasta de färdiga maskinerna och accessoarerna som våra kunder har beställt, men även med att sköta inleveranser och lagerläggning av gods på rätt sätt så att det enkelt kan lokaliseras, i både systemen och i lokalerna.
Tjänsten är heltid med arbetstiden ständigt kvällsskift mån-tors kl: 14:00-00:00.
Vi söker dig som är ansvarstagande, tycker om att arbeta självständigt och samtidigt har väldigt god samarbetsförmåga. Ordning och reda samt noggrannhet är en självklarhet för dig.
Personen som blir erbjuden tjänsten kommer att få genomgå en säkerhetsprövning p.g.a. de säkerhetskrav som ställs på vår verksamhet.
Truckkort och B-körkort
Erfarenhet av arbete inom lager/logistik är meriterande. Visa mindre

Product Compliance Engineer

JOB DESCRIPTION In this role, you will join Product Compliance, a team dedicated to the safety and regulatory compliance of all Business Area Laundry’s products, and who are therefore involved in nearly every R&D activity and interacts with different teams and stakeholders throughout Electrolux Professional Group. Product Compliance deals with electrical, mechanical, EMC, radio and chemical compliance, as well as functional safety aspects of the system des... Visa mer
In this role, you will join Product Compliance, a team dedicated to the safety and regulatory compliance of all Business Area Laundry’s products, and who are therefore involved in nearly every R&D activity and interacts with different teams and stakeholders throughout Electrolux Professional Group. Product Compliance deals with electrical, mechanical, EMC, radio and chemical compliance, as well as functional safety aspects of the system designs and washer/dryer performance requirements. We therefore encourage engineers with all types of backgrounds to apply for the role.
We are a small agile team with a wide variety of tasks. You will be able to influence your own role in the team based on your competences and interests. Some of our responsibilities are:
Create specifications and test plans for new or updated products and parts in line with relevant standards and regulations
Participate in standardization meetings all of over the world to develop the next generation of standards
Monitor regulation and standard changes that will affect our products and markets
Interpret test data from the lab and assist the platforms in designing products that fulfill all safety and regulatory requirements
Keep the certifications and technical files of BA Laundry’s products updated
Contribute to risk assessments
Assist other departments and internal or external stakeholders with our expertise whenever it is needed

The role is located in our Global R&D headquarters in Ljungby. In the beginning the role will require you to mainly work in the office until you feel comfortable in your role. It could then transition to hybrid or remote based on your needs. The role will likely require a few business trips per year.


We are looking for:
Strong team player. You are reliable and able to incorporate input from others and generate consensus through inclusion and ability to develop strong relationships
Customer focused. Always keeping customers in mind, having an outside in perspective
Sustainability. You always act in an ethical and responsible way, and you have sustainability in mind in whatever you do
Curious mindset. You enjoy working with smart people that you can learn from
Problem solver. Seeing challenges as opportunities
Committed and driven. You get things done
Detail oriented and highly organized
Good communicator. You are positive, open minded and enjoy working cross functionally in an international environment
Proactive. You take initiative and are always one step ahead

Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in an engineering field, for example electrical engineering, chemistry, mechanics, engineering physics, sustainability etc.
The role is adaptable, so we encourage both experienced compliance experts as well as new graduates to apply
Experience working with product standards and regulations for a minimum of 5 years
Experience from standardization committee work is a must
Interpersonal & Verbal/Written Communication skills in English is required. Swedish is a plus

Fair compensation and benefits package in line with the market
Flexible hybrid workplaces that include remote and in-office roles
Room to express your potential, develop and strengthen your competences
Continuous learning opportunities
Diversified, multi-cultural environment

About the Electrolux Professional Group
The Electrolux Professional Group is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage, and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 12 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2022, the Electrolux Professional Group had global sales of SEK 11bn and approximately 4,000 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit https://www.electroluxprofessionalgroup.com Visa mindre

Data Scientist - Sensors & Systems

Join Electrolux Professional Group as: DATA SCIENTIST - SENSORS & SYSTEMS Ljungby, Sweden (Hybrid) REQUIRED COMPETENCES The company has four Guiding Principles to guide the behaviour and culture, that will allow us to deliver on our strategy: Be Customer Obsessed - you are focused on delivering value to the customers, both internal and external Build Trust – you are accountable and deliver on your commitments. You welcome healthy debates and honest c... Visa mer
Join Electrolux Professional Group as:

Ljungby, Sweden (Hybrid)

The company has four Guiding Principles to guide the behaviour and culture, that will allow us to deliver on our strategy:
Be Customer Obsessed - you are focused on delivering value to the customers, both internal and external
Build Trust – you are accountable and deliver on your commitments. You welcome healthy debates and honest conversations. You are honest - especially about your mistakes and learn from your setbacks.
You collaborate and enable others to deliver.
Be Bold - You take action to deliver better outcomes. You seek diversity and inclusion by actively pursuing diverse perspectives and creating an inclusive environment.
You bring new ideas to the table and take risks with confidence, supporting courageous decision-making that inspires progress and growth.
Act Sustainably – You consider the growth and development of our people to be as important as preserving our environment and take decisions that reflect our effort to build a better future. You always act ethically.


In this role you will evaluate and develop new technology solutions for our professional laundry, food and beverage appliances. You work in the Advanced Development (AD) team located in Ljungby, Sweden, in close collaboration also with colleagues of the AD team in Vallenoncello, Italy. Cross-functional collaboration is a vital part of your work. Your work environment is truly international, serving all five Business Areas (see About Electrolux Professional, below) with R&D teams and production sites on three continents. Therefore, digital work tools and remote collaboration is a natural part of your work and some business travels occur. But you will also spend time in the physical world, generating data or testing models in our modern and spacious lab in Ljungby. You will often work with offline data from machine sensors or lab instrumentation. Based on your models you create estimators and virtual sensors for the control system of our appliances.


Lead the activities related to data analysis and machine learning within an AD project.
Choose appropriate data conditioning and filtering and extract relevant features
Create models based on noisy and non-linear data (understand and formalize problem, create dataset, select and train models,…).
Design estimators and virtual sensor to be integrated in the control system of the appliances
Proactively align objectives, tasks and technical aspects with your colleagues.


Degree (master or higher) in data science / computer science / mathematics / control systems or other engineering.
Specialization and practical experience in signal processing, machine learning and other data analysis methods.
Filtering theory
System identification methods, machine learning and deep learning
Big Data is a plus
At least 2 years of practical experience, more desired.
Good general programming skills
Experience with Raspberry Pi or similar is a plus
Good proficiency in written and spoken English. Swedish communication is a plus.
You are curious about people and about stuff. You want to learn, to improve and to build something bigger together with others.


Fair compensation and benefits package in line with the market
Flexible hybrid workplace that includes remote and in-office roles
Room to express your potential, develop and strengthen your competences
Continuous learning opportunities
Diversified, multi-cultural environment

Please apply by: April 11th, 2023

About the Electrolux Professional Group
The Electrolux Professional Group is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage, and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 12 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2022, the Electrolux Professional Group had global sales of SEK 11bn and approximately 4,000 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit https://www.electroluxprofessionalgroup.com Visa mindre


Join Electrolux Professional Group as: HR COORDINATOR Ljungby, Sweden Make coming to work here feel more like coming home. ABOUT THE JOB We are looking for a dedicated and passionate HR Coordinator, to join our HR Community at the Ljungby site. We believe that people are the core of our business, and we work hard everyday to make all of our employees feel supported, empowered and engaged. To be successful in this role, we believe You are someone who identi... Visa mer
Join Electrolux Professional Group as:
Ljungby, Sweden
Make coming to work here feel more like coming home.
We are looking for a dedicated and passionate HR Coordinator, to join our HR Community at the Ljungby site. We believe that people are the core of our business, and we work hard everyday to make all of our employees feel supported, empowered and engaged.
To be successful in this role, we believe You are someone who identifies with our core values, and who is able to handle confidential information while demonstrating considerable use of tact, diplomacy, discretion and sound judgement. You see yourself as a highly efficient and organised person, who is able to work and deliver under pressure in cross-functional teams.
Your main responsibilities will be:
HR Administration & Coordination
Yearly wheel of HR – update and proactively schedule nextcoming tasks/eductaions
Drive and execute certain projects assigned by HRBP
Communication to stakeholders both in Swedish and English
75% will be dedicated to the Ljungby Plant
25% wil be dedicated to the Nordic and UK Commercial org. in both Laundry & Food

As a Human Resources Coordinator, you will assist the department in implementing various HR programmes and procedures:
You will provide support to the HR Business Partner in daily operations
Assisting with reporting activity including conducting some HR related trainings and introductions.
Updating forms, policies, procedures and organisation chart.
Support the operational process for compensation and benefits.
Developing internal communication
Assisting in the preparation and implementation of annual and periodic activities and projects, including appraisal talks, employee engagement survey, programmes, salary review and business insights.
Administration of the service awards programme.
services, negotiation of discounts for employees.
Managing internships, collection and preparation of requested documents and data, welcoming new interns.

University Degree in Human Science
Fluent in spoken and written English
2-3 years of relevant experience
Experience from working in an international environment
Excellent communication skills
Grounded and reliable
Experience from working in industrial area with both with BC and WC
Feel comfortable in educating employees in larger groups
Be able to handle and maintain big number of data/records in excel

The company has four Guiding Principles to guide the behaviour and culture, that will allow us to deliver on our strategy:
Be Customer Obsessed - you are focused on delivering value to the customers, both internal and external
Build Trust – you are accountable and deliver on your commitments. You welcome healthy debates and honest conversations. You are honest - especially about your mistakes and learn from your setbacks.
You collaborate and enable others to deliver.
Be Bold - You take action to deliver better outcomes. You seek diversity and inclusion by actively pursuing diverse perspectives and creating an inclusive environment.
You bring new ideas to the table and take risks with confidence, supporting courageous decision-making that inspires progress and growth.
Act Sustainably – You consider the growth and development of our people to be as important as preserving our environment and take decisions that reflect our effort to build a better future. You always act ethically.

Fair compensation and benefits package in line with the market
Flexible hybrid workplace that includes remote and in-office roles
Room to express your potential, develop and strengthen your competences
Continuous learning opportunities
Diversified, multi-cultural environment

About the Electrolux Professional Group
The Electrolux Professional Group is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage, and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 12 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2022, the Electrolux Professional Group had global sales of SEK 11bn and approximately 4,000 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit https://www.electroluxprofessionalgroup.com Visa mindre

Är du vår sommarjobbare 2024?

Sommarjobba?hos oss på Electrolux?Professional i Ljungby 2024 Electrolux Professional är en av de ledande globala leverantörerna inom matservice, dryck och tvätt för professionella användare. Våra innovativa produkter och världsomspännande servicenätverk gör våra kunders arbetsliv enklare, mer lönsamt och verkligen hållbart varje dag. Våra lösningar och produkter tillverkas i 12 fabriker i sju länder och säljs i över 110 länder. Tillsammans är vi ca 4000 a... Visa mer
Sommarjobba?hos oss på Electrolux?Professional i Ljungby 2024
Electrolux Professional är en av de ledande globala leverantörerna inom matservice, dryck och tvätt för professionella användare. Våra innovativa produkter och världsomspännande servicenätverk gör våra kunders arbetsliv enklare, mer lönsamt och verkligen hållbart varje dag. Våra lösningar och produkter tillverkas i 12 fabriker i sju länder och säljs i över 110 länder. Tillsammans är vi ca 4000 anställda.
Inom Electrolux Professional arbetar vi efter följande riktlinjer:
· Var kundfokuserad
· Bygg förtroende
· Var modig
· Agera hållbart
Nu söker vi dig som vill sommarjobba hos oss. Vi erbjuder sommarjobb inom produktion, lager, logistik eller administration. Ett sommarjobb hos oss är en bra start på en eventuell framtida karriär! Här får du en inblick i hur det är att arbeta inom ett världsledande, globalt bolag och en chans att bygga ett nätverk för framtiden.

Vem kan söka sommarjobb på Electrolux Professional?
Vi vänder oss till dig som är 18 år eller äldre. (Du måste ha fyllt 18 år innan du påbörjar ditt sommarjobb hos oss, i enlighet med Arbetsmiljölagen.)
Väljer du att söka sommarjobb inom lager är truckutbildning meriterande, då truckkörning ingår i arbetet.
Väljer du att söka sommarjobb inom produktion är det meriterande med en praktisk utbildning eller om du har erfarenhet inom tillverkning, montering, maskinkörning etc.
Väljer du att söka sommarjobba inom logistik innebär att du genomgår en säkerhetsprövning och registerkontroll via Transportstyrelsen. Detta gäller för att upprätthålla rådande säkerhetskrav gällande viss godshantering.
Väljer du att söka sommarjobb inom administration ser vi gärna att du har en relevant utbildning eller administrativ vana ifrån tidigare erfarenheter.
Uppge gärna i din ansökan vad du i första hand vill arbeta med hos oss. Platserna är begränsade, så vänta inte med din ansökan!

Vi ser gärna att du studerar på högskola, universitet eller yrkeshögskola med relevant inriktning, men vi välkomnar också dig som går på gymnasiet att söka.
Mångfald är viktigt för oss på Electrolux Professional!
Blivande sommarjobbare får ett besked om anställning senast under maj, men urvalsprocessen sker löpande.
Välkommen med din ansökan!
OBS! Vi tar inte emot ansöknignar via mail. Visa mindre

Commodity Manager - Mechanical, Nordics

Electrolux Professional presents: COMMODITY MANAGER - MECHANICAL, NORDICS Ljungby, Sweden As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they ru... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presents:

Ljungby, Sweden

As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting truly sustainable means going beyond products; connecting users with intelligence, humans with technology and innovative thinkers with relevant business models. And providing the most inclusive service offering with expertise, state-of-the-art interfaces and the best people network. Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry.


Electrolux Professional Purchasing is a fundamental contributor for the achievement of the company objectives. In our world, we build on long-term relationships with our suppliers, the best value for money, the most meaningful innovation and excellent quality with respect for our values.

Our mission is to support the company in delivering on time with perfect quality at the right cost, so that as a company we can live up to the expectations of our customers. We operate both at global and plant level and collaborate with a panel of international suppliers engaging them with our internal business partners like: Sales, R&D, Quality, Manufacturing & Engineering, Product Line, Marketing, Finance, HR, IT, Business
Units, etc.

We rely on building strong cooperation. We focus on innovation, quality and development of long-term relationships with our strategic suppliers. Sustainability and continuous improvement are the elements that are
underpinning our activity. We count on our well-developed social capabilities and good set of technical and financial skills to get us through the day.


Develop & maintain strategic and sustainable relationships with key suppliers to plan, organise and drive the best sourcing activities
Establish current and long-term objectives, setting plans for the future, including the development of suppliers to meet Electrolux Professionals requirements for cost, quality, delivery reliability, code of conduct and environmental compliance
Understand the trade offs between cost, volume, and quality in order to sign agreements that meet Electrolux Professionals performance criteria and secure long term supply continuity.
Develop an in-depth understanding for his/her commodity and apply this knowledge to future product road map and sourcing decisions.
Lead innovation input from suppliers and promote it into Electrolux Professional
Develop a good relationship with key peers (Supply Chain, Quality, Product Line, R&D, Operations, IT, Finance, Marketing, HR).
Perform risk management within your supplier portfolio.
Work towards clear KPI targets such as Budget, NOWC, PPM, contract signing, consolidation, resourcing activities etc


Are Customer Obsessed, as you create better experiences for your customers , you deliver value and you are fast paced and promptly provide answers.

Build Trust, as you take ownership of your area of specialty and run the extra mile to achieve your target. You share information and you support your colleagues so that they can also achieve their objectives.

Are Bold, as you bring new ideas take calculated risk, you empower your team and you try new and alternative ways to achieve your target.

Act sustainably, as you always act in an ethical and responsible way, you build for the future and you have a long-term perspective.

Furthermore, to be successful in this role, we believe you are someone who identifies as an innovate, flexible and open minded person who is self driven, methodical and result oriented.
You are able to motivate people, and you are respectful of culture diversities. You can tailor your communication depending on your target audience.
In this role you will be requested to travel, and you will be working in a dynamic and multicultural environment.


University bachelor’s degree, Engineering or Economic education is a plus
Minimum of 5 years of relevant experience in purchasing in a multinational environment, Alternatively, experiences in adjacent disciplines especially in Mechanical Engineering are also welcomed
Mandatory fluent in English, any other language is an asset

Please apply by: 2023.03.19

About Electrolux Professional Group
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 12 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2021, Electrolux Professional Group had global sales of SEK 7,9bn and approximately 4,000 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm.
For more information, visit?https://www.electroluxprofessional.com/corporate Visa mindre

Labingenjör - Värmepumpsspecialist

Electrolux Professional presenterar: LABINGENJÖR - VÄRMEPUMPSSPECIALIST Ljungby, Sverige På vår utvecklingsavdelning arbetar idag ett 70-tal ingenjörer med våra professionella tvättmaskiner och torktumlare. Här finns specialister inom alla områden, och vi samarbetar även tätt med våra kollegor globalt. Vårt labb är utrustat med testutrustning i världsklass, och nu söker vi Dig som är specialist på värmepumpar, för att fortsätta utveckla hållbara och innova... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presenterar:
Ljungby, Sverige
På vår utvecklingsavdelning arbetar idag ett 70-tal ingenjörer med våra professionella tvättmaskiner och torktumlare. Här finns specialister inom alla områden, och vi samarbetar även tätt med våra kollegor globalt. Vårt labb är utrustat med testutrustning i världsklass, och nu söker vi Dig som är specialist på värmepumpar, för att fortsätta utveckla hållbara och innovativa tvätt- och torklösningar för våra kunder över hela världen.
Som Labingenjör kommer du att arbeta inom vår Utvecklingsavdelning i Labbet, där du kommer att arbeta både med praktiska och analytiska uppgifter, främst inom professionella torktumlare där vi använder värmepumpsteknik.I den här kontexten kommer din kunskap och kompetens att vara av stor vikt för att vi ska kunna utföra tester och analyser av data, såväl som att utveckla och förbättra testmetoder. Du kommer att ha ett nära samarbete med konstruktörerna för prototyper av värmepumpar med ny teknologi.
Utveckla, dokumentera och utföra testmetoder för att testa värmepumpsprototyper
Administrera och kalibrera intstrument för att testa värmepumpsmoduler
Diagnostisera och felsöka värmepumpar
Delta i utvecklingen av nya värmepumpssystem, supportera prototyputvecklingen, programmera kontrollsystem för värmepumpar.
Delta i projektgrupper
Utfärda rapporter och kalkyleringar

För att lyckas i den här rollen ser vi att du är en aktiv lagspelare som även har förmågan att arbeta självständigt. Du har ett proaktivt mindset och är resultatorienterad. Du är person som är nyfiken och kommunikativ, som drivs av att få analysera och lösa problem och att hitta förbättringar.
Ingenjörsutbildning (Kandidatexamen)
Erfarenhet av att arbeta med värmepumpsteknologi, alternativt kylsystem.
Erfarenhet av att utföra labbtester
Det är meriterande om du har erfarenhet av lödning av kopparrör samt grundläggande kunskap inom el och styrsystem.
svenska och engelska i tal och skrift.

Ansök senast: 2023.02.28
About Electrolux Professional
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 13 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2021, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,9bn and approximately 4,000 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit https://www.electroluxprofessional.com
Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre

Industrial Controller

Electrolux Professional presents: INDUSTRIAL FACTORY / LOGISTIC CONTROLLER - TEMPORARY ASSIGNMENT Ljungby, Sweden Shape the future. Bring your potential to life. As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understand... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presents:

Ljungby, Sweden

Shape the future. Bring your potential to life.

As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting truly sustainable means going beyond products; connecting users with intelligence, humans with technology and innovative thinkers with relevant business models. And providing the most inclusive service offering with expertise, state-of-the-art interfaces and the best people network. Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry.


As Industrial Factory & Logistic Controller, you will help us bring our numbers and data to life by communicating what you see in your reports.
You will work in a set of steps each month that will include closing process, reporting to Management/stakeholders on different levels in the organization and analyzing data/facts for the entire plant & logistic center. In your findings you will identify/initiate changes for the better together with our Plant Manager.
Another key responsibility is to be part and follow-up of our yearly budget and our current and future investments. It is of outmost importance that you understand our workflow at our plant / logistic center – therefore you will spend time in each of our 25 work centers and in our logistic center to see the big picture. You will report directly to our Plant Manager.


Support the factory / logistic center organization in the monitoring of the performance and in the identification of corrective actions when necessary
Perform the activities related to the monthly closing and analyze the economic results for the factory / logistic center.
Support the budget and forecast process.
Secure right product cost calculation and actual product cost follow up
Book / review Stock Movements (Scrap, adj etc.)
Balance accrued freight cost for Swedish Sales
Overhead Cost report for the logistic Hub
Support in the development of new products and projects.
Analyze existing processes to identify further business improvements
Be a part of WCM/Cost Deployment projects
Investment requests.
Play an advisory role in operational decisions.
Be a member of different project as a functional expert


Proactive - You’re not just solving the tasks you are given; you always think one step further.
Engaged - From smaller internal projects to external presentations- you bring energy to go the extra mile.
Structured – Solid experience in handling both smaller and bigger projects at the same time.
Analytical - Quickly gets to the core of a problem, recognizing irrelevant details and conveying complex information clearly.
You strongly identify with our guiding principles, which are to be Customer Obsessed, Be Bold, Build Trust and Act Sustainably.


University degree in Business Administration/Engineering.
1+ years Controlling Experiences
Analytical with ability to identify relations. Precise, detail-oriented, and reliable with a problem-solving attitude.
Industrial / logistical controlling experience
Business oriented approach
Team-player with good communication skills
Used to work in multi reporting environment
Self-motivated, self-confident
Ability to establish and develop networks as well as to support change processes
Solid knowledge of MS office, especially MS Excel.
Knowledge of Industrial & logistic processes
Knowledge in handling of databases
Knowledge in WCM/Cost deployment
Language: Fluent in English and Swedish is a major plus

Please apply by: February 28th, 2023

About Electrolux Professional Group
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 12 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2021, Electrolux Professional Group had global sales of SEK 7,9bn and approximately 4,000 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm.
For more information, visit https://www.electroluxprofessional.com/corporate Visa mindre

Logistic Planner

Electrolux Professional presents: LOGISTIC PLANNER (Temporary position) Ljungby, Sweden See and learn how we are changing the world by being one step ahead in our planning. As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Under... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presents:
LOGISTIC PLANNER (Temporary position)
Ljungby, Sweden
See and learn how we are changing the world by being one step ahead in our planning.
As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting truly sustainable means going beyond products; connecting users with intelligence, humans with technology and innovative thinkers with relevant business models. And providing the most inclusive service offering with expertise, state-of-the-art interfaces and the best people network. Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry.
At Electrolux Professional we always strive to do better and in this role you will be able to help us continue to succeed with our efficiency and quality of our world class Logistics Department.
Logistics planners are the master strategists of the shipping world. Those who are successful in this position thrive on problem-solving and strategic thinking.
This is an opportunity for an independent and driven professional who thrives in a fast-changing environment.
You will:
Develop and daily monitor assembly line production plan, including batch number; act in case of need
Ensure balance between supply chain logics and plant
Report activities in terms of own area’s KPIs
Analyze suppliers/production constraints and involve SOP when change is needed
Develop feasibility analyses on production changes (i.e. shipping, components arrival, manning coverage)
Plan re-workable products
Interact with different functions to manage and monitor new PNCs and check point in production
Release and follow up orders for OEM suppliers

Are Customer Obsessed, as you create better experiences for your customers.
You deliver value and you proactively provide solutions.
Build Trust, as you take ownership of your area of specialty and run the extra mile to achieve your target. You are honest, transparent and trustworthy.
Are Bold, as you are proactive and take action. You embrace change, and you are not afraid of making mistakes and learning from them.
Act sustainably, as you make the best use of the digital tools at your disposal and you have a long-term perspective
Process improvement
Supply Chain synchronization
Product knowledge
Process knowledge
MS Office/ Darwin/PRMS
Fluent in Swedish and English language

Please apply by: January 31st, 2023

About Electrolux Professional Group
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 12 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2021, Electrolux Professional Group had global sales of SEK 7,9bn and approximately 4,000 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm.
For more information, visit https://www.electroluxprofessional.com/corporate Visa mindre

Heat Pump Technology Lab Engineer

Electrolux Professional presents: Heat Pump Technology Lab Engineer Ljungby, Sweden As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presents:

Heat Pump Technology Lab Engineer
Ljungby, Sweden

As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting truly sustainable means going beyond products; connecting users with intelligence, humans with technology and innovative thinkers with relevant business models. And providing the most inclusive service offering with expertise, state-of-the-art interfaces and the best people network. Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry.


As Laboratory Engineer your will work within the Research and Development Laboratory Team carrying out practical and analytical activities, specifically in professional dryers using heat pump technology. In this context, your technical knowledge and diagnostic capabilities will be essential to perform test and data analysis as well as follow/develop troubleshooting methodologies. Your hands-on approach will be important to assist the construction of heat pump prototypes with new technologies.


Develop, document, and perform test methodologies for testing heat pump prototypes
Work in the instrumentation, data acquisition, data analysis of heat pump tumble dryers.
Administration and calibration of instruments used for testing HP modules
Work in the diagnosis of failures in HP units to find and fix root causes.
Take part in the development of new heat pump systems, supporting the prototyping process, programming/parametrisation HP control system unit
Participate in project teams
Perform reports, including basic calculations.


Are Customer Obsessed - Always keeping customers in mind, having an outside in perspective.
Build Trust - You always look for new ways of working and constantly improve.
Are Bold - You can work independently without detailed directions. You get things done. You take initiative and are always one step ahead.
Act sustainably - You always act in an ethical and responsible way, and you have sustainability in mind in whatever you do. You build reliable relationships with your stakeholders.

Furthermore you are an active team player with the ability to work independently. You have a proactive and result-oriented mindset. You enjoy solving problems with a hands-on approach.


Engineering degree (bachelor) or high school qualification.
Knowledge and working experience in the field of refrigeration or heat pump systems.
Experience in instrumentation and usage of data acquisition software.
Experience in lab-test procedures.
Experience of soldering copper pipes and basic knowledge in electricity, control, and regulations is an advantage.
Strong analytical skills.
Excellent English and Swedish

About Electrolux Professional
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 13 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2021, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,9bn and approximately 4,000 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit https://www.electroluxprofessional.com
Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre

Sommarjobb på Electrolux Professional AB

Sommarjobba?hos oss på?Electrolux?Professional i Ljungby 2023 Vi på Electrolux Professional är stolta över att vara världsledande inom innovation, hållbarhet och design, och över att kunna leverera lösningar inom Tvätt, Mat och Dryck, till våra kunder över hela världen. Vårt uppdrag är att göra våra kunders arbetsliv enklare, mer lönsamt och verkligt hållbart, varje dag. Vilka sommarjobb erbjuder vi? Vi erbjuder sommarjobb inom produktion, lager och admin... Visa mer
Sommarjobba?hos oss på?Electrolux?Professional i Ljungby 2023
Vi på Electrolux Professional är stolta över att vara världsledande inom innovation, hållbarhet och design, och över att kunna leverera lösningar inom Tvätt, Mat och Dryck, till våra kunder över hela världen. Vårt uppdrag är att göra våra kunders arbetsliv enklare, mer lönsamt och verkligt hållbart, varje dag.
Vilka sommarjobb erbjuder vi?
Vi erbjuder sommarjobb inom produktion, lager och administration. Sommarjobb hos oss är en bra start på en eventuell framtida karriär!
Här får du en inblick i hur det är att arbeta inom ett världsledande, globalt bolag, och en chans att bygga nätverk för framtiden.
Vem kan söka sommarjobb på Electrolux Professional?
Vi vänder oss till dig som är eller har fyllt 18 år vid början av sommaren 2023. (Du måste ha fyllt 18 år innan du påbörjar ditt sommarjobb hos oss, i enlighet med Arbetsmiljölagen.)
Arbetar du inom lager är truckkörning en del av arbetet, därav är truckutbildning meriterande.
Söker du sommarjobb inom produktion så är det meriterande med en praktisk utbildning, alternativt att du har hunnit få någon erfarenhet inom tillverkning, montering, maskinkörning etc.
För sommarjobb inom administration ser vi gärna att du har en relevant utbildning, alternativt administrativ vana ifrån tidigare erfarenheter.
Arbete inom Logistik innebär att du genomgår en säkerhetsprövning och registerkontroll via Transportstyrelsen, detta för att upprätthålla rådande säkerhetskrav gällande viss godshantering.
Uppge gärna i din ansökan vad du i första hand vill arbeta med hos oss. Platserna är begränsade, så vänta inte med din ansökan!
Vi ser gärna att du studerar på högskola, universitet eller yrkeshögskola med relevant inriktning, men vi välkomnar också dig som går på gymnasiet att söka.
Mångfald är viktigt för oss på Electrolux Professional!
När kan jag söka sommarjobb?
Ansökningstiden startar i januari och avslutas den 31 mars 2023.
Blivande sommarjobbare får ett besked om anställning senast under maj, men urvalsprocessen sker löpande.?
Hur söker jag sommarjobb?
Ansök via länken här intill, som tar dig till vår portal HROne. Vi har en gemensam annons för alla sommarjobb, men du kan ange i din ansökan vilken typ av jobb du främst är intresserad av.
Vi tar?inte?emot ansökningar via mail.
Välkommen med din ansökan!
Den 31 mars 2023 stängs rekryteringsprocessen.
Vänliga Hälsningar HR-avdelningen på Electrolux?Professional AB Visa mindre

Planner / Buyer

Electrolux Professional Presents: PLANNER / BUYER Ljungby, Sweden As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laun... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional Presents:

Ljungby, Sweden

As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting truly sustainable means going beyond products; connecting users with intelligence, humans with technology and innovative thinkers with relevant business models. And providing the most inclusive service offering with expertise, state-of-the-art interfaces and the best people network. Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry.

Exciting things are happening at Electrolux Professional, and we are now looking for a driven, creative and energetic team player to join our Planner/Buyer team


You will be part of a team at the core of our daily operations, who manages and develops the inbound supply chain in the factory.
Your goal is to achieve the highest raw material/component availability at lowest cost and inventory, and in your mission to do so you will communicate with multiple functions both internally and externally. You will participate in sourcing, perform part set-ups, and place purchase orders for materials necessary to support the daily operations


Daily analysis of material needs to the factory
Send call offs to the suppliers and follow up deliveries
Track changes (availability, and lead times) within the assigned commodities and execute MPS signals to support the value stream.
Visit suppliers together with the departments for Strategic Purchasing and Quality in order to improve and develop the suppliers
Plan the internal manufacturing of components
Refill stock for Spare Parts and for the factory in Thailand


Are bold, as you are proactive and take action, seek to find long term solutions and you challenge yourself to go outside your comfort zone.
Act sustainably, as you have a long term perspective and you always act in an ethical and responsible way.
Build trust, as you collaborate and communicate openly and you take ownership of your area of speciality and run the extra mile to achieve your target
Are customer obsessed, as you are a problem solver and you proactively provide solutions.


Minimum 3years of experience within purchasing, supply chain and/or logistics
Excellent understanding of the supply chain process
Experienced in production planning
Fluent in Swedish and English

Please apply by: 2023.01.06

About Electrolux Professional

Electrolux Professional has existed as a stand-alone company since March 23rd 2020, when it was spun off from the Electrolux group and separately listed at Nasdaq Stockholm.
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 12 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2020, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,3bn and approximately 3,500 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre

Global Purchasing Manager

Electrolux Professional presents: GLOBAL PURCHASING MANAGER FOR NPI - LAUNDRY Ljungby, Sweden As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they r... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presents:

Ljungby, Sweden

As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting truly sustainable means going beyond products; connecting users with intelligence, humans with technology and innovative thinkers with relevant business models. And providing the most inclusive service offering with expertise, state-of-the-art interfaces and the best people network. Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry.


By joining the team, You will take on the challenge to drive and execute purchasing activities in product Projects. Our mission is to support the company in delivering on time with perfect quality at the right cost. We focus on innovation, quality and development of long-term relationships with our strategic suppliers. Sustainability and continuous improvement are the elements that are underpinning our activity.


· Manage all projects related to your Commodity
· Member in applicable project cross-functional team(s)
· Create partnership with the R&D organization for an efficient purchasing approach
· Develop and maintain a project sourcing plan in alignment with Sourcing Strategy and Project Targets
· Compile other sourcing prerequisites and secure timely hand-over to the Sourcing plant procurement
· Handle Cost Modelling process to Reach Cost KPI targets for strong product competitiveness
· Ensure supplier readiness for production
· Negotiate NDA’s, MPA’s (Master Purchase Agreements) and other contracts
· Enhance and Lead innovation input from suppliers and promote it into Electrolux Professional


Are Customer Obsessed, as you understand who your customers are and you actively listen to understand their needs. You treasure feedback and you create better experiences for your customers

Build Trust, as you are honest, transparent and trustworthy. You collaborate and enable others to deliver. You communicate openly, and you take ownership of your area of specialty and run the extra mile to achieve your target

Are Bold, as you are proactive and take action. You challenge yourself stepping out of your comfort zone. You empower your team and you find solutions

Act sustainably, as you always act in an ethical and responsible way. You make the best use of the digital tools at your disposal and you have a long-term perspective.

Furthermore, to be successful in this role, we believe You are someone who is a team player, who is able to manage your own work, and take the lead whenever needed. You are willing to take on new challenges, being ready to withstand the pressure and responsibility of your function.
You are highly cost, time and quality driven. Open minded and creative, interested in market dynamics and competitive behaviour, manufacturing processes, and risk mitigation.


University degree in Business, Engineering or related field or equivalent through experience Minimum of 3 years of relevant experience in purchasing in a multinational environment
Mandatory fluent in English, any other language is an asset.
Excellent negotiating and influencing skills.

Please apply by: 29.01.2023

About Electrolux Professional Group
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 12 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2021, Electrolux Professional Group had global sales of SEK 7,9bn and approximately 4,000 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm.
For more information, visit https://www.electroluxprofessional.com/corporate Visa mindre


Vi söker en CNC maskinoperatör! Just nu händer det spännande saker hos oss på Electrolux Professional, vi kommer att utveckla en helt ny range av våra produkter inom Laundry, och behöver därför förstärkning till vår prototypverkstad på Lab. Jobbet kommer att inledas med en tillfällig projektanställning, med goda chanser till förlängning/fast anställning. Om jobbet Nu söker vi en CNC maskinoperatör med inriktning på Heidenheim styrsystem i LAB på Electolu... Visa mer
Vi söker en CNC maskinoperatör!
Just nu händer det spännande saker hos oss på Electrolux Professional, vi kommer att utveckla en helt ny range av våra produkter inom Laundry, och behöver därför förstärkning till vår prototypverkstad på Lab.
Jobbet kommer att inledas med en tillfällig projektanställning, med goda chanser till förlängning/fast anställning.
Om jobbet
Nu söker vi en CNC maskinoperatör med inriktning på Heidenheim styrsystem i LAB på Electolux Professional, Ljungby. Rollen kräver noggrannhet och sinne för kvalitet och kan innebära också annat arbete inom verkstadsteknik. Prototyperna som vi tillverkar är grundstommarna i utveckling av våra framtida produkter.
Vi vill att du som söker har ett tydligt ordningssinne och att du trivs med självständigt arbete. Du är ansvarstagande, flexibel och positiv. Man arbetar i team om fyra personer där man tillsammans ansvarar för att prototypframtagning sker enligt daglig planering.
Huvdsakliga arbetsuppgifter
Ställa, rigga och justera verktyg och program
Materialhantering med truck
Kontroller enligt ritning och instruktioner
Operativt arbete i fräsmaskin, svarv, borrmaskin mm.
Allmänt maskinunderhåll och kringliggande arbete i maskinerna

CNC-tekniker eller motsvarande verkstadsteknisk utbildning med erfarenhet
Goda kunskaper i ritläsning
Erfarenhet av att arbeta med NC beredning från CAD till CAM (Heidenheim)
Flytande svenska i tal och skrift och goda kunskaper i Engelska

Välkommen med din ansökan! Visa mindre

Design Quality Development

Electrolux Professional presents: DESIGN QUALITY DEVELOPMENT Ljungby, Sweden Champion the quality that professionals bring to their work places. As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us everyday is our Mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming the OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily jour... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presents:

Ljungby, Sweden

Champion the quality that professionals bring to their work places.

As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us everyday is our Mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming the OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting truly sustainable means going beyond products; connecting users with intelligence, humans with technology and innovative thinkers with relevant business models. And providing the most inclusive service offering with expertise, state-of-the-art interfaces and the best people network.
Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry. Electrolux Professional – we are The OnE.

In this role you will assure that quality assurance methods are defined, developed, implemented and followed for new and changed designs in order to predict and avoid quality problems before they happen in the first place.

Further develop and roll out the proactive part of the Quality Control pillar, which includes:
Adapt, define and implement standard QC Pillar tools for proactive phase
Assist and drive R&D to standardize and implement risk assessment, e.g. Failure Mode Effect
Analyses (FMEA) and Product Safety Risk Assessment (PSRA).
Assist R&D in defining and using component and design standards (e.g. supply specifications)
Participate in defining and improving development processes (e.g. Product Development
Process and Engineering Change Process)
Validate and recommend new assurance and reliability / safety validation methods (e.g. Six Theta, Internal Field Testing, Artificial Intelligence)
Act as a consultant for using defined quality assurance methods.
Train the users on defined quality assurance methods with logging of competence.
This responsibility is Global.

Follow-up and assist in product development projects and engineering changes, which includes:
Create and follow-up Quality Plans in projects.
Sign-off body for reliability and safety testing.
Participate in FMEA and PSRA.
Assist R&D in the definition of Critical to Quality attributes.
Free to visit and assist to any project but not part of the team.
Assess quality risks on Engineering Change requests.
Sign-off body for Engineering Changes (safety and quality requirements).
Assist Factory Quality in creating and updating the In Process Control Plans (IPCP) and Critical to Quality (CtQ) control plans.
Ensure the feedback of previous quality experience in new designs (with help of Field Quality).
Drive the Product Quality Verification resource.
This responsibility applies to Product Line.

Call for trainings on proactive quality assurance methods and tools; log participance and competences
Approve (as one of several bodies) results of reliability and safety tests in development and product change projects
Require quality assurance activities in Engineering Change projects
Approve (as one of several bodies) Engineering Change Requests and Engineering Change implementations
Assess compliance to process and recommend to quality representative in product development
Steering Teams the go / no-go for Check Points

Analytical, systematic, holistic and structured approach
Process thinking
Able to handle many simultaneous tasks
Able to handle many contacts
Able to express him-/herself clearly in spoken and written language
High ability to prioritize
Driver in continuous improvement
Consultative and helpful
Customer focus

Technical University Degree
several years of experience in quality assurance and projects development
experience in R&D (product development in particular) will be considered a plus
Quality assurance methodology, preferably within World Class Manufacturing
Project management skills
Process development skills
Fluent in English. Italian and other languages are a plus.

Please apply by: November 3rd, 2022
About Electrolux Professional
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 13 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2021, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,9bn and approximately 4,000 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. From July 1, our global business is divided into five Business Areas (BA): BA Beverage & Food Preparation, BA Laundry, BA Food Americas, BA Food APAC & MEA and BA Food Europe.
For more information, visit https://www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre


Electrolux Professional presents: LOCAL PLANT PURCHASER Ljungby, Sweden As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presents:

Ljungby, Sweden

As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting truly sustainable means going beyond products; connecting users with intelligence, humans with technology and innovative thinkers with relevant business models. And providing the most inclusive service offering with expertise, state-of-the-art interfaces and the best people network. Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry.

We are searching for a proactive and bold team player, to join the local Supply Chain team in Ljungby.
You will have a key position in the supply chain, where your actions provide administrative support to various operations within Supply Chain and other departments.
You will communicate cross functionally with both internal and external stake holders, monitor price lists and invoices and keep an eye on daily deviations.
To be successful in this role we believe you are a strong communicator, analytical, have a curious mindset, meticulous, self starting and bold.

Responsible for inbound freight
Support internal plant organization with various indirect material purchases
Administrate and communicate incorrect invoiced prices from suppliers
Work with improvements in logistic flows involving external suppliers
Responsible for indirect plant used material

Are Customer Obsessed
You proactively provide solutions
You are a problem solver
You are fast pace and promptly provide answers

Build Trust
You take ownership of your area of specialty and run the extra mile to achieve your target
You share information
You support your colleagues so that they can also achieve their objectives

Are Bold
You are proactive and take action
You challenge yourself stepping out of your comfort zone
You find solutions
You are not afraid of making mistakes and you learn from them

Act sustainably
You always act in an ethical and responsible way
You are effective / you optimize resources
You make the best use of the digital tools at your disposal

some experience in a similar role will be an advantage
Fluent in English and Swedish
Familiar with excel, word and preferably PRMS
Communication skills and cultural understanding

Please apply by: 16.10.2022

About Electrolux Professional
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 13 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2021, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,9bn and approximately 4,000 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. From July 1, our global business is divided into five Business Areas (BA): BA Beverage & Food Preparation, BA Laundry, BA Food Americas, BA Food APAC & MEA and BA Food Europe.
For more information, visit https://www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre


REDOVISNINGSEKONOM Ljungby, Sverige Letar du efter ett spännande jobb inom redovisning i ett globalt företag? Ser du utmaningar som en drivkraft och tilltalas du av eget ansvar? Trivs du i en omväxlande miljö och vill vara med och utveckla vår ekonomifunktion? Då kan du vara personen för oss! Just nu behöver vi två vikarier under ca ett års tid. Som redovisningsekonom hos oss kommer du till stor del arbeta självständigt men samtidigt vara en del av ett... Visa mer
Ljungby, Sverige

Letar du efter ett spännande jobb inom redovisning i ett globalt företag? Ser du utmaningar som en drivkraft och tilltalas du av eget ansvar? Trivs du i en omväxlande miljö och vill vara med och utveckla vår ekonomifunktion? Då kan du vara personen för oss! Just nu behöver vi två vikarier under ca ett års tid.

Som redovisningsekonom hos oss kommer du till stor del arbeta självständigt men samtidigt vara en del av ett härligt gäng på sju kollegor. Vi erbjuder ett omväxlande och utmanande arbete i en internationell miljö där engelska blir ditt vardagliga språk. Tjänsterna som erbjuds omfattar arbetsuppgifter kopplade till leverantörsreskontran och kundreskontran.

Arbetsuppgifter gällande leverantörsreskontran i huvudsak:
Hantera leverantörsfakturor i ett workflowsystem
Skapa betalningsförslag
Avstämningar av leverantörsreskontran
Hantering av påminnelser och kravbrev
Underhåll av leverantörsregistret
Övriga arbetsuppgifter inom leverantörsreskontran

Arbetsuppgifter gällande kundreskontran i huvudsak:
Handläggning och avstämning av kundreskontran.
Uppföljning och analysering av kundreskontran.
Aktivt arbeta med fordringarna genom bevakning, påminnelser, inkasso och indrivning.
Avstämning av fordringar och skulder mot andra koncernbolag.
Delta i arbetet med kreditbedömningar av befintliga och nya kunder.
Nära samarbete med säljorganisationer för utredningsarbete av stoppade säljorder.
Vara back-up för arbetsuppgifter kopplade till kundinbetalningar

Vem är du?

Du har avslutat din högskole- eller universitetsutbildning inom ekonomi med inriktning mot redovisning eller har motsvarande arbetslivserfarenhet. Du bör vara en prestigelös och driven ekonom med ett genuint intresse för redovisningsfrågor. Du måste trivas med såväl eget ansvar som att bidra till teamet med både kunskap, engagemang och bra samarbete.

För att trivas i rollen är du positiv, nyfiken och har en stark vilja att lära dig nya saker. Du känner även igen dig i att vara noggrann, strukturerad och gillar att driva det du tar dig an framåt. Du bör också ha sinne för problemlösning.

Vi ser att du har en kommunikativ förmåga och trivs med att arbeta med många kontaktytor i en internationell miljö. Du tycker det är kul med ständig förändring och har förmågan att snabbt organisera och prioritera aktiviteter utifrån deadlines.

Du är van vid och tycker om att arbeta med Excel och det är en stor fördel om du har goda kunskaper i affärssystem. Eftersom vårt koncernspråk är engelska så är det viktigt att du kan uttrycka dig väl både på engelska och svenska, både i tal och skrift.

Vi ser fram emot din ansökan!

Ansök senast: 27:e november, 2022

About Electrolux Professional

Electrolux Professional has existed as a stand-alone company since March 23rd 2020, when it was spun off from the Electrolux group and separately listed at Nasdaq Stockholm.
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 12 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2020, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,3bn and approximately 3,500 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre


Är du vår nästa maskinoperatör för pressning? Om jobbet Nu söker vi en pressoperatör till vår 1000-tonspress i plåtverkstaden på Electolux Professional, Ljungby. Vi arbetar skift, men initialt söker vi en operatör till ständigt kvällsskift. Rollen som pressoperatör kräver noggrannhet och sinne för kvalitet. Detaljerna som vi tillverkar är grundstommarna i produktionen av våra produkter och det är vi stolta över. Vi vill att du som söker har ett tydligt ord... Visa mer
Är du vår nästa maskinoperatör för pressning?
Om jobbet
Nu söker vi en pressoperatör till vår 1000-tonspress i plåtverkstaden på Electolux Professional, Ljungby. Vi arbetar skift, men initialt söker vi en operatör till ständigt kvällsskift. Rollen som pressoperatör kräver noggrannhet och sinne för kvalitet. Detaljerna som vi tillverkar är grundstommarna i produktionen av våra produkter och det är vi stolta över.
Vi vill att du som söker har ett tydligt ordningssinne och att du trivs med självständigt arbete. Du är ansvarstagande, flexibel och positiv. De flesta jobb körs med hjälp av robotar men det förekommer även en del manuellt arbete. Man arbetar i team om två personer per skift där man tillsammans ansvarar för att pressning sker enligt körplan.
Omfattning: heltid kvällsskift
Varaktighet: tillsvidare
Huvdsakliga arbetsuppgifter
Pressning enligt ritning och körplan
Ställa, rigga och justera verktyg och program
Materialhantering med truck
Kontroller enligt ritning och instruktioner
Operativt arbete i press
Allmänt maskinunderhåll och kringliggande arbete i press

Ansökningstiden avslutas 30:e september 2022
Välkommen med din ansökan!
Vid frågor kontakta Produktionsledare Katharina Schultz 0372-66317 Visa mindre

Logistic Planner

Electrolux Professional presents: LOGISTIC PLANNER Ljungby, Sweden See and learn how we are changing the world by being one step ahead in our planning. A REGULAR DAY AT WORK / MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES At Electrolux Professional we always strive to do better and in this role you will be able to help us continue to succeed with our efficiency and quality of our world class Logistics Department. Logistics planners are the master strategists of the shipping wor... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presents:
Ljungby, Sweden
See and learn how we are changing the world by being one step ahead in our planning.
At Electrolux Professional we always strive to do better and in this role you will be able to help us continue to succeed with our efficiency and quality of our world class Logistics Department.
Logistics planners are the master strategists of the shipping world. Those who are successful in this position thrive on problem-solving and strategic thinking.
This is an opportunity for an independent and driven professional who thrives in a fast-changing environment.
You will:
Develop and daily monitor assembly line production plan, including batch number; act in case of need
Ensure balance between supply chain logics and plant
Report activities in terms of own area’s KPIs
Analyze suppliers/production constraints and involve SOP when change is needed
Develop feasibility analyses on production changes (i.e. shipping, components arrival, manning coverage)
Plan re-workable products
Interact with different functions to manage and monitor new PNCs and check point in production
Release and follow up orders for OEM suppliers

Are Customer Obsessed, as you create better experiences for your customers.
You deliver value and you proactively provide solutions.
Build Trust, as you take ownership of your area of specialty and run the extra mile to achieve your target. You are honest, transparent and trustworthy.
Are Bold, as you are proactive and take action. You embrace change, and you are not afraid of making mistakes and learning from them.
Act sustainably, as you make the best use of the digital tools at your disposal and you have a long-term perspective
Process improvement
Supply Chain synchronization
Product knowledge
Process knowledge
MS Office/ Darwin/PRMS
Fluent in Swedish and English language

Please apply by: 22.09.30
About Electrolux Professional
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 13 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2021, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,9bn and approximately 4,000 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit https://www.electroluxprofessional.com
Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre

Kvalitetssäkring, Process & Certifiering

Electrolux Professional presents: QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCESS CERTIFICATION Ljungby, Sweden As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presents:

Ljungby, Sweden

As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting truly sustainable means going beyond products; connecting users with intelligence, humans with technology and innovative thinkers with relevant business models. And providing the most inclusive service offering with expertise, state-of-the-art interfaces and the best people network. Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry.


In this role You will drive, monitor and assure effective auditing and process certification within the Group, including migration to multi site certification.
You will also manage standardization of certification coverage, management system, certification provider and main processes.


Group contact person for ISO certification.
Certification body contact person (e.g. main certification schedule and local contact persons).
Make available certificates on Group web site.
Drive multi site certification.
Push local sites migration to standard certification body.
Push local sites migration to Group Management System.
Standardize strategic framework (context of organization, needs and expectations, scope, quality policy and risks), internal auditing and management reviews.
Create central Audit Program and drive the audits (with internal and / or external resources); follow up findings.
Prepare and facilitate Group ISO Management Team meetings (strategic framework, internal auditing and management reviews).
Plan and roll-out inclusion of sites into Group certificate.
Report regularly to Group Quality Assurance Director and Group ISO Management Team.
Assist expansion of certification into new standards.
Contact with certification provider.
Support inclusion in Group Management System.
Monitor auditing processes in local sites.
Drive local certification according to standard demands.
Require local internal audit programs; follow up audits and closing of findings.
Require and monitor local Management Review, consolidate results.
Monitor first party audit results.


Are Customer Obsessed - Always keeping customers in mind, having an outside in perspective.

Build Trust - You always look for new ways of working and constantly improve.

Are Bold - You can work independently without detailed directions. You get things done. You take initiative and are always one step ahead.

Act sustainably - You always act in an ethical and responsible way, and you have sustainability in mind in whatever you do. You build reliable relationships with your stakeholders.

Furthermore, you are analytical, systematic, holistic and structured. You have the ability to handle many simultaneous tasks as well as contacts, with a high ability to prioritize. You see yourself as communicative, consultative and a driver in continuous improvement.


Technical University degree
High level of process understanding.
Certified Lead Auditor for at least one ISO standard (preferrably ISO9001 or equivalent).
Project management skills
Fluent in English, local and other languages are a plus.
Several years of experience with ISO standards, auditing and Management Systems.
Experienced process auditor.
Experience from Multi Site certification a plus.

Please apply by: October 16th, 2022

About Electrolux Professional
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 13 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2021, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,9bn and approximately 4,000 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit https://www.electroluxprofessional.com
Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre


REDOVISNINGSEKONOM Ljungby, Sverige Letar du efter ett spännande jobb inom redovisning i ett globalt företag? Ser du utmaningar som en drivkraft och tilltalas du av eget ansvar? Trivs du i en omväxlande miljö och vill vara med och utveckla vår ekonomifunktion? Då kan du vara personen för oss! Just nu behöver vi två vikarier under ca ett års tid. Som redovisningsekonom hos oss kommer du till stor del arbeta självständigt men samtidigt vara en del av ett... Visa mer
Ljungby, Sverige

Letar du efter ett spännande jobb inom redovisning i ett globalt företag? Ser du utmaningar som en drivkraft och tilltalas du av eget ansvar? Trivs du i en omväxlande miljö och vill vara med och utveckla vår ekonomifunktion? Då kan du vara personen för oss! Just nu behöver vi två vikarier under ca ett års tid.

Som redovisningsekonom hos oss kommer du till stor del arbeta självständigt men samtidigt vara en del av ett härligt gäng på sju kollegor. Vi erbjuder ett omväxlande och utmanande arbete i en internationell miljö där engelska blir ditt vardagliga språk. Tjänsterna som erbjuds omfattar arbetsuppgifter kopplade till leverantörsreskontran och kundreskontran.

Arbetsuppgifter gällande leverantörsreskontran i huvudsak:
Hantera leverantörsfakturor i ett workflowsystem
Skapa betalningsförslag
Avstämningar av leverantörsreskontran
Hantering av påminnelser och kravbrev
Underhåll av leverantörsregistret
Övriga arbetsuppgifter inom leverantörsreskontran

Arbetsuppgifter gällande kundreskontran i huvudsak:
Handläggning och avstämning av kundreskontran.
Uppföljning och analysering av kundreskontran.
Aktivt arbeta med fordringarna genom bevakning, påminnelser, inkasso och indrivning.
Avstämning av fordringar och skulder mot andra koncernbolag.
Delta i arbetet med kreditbedömningar av befintliga och nya kunder.
Nära samarbete med säljorganisationer för utredningsarbete av stoppade säljorder.
Vara back-up för arbetsuppgifter kopplade till kundinbetalningar

Vem är du?

Du har avslutat din högskole- eller universitetsutbildning inom ekonomi med inriktning mot redovisning eller har motsvarande arbetslivserfarenhet. Du bör vara en prestigelös och driven ekonom med ett genuint intresse för redovisningsfrågor. Du måste trivas med såväl eget ansvar som att bidra till teamet med både kunskap, engagemang och bra samarbete.

För att trivas i rollen är du positiv, nyfiken och har en stark vilja att lära dig nya saker. Du känner även igen dig i att vara noggrann, strukturerad och gillar att driva det du tar dig an framåt. Du bör också ha sinne för problemlösning.

Vi ser att du har en kommunikativ förmåga och trivs med att arbeta med många kontaktytor i en internationell miljö. Du tycker det är kul med ständig förändring och har förmågan att snabbt organisera och prioritera aktiviteter utifrån deadlines.

Du är van vid och tycker om att arbeta med Excel och det är en stor fördel om du har goda kunskaper i affärssystem. Eftersom vårt koncernspråk är engelska så är det viktigt att du kan uttrycka dig väl både på engelska och svenska, både i tal och skrift.

Vi ser fram emot din ansökan!

Ansök senast: 30:e september, 2022

About Electrolux Professional

Electrolux Professional has existed as a stand-alone company since March 23rd 2020, when it was spun off from the Electrolux group and separately listed at Nasdaq Stockholm.
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 12 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2020, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,3bn and approximately 3,500 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre

Underhållstekniker - Verktyg

Electrolux Professional presenterar: Underhållstekniker - Verktyg Ljungby, Sverige Nu söker vi dig som brinner för att skruva och meka, som har känsla för genuint hantverk och som tycker om att arbeta med händerna. Du har en industriteknisk bakgrund, gärna inom manuell bearbetning, och du omsätter gärna dina kunskaper i en miljö där du får växa och utvecklas på lång sikt. Stämmer beskrivningen in på dig? Då är du kanske den vi söker! Om jobbet På ... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presenterar:
Underhållstekniker - Verktyg
Ljungby, Sverige

Nu söker vi dig som brinner för att skruva och meka, som har känsla för genuint hantverk och som tycker om att arbeta med händerna.
Du har en industriteknisk bakgrund, gärna inom manuell bearbetning, och du omsätter gärna dina kunskaper i en miljö där du får växa och utvecklas på lång sikt.

Stämmer beskrivningen in på dig?
Då är du kanske den vi söker!

Om jobbet

På vår underhållsavdelning jobbar vi i ett team av 9 personer, som ansvarar för underhåll och reparationer av maskiner och pressverktyg.
Maskinparken innehåller svarvar, fräsar, pressar och stansar.

Du kommer att arbeta med förebyggande service och underhåll av framförallt pressverktyg, men även nytillverkning av fixturer och övrig produktionsutrustning.
Utöver de dagliga arbetsuppgifterna kan du bli delaktig vid installation och flytt av produktionsutrustning, provkörning av nya pressverktyg och även medverka vid framtagning av rutiner för operatörsunderhåll på både verktyg och fixturer.

God samarbetsförmåga är en viktig egenskap då du blir en viktig person i underhållsgruppen där ni tillsammans löser problem.

Omfattning: heltid
Varaktighet: tills vidare
Arbetstid: dagtid

Vem är du?
Du kanske arbetar som verktygsmakare, underhållstekniker eller bara är intresserad av verktyg och maskiner?
Ritningsläsning och kunskap inom manuell bearbetning är ett krav, materialkännedom är meriterande, likaså att kunna köra NC-styrda maskiner.
Har du kunskap inom plåtformning, stansning och bockning är det ett stort plus.
Du ska ha god känsla för kvalitet, samt vara noggrann med detaljer då verktygsunderhåll kräver precision.

Svenska i tal och skrift, talar och skriver du även engelska är det meriterande.

Ansök senast: 2022.09.30 Visa mindre

Design Quality Assurance

Electrolux Professional presents: DESIGN QUALITY ASSURANCE Sweden, open location As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, resta... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presents:
Sweden, open location
As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting truly sustainable means going beyond products; connecting users with intelligence, humans with technology and innovative thinkers with relevant business models. And providing the most inclusive service offering with expertise, state-of-the-art interfaces and the best people network. Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry.
Together with the Group Quality Team, You will make sure that quality assurance methods are defined, developed, implemented and followed, for new and changed
designs, in order to predict and avoid quality problems before they happen in the first place. You will further develop and roll out the proactive part of the Quality Control pillar, as well as follow-up and assist in product development projects and engineering changes.
Further develop and roll out the proactive part of the Quality Control pillar, which includes:
- Adapt, define and implement standard QC Pillar tools for proactive phase
- Assist and drive R&D to standardize and implement risk assessment, e.g. Failure Mode Effect Analyses (FMEA) and Product Safety Risk Assessment (PSRA).
- Assist R&D in defining and using component and design standards (e.g. supply specifications)
- Participate in defining and improving development processes (e.g. Product Development Process and Engineering Change Process)
- Validate and recommend new assurance and reliability / safety validation methods (e.g. Six Theta, Internal Field Testing, Artificial Intelligence)
- Act as a consultant for using defined quality assurance methods
- Train the users on defined quality assurance methods with logging of competence.
Follow-up and assist in product development projects and engineering changes, which includes:
- Create and follow-up Quality Plans in projects.
- Sign-off body for reliability and safety testing.
- Participate in FMEA and PSRA.
- Assist R&D in the definition of Critical to Quality attributes.
- Free to visit and assist to any project but not part of the team.
- Assess quality risks on Engineering Change requests.
- Sign-off body for Engineering Changes (safety and quality requirements).
- Assist Factory Quality in creating and updating the In Process Control Plans (IPCP) and Critical to Quality (CtQ) control plans.
- Ensure the feedback of previous quality experience in new designs (with help of Field Quality).
- Drive the Product Quality Verification resource

Are Bold - You find solutions, take responsibility for your choices and you are proactive and take action.
Build Trust - You share information, you collaborate and enable others to deliver and you are accountable.
Act Sustainably - You are effective, you build for the future and you always act in an ethical and responsible way.
Are Customer Obsessed - You understand who your customers are and you actively listen to understand their needs, and you actively provide solutions.
Several years of experience in quality assurance work in development projects
Experience from R&D work, especially in product development
Technical University degree
Quality assurance methodology, preferably within World Class Manufacturing
Project management skills
Process development skills
Fluent in English. Swedish and other languages are a plus.

Please apply by: 31.08.2022
About Electrolux Professional
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 13 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2021, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,9bn and approximately 4,000 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. From July 1, our global business is divided into five Business Areas (BA): BA Beverage & Food Preparation, BA Laundry, BA Food Americas, BA Food APAC & MEA and BA Food Europe.
For more information, visit https://www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre

Cyber Security Engineer

Electrolux Professional presents: CYBER SECURITY ENGINEER Sweden, open location Create solutions that change how we change lives for the better As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily jour... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presents:
Sweden, open location

Create solutions that change how we change lives for the better

As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting truly sustainable means going beyond products; connecting users with intelligence, humans with technology and innovative thinkers with relevant business models. And providing the most inclusive service offering with expertise, state-of-the-art interfaces and the best people network. Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry.

Reporting to the CISO, as Cyber Security Engineer you will support the governance, risk and compliance of the global cyber security function.
In this role you will also support our R&D division in designing and revising the cyber security features of our products.

Support the development, update, implementation and enforcement of information security governance including policies, baselines and procedures
Support the cyber security risk management capabilities including risk methodologies to mitigate cyber security risk across the company.
Serve as a liaison between business and functional areas and the technology teams to ensure that Information Security policy-related business requirements for protecting data are clearly defined, communicated, and well understood, and considered as part of operational prioritization and planning
Recommend appropriate security controls according to internal standards and key industry best practices and ensure that such controls operate as intended
Gap analysis with respect to standards, industry regulations and definition of the security posture
Conducting risk assessments and analysis; developing corrective actions and remediation plans for identified issues, risks, or vulnerabilities
Analysis of regulatory requirements for data protection and support in the identification of corrective actions to reach compliance
Support in the development and implementation of information security and cyber-security awareness programs to raise awareness around information security risks and best practices
Support the information & cyber security incident management and escalation processes and procedures
Support in the digital transformation projects with security architecture reviews and the design of appropriate security controls
Support the definition, development and review of key metrics to measure and report the state of cyber security across the company (e.g., key performance indicators, key risk indicators)

Project management capabilities and a leadership attitude
Team worker with positive attitude
Able to work in a multi-cultural matrix organization
Pro-active and problem solver

Bachelor's degree in IT, Cyber Security, or related fields.
At least 3 years of relevant experience
Experience in information security governance, risk and compliance in a global organization
Experience in security incident detection & response, data security, application and infrastructure vulnerability management and penetration testing
Experience and knowledge across multiple information security domains: IT, OT and IoT
Good knowledge of industry leading Cybersecurity standards and frameworks (IEC 62443, ISO 27001/2, NIST, ENISA, BSI, and other Critical Infrastructure and Essential Services requirements) and of privacy regulations (GDPR)
Industry-recognized cyber security professional certifications are a plus
Fluent English

About Electrolux Professional
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 13 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2021, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,9bn and approximately 4,000 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. From July 1, our global business is divided into five Business Areas (BA): BA Beverage & Food Preparation, BA Laundry, BA Food Americas, BA Food APAC & MEA and BA Food Europe.
For more information, visit https://www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre

Junior Sales Controller

Electrolux Professional presents: JUNIOR SALES CONTROLLER Ljungby, Sweden We are now hiring a dedicated business controller for our commercial operations. Your main work areas will include: Securing financial reporting and consolidation within sales operations Securing Credit process Analysing the financial performance of the business compared to plan Being an active member of forecast and budget process KEY OPERATIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES ... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presents:

Ljungby, Sweden

We are now hiring a dedicated business controller for our commercial operations.
Your main work areas will include:

Securing financial reporting and consolidation within sales operations
Securing Credit process
Analysing the financial performance of the business compared to plan
Being an active member of forecast and budget process


Acting as credit clerk for the region with focus on credit assessment and credit follow up
Analyse the financial performance of the business operations, proposing and implementing corrective actions if needed together with the team
Budget/Forecast and business plans with local teams and follow up the evolution of actual results compared to targets
Work with Group Business Intelligence tools to follow up main KPI:s at local and integrated level


Are Customer Obsessed
You understand who your customers are
You ask for feedback
You deliver value
You are fast pace and promptly provide answers

Build Trust
You collaborate and enable others to deliver
You help others to be successful
You share information
You support your colleagues so that they can also achieve their objectives

Are Bold
You are proactive and take action
You are responsible for your choices
You empower your team
You are not afraid of making mistakes and you learn from them

Act sustainably
You always act in an ethical and responsible way
You make the best use of the digital tools at your disposal
You build for the future
You have a long-term perspective


Graduated in business administration
Minimum 1-3 years’ experience in finance/controlling in international environment or equivalent
Good IT knowledge of international ERP systems like JDE, and other systems like Qlik Sense and MS Office
Teamwork attitude with leadership capabilities within a global and multi-function environment (including matrix organization), with ability to interface all organizational levels
Familiar with accounting principles for financial analysis purposes and about local statutory and tax rules
Willing to learn the overall business processes (e.g. operations, sales, credit management, business segments, marketing…)
Business exposure and availability to travel

Please apply by: 22.07.17

About Electrolux Professional
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 13 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2021, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,9bn and approximately 4,000 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit https://www.electroluxprofessional.com
Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre

Quality System - Business Support Infrastructure

QUALITY SYSTEM - BUSINESS SUPPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Ljungby, Sweden As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry... Visa mer
Ljungby, Sweden

As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting truly sustainable means going beyond products; connecting users with intelligence, humans with technology and innovative thinkers with relevant business models. And providing the most inclusive service offering with expertise, state-of-the-art interfaces and the best people network. Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry.

In this position You will belong to the team within Group Sustainability, Quality, and Product Compliance. The role is a global function, interfacing and cooperating with Innovations, Operations and Competence Centers.

You will design, develop and govern the systems and technical platforms for the Enterprise Content Management System (ECM), including the ISO Management Systems and other IT Tools for sustainability, quality, and product compliance-related processes within or outside the ECM.


Global Business Process owner for the ECM platform M-Files, which includes:
Management system functionality (Controlled Documents and Audits) including metadata structure, document lifecycle, workflow adjustments, strategy, and roll-out.
Support and develop new functionality for different functions within EPR, including workflow design, project management, vendor contacts, testing, and training, as well as lifecycle management
The primary contact point between the vendor and Electrolux Professional is for daily maintenance and strategic activities.
The primary contact point between Central IT, vendor, and EPR stakeholders for integrations, projects, and architectural initiatives.
Responsibility for training activities and supporting local organizations on standard Management system functionality and custom workflows.

Responsibility for the QIS suite, including Auditor and Perfector.
Daily maintenance of database items and user roles.
Supporting users with issues in the system.
The primary contact point between vendors for possible changes and bug fixes.
Support to Quality Management, e.g., Field Quality Manager, on process improvements.

Are Customer Obsessed, as you understand who your customers are, and you actively listen to understand their needs.

Build Trust, as you are accountable, honest, transparent and trustworthy.

Are Bold, as you are proactive and take action.

Act sustainably, as you always act in an ethical and responsible way.

Enterprise Content Management skills at specialist level or above
M-Files platform structure knowledge
Web technology proficiency
Graphical design and processes proficiency
Project management skills
Process development skills
Fluent in English. Additional languages are a plus

About Electrolux Professional
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 13 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2021, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,9bn and approximately 4,000 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. From July 1, our global business is divided into five Business Areas (BA): BA Beverage & Food Preparation, BA Laundry, BA Food Americas, BA Food APAC & MEA and BA Food Europe.
For more information, visit https://www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre

Underhållstekniker - Verktyg

Electrolux Professional presenterar: Underhållstekniker - Verktyg Ljungby, Sverige Nu söker vi dig som brinner för att skruva och meka, som har känsla för genuint hantverk och som tycker om att arbeta med händerna. Du har en industriteknisk bakgrund, gärna inom manuell bearbetning, och du omsätter gärna dina kunskaper i en miljö där du får växa och utvecklas på lång sikt. Stämmer beskrivningen in på dig? Då är du kanske den vi söker! Om jobbet På ... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presenterar:
Underhållstekniker - Verktyg
Ljungby, Sverige

Nu söker vi dig som brinner för att skruva och meka, som har känsla för genuint hantverk och som tycker om att arbeta med händerna.
Du har en industriteknisk bakgrund, gärna inom manuell bearbetning, och du omsätter gärna dina kunskaper i en miljö där du får växa och utvecklas på lång sikt.

Stämmer beskrivningen in på dig?
Då är du kanske den vi söker!

Om jobbet

På vår underhållsavdelning jobbar vi i ett team av 9 personer, som ansvarar för underhåll och reparationer av maskiner och pressverktyg.
Maskinparken innehåller svarvar, fräsar, pressar och stansar.

Du kommer att arbeta med förebyggande service och underhåll av framförallt pressverktyg, men även nytillverkning av fixturer och övrig produktionsutrustning.
Utöver de dagliga arbetsuppgifterna kan du bli delaktig vid installation och flytt av produktionsutrustning, provkörning av nya pressverktyg och även medverka vid framtagning av rutiner för operatörsunderhåll på både verktyg och fixturer.

God samarbetsförmåga är en viktig egenskap då du blir en viktig person i underhållsgruppen där ni tillsammans löser problem.

Omfattning: heltid
Varaktighet: tills vidare
Arbetstid: dagtid

Vem är du?
Du kanske arbetar som verktygsmakare, underhållstekniker eller bara är intresserad av verktyg och maskiner?
Ritningsläsning och kunskap inom manuell bearbetning är ett krav, materialkännedom är meriterande, likaså att kunna köra NC-styrda maskiner.
Har du kunskap inom plåtformning, stansning och bockning är det ett stort plus.
Du ska ha god känsla för kvalitet, samt vara noggrann med detaljer då verktygsunderhåll kräver precision.

Svenska i tal och skrift, talar och skriver du även engelska är det meriterande.

Ansök senast: 2022.07.10 Visa mindre

Kantpressare - Tvåskift

Är du vår nästa maskinoperatör för kantpressning? Nu söker vi en kantpressoperatör i plåtverkstaden på Electolux Professional, Ljungby. Vi arbetar skift, varannan vecka förmiddag resp. kväll. Rollen som kantpressoperatör kräver noggrannhet och sinne för kvalitet. Detaljerna som vi tillverkar är grundstommarna i produktionen av våra produkter och det är vi stolta över. Vi vill att du som söker har ett tydligt ordningssinne och att du trivs med självständig... Visa mer
Är du vår nästa maskinoperatör för kantpressning?
Nu söker vi en kantpressoperatör i plåtverkstaden på Electolux Professional, Ljungby. Vi arbetar skift, varannan vecka förmiddag resp. kväll.
Rollen som kantpressoperatör kräver noggrannhet och sinne för kvalitet. Detaljerna som vi tillverkar är grundstommarna i produktionen av våra produkter och det är vi stolta över.
Vi vill att du som söker har ett tydligt ordningssinne och att du trivs med självständigt arbete. Du är ansvarstagande, flexibel och positiv. Man arbetar i team om tre personer per skift där man tillsammans ansvarar för att kantpressning sker enligt körplan.
Huvdsakliga arbetsuppgifter
Kantpressning enligt ritning och körplan
Ställa, rigga och justera verktyg och program
Materialhantering med truck
Kontroller enligt ritning och instruktioner
Operativt arbete i kantpress
Allmänt maskinunderhåll och kringliggande arbete i kantpress
Industriteknisk utbildning alternativ erfarenhet av kantpressar
Goda kunskaper i ritläsning

Erfarenhet av att arbeta med kantpressning
Flytande svenska i tal och skrift
Ansök senast: 22.06.30

Välkommen med din ansökan! Visa mindre

Logistics Engineer

Electrolux Professional presents: LOGISTICS ENGINEER Ljungby, Sweden We are always looking to improve, innovate and excel in our area of expertise, and we will look to You to drive and coordinate projects within the Logistic function of the organization. You will take the lead in developing processes within logistics, from great to beyond. YOUR MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES Drive and lead projects of developing the operational activities to increase safety, effi... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presents:
Ljungby, Sweden
We are always looking to improve, innovate and excel in our area of expertise, and we will look to You to drive and coordinate projects within the Logistic function of the organization.
You will take the lead in developing processes within logistics, from great to beyond.
Drive and lead projects of developing the operational activities to increase safety, efficiency, standardization and quality of operational and business processes.
Propose and implement best-practice solutions for the operations
Cooperate with various actors within the company and with external partners (transport companies, customers, suppliers).
Being in charge and super user of WMS at local site.
Act as a change agent and promote change management.
Following and develop the stock counting routines
Be part of some daily administrational activities according to the sector Hub concept in both transport and warehouse administration.

Safety and process oriented
Act creatively and find new solutions
Business driven and result oriented
Team player
Love to work and engage in different projects, in an international work environment

Are Customer Obsessed
You create better experiences for your customers
You deliver value
You are fast pace and promptly provide answers

Build Trust
You collaborate and enable others to deliver
You fight silos
You take ownership of your area of specialty and run the extra mile to achieve your target

Are Bold
You challenge yourself stepping out of your comfort zone
You bring new ideas take calculated risk
You are not afraid of making mistakes and you learn from them

Act sustainably
You always act in an ethical and responsible way
You make the best use of the digital tools at your disposal
You have a long-term perspective

Experience in warehouse and/or transport activities.
Ability to act creatively and grow within the role.
Experience in logistics, leading projects.
Experience in WCM, Lean.
Comfortable in MS Office environment.
Experience of working with ERP, WMS, TA.
Fluent in Swedish and English language

Please apply by: 30.06.2022
About Electrolux Professional
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 13 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2021, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,9bn and approximately 4,000 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit https://www.electroluxprofessional.com
Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre

Field Quality Analyst

Electrolux Professional presents: FIELD QUALITY ANALYST Ljungby, Sweden Turn needs into global solutions! A REGULAR DAY AT WORK / YOUR MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES We offer a high paced role in a global team that aim for perfection in customer focus. If you have the mindset that there is an opportunity for a better solution for every challenge that arises then this role could be a perfect fit for you! To sum up the work it includes: Understand our products’ q... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presents:
Ljungby, Sweden
Turn needs into global solutions!
We offer a high paced role in a global team that aim for perfection in customer focus. If you have the mindset that there is an opportunity for a better solution for every challenge that arises then this role could be a perfect fit for you! To sum up the work it includes:
Understand our products’ quality performance
Listen to our service organization and our technical support
Handle Weak Signals (Perfector)
Analyze statistics and reports (QES, PST, Darwin, Q-lik Sense, Spare Parts sales and more)
Demand and receive faulty parts and products back for analysis
Transform into continuous improvement
Identify patterns and relations across different sources of information and synthesize these into relevant actions
Define, prioritize (QA-matrix), delegate to project leaders and follow up quality tasks
Support project leaders within depth statistical analyses to build business cases
Inform on improvement activities
Regularly update public status on ongoing activities (Perfector)
Distribute market information on implemented improvements (Technical bulletins)
Communicate on on-going improvements/activities
Approve and process invoices according to Quality Cost Policy
Report on KPIs

Are Customer Obsessed, as you actively listen to understand your customers’ needs, you are fast paced and promptly provide answers. You proactively provide solutions, and you see yourself as a problem solver.
Build Trust, as you are a strong communicator who is honest, transparent and trustworthy. You are ambitious and target oriented, you also have the ability to prioritize and handle many simultaneous tasks.
Are Bold, as you are a driver of continuous improvement, you challenge yourself stepping out of your comfort zone and you are not afraid of making mistakes and learning from them.
Act Sustainably, as you are effective and optimize your resources, you make the best use of digital tools at your disposal and You always act in an ethical and responsible way

Technical knowledge/understanding and experience, both mechanical and electrical
Understanding/experience of technical support, service work
Experience in analyzing large amount of data
Effective communication and presentation skills, including the ability to simplify, translate and communicate technical information to non-technical stakeholders
Computer skills, especially Excel and databases; Interest for new technologies (Artificial intelligence, machine learning)

Please apply by: 22.06.26
About Electrolux Professional
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 13 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2021, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,9bn and approximately 4,000 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit https://www.electroluxprofessional.com
Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre

Industrial Designer

Electrolux Professional presents: INDUSTRIAL DESIGNER Ljungby, Sweden Bring an open mind. The possibilities are unlimited. We are now searching for an Industrial Designer, who will create and develop design solutions for current and future appliances, from initial concept through production. We are searching for a daring and innovating person, who can propose new solutions, challenging the existing ones. If you are looking to join a truly outstanding... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presents:

Ljungby, Sweden

Bring an open mind. The possibilities are unlimited.

We are now searching for an Industrial Designer, who will create and develop design solutions for current and future appliances, from initial concept
through production. We are searching for a daring and innovating person, who can propose new solutions, challenging the existing ones.
If you are looking to join a truly outstanding team in a global organisation, designing and developing products that truly have an impact, then this might be your chance.


Provide creative input and design solutions that contribute to the success of Electrolux Professional.
Implement Brand Design values (Brand and Product identity).
Take a forward outlook towards product and market opportunities.
Interpret and apply new technologies to product designs.
Convert marketing guidelines into product designs.
Participate in concept development.
Strive for best-in class design solutions to meet or exceed the needs of internal and external customers.
Incorporate human factors’ engineering and exterior product aesthetics into product’s functional requirements and mechanics.
Balance the relationship between product properties, design elements, business goals, marketing directions, engineering pre-requisites, consumer trends,
technology and environmental issues.
Meet internal and external deadlines according to project planning.
Ensure constant high quality


Are Customer Obsessed

You understand who your customers are
You create better experiences for your customers
You deliver value

Build Trust

You collaborate and enable others to deliver
You give and seek for feedback and take it in a constructive way
You help others to be successful

Are Bold

You challenge yourself stepping out of your comfort zone
You bring new ideas take calculated risk
You embrace change

Act sustainably

You always act in an ethical and responsible way
You build for the future
You have a long-term perspective


Bachelor’s/ Master’s degree in Industrial/Product Design
>5 years of work experience + strong portfolio demonstrating a superb sense of aesthetics, surfacing, ergonomics, usability,
prototyping, and user-centered design methodologies
World-class rapid-visualization skills (eg.hand-sketching, storytelling/storyboarding, etc) is required
High proficiency in relevant software (eg. Adobe CC, 3D CAD modeling, and rendering packages) is a must
Comfortable working in all phases of the design process - from research to concept development and detail design for
Excellent verbal, written, and visual communication and presentation skills
Model-Making/Rapid-Prototyping or Digital/UX/Interaction Design or front-end coding experience is a strong plus

Please apply by: 22.06.19

About Electrolux Professional
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 13 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2021, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,9bn and approximately 4,000 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit https://www.electroluxprofessional.com
Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre

Sommarjobba?hos oss på?Electrolux?Professional i Ljungby 2022

Sommarjobba?hos oss på?Electrolux?Professional i Ljungby 2022 Vi på Electrolux Professional är övertygade om att rätt verktyg och instrument kan göra en positiv skillnad såväl i våra kunders vardag som för vår planet. Vi är stolta över att vara världsledande inom innovation och design och över att kunna leverera de lösningar som du efterfrågar. Vårt uppdrag är att göra livet enklare och mer lönsamt för dig Vilka sommarjobb erbjuder vi? Merparten av vår... Visa mer
Sommarjobba?hos oss på?Electrolux?Professional i Ljungby 2022
Vi på Electrolux Professional är övertygade om att rätt verktyg och instrument kan göra en positiv skillnad såväl i våra kunders vardag som för vår planet.
Vi är stolta över att vara världsledande inom innovation och design och över att kunna leverera de lösningar som du efterfrågar. Vårt uppdrag är att göra livet enklare och mer lönsamt för dig
Vilka sommarjobb erbjuder vi?
Merparten av våra sommarjobb är inom produktion, lager och administration. Sommarjobb hos oss är en bra start på en eventuell framtida karriär! Här får du inblick i hur det är att arbeta inom Electrolux Professional och en chans att bygga nätverk för framtiden.
Vem kan söka sommarjobb på Electrolux Professional?
Vi vänder oss till dig som är minst 18 år. (Du måste ha fyllt 18 år innan du påbörjar ditt sommarjobb hos oss baserat på arbetsmiljölagen.)
Vi ser gärna att du studerar på högskola, universitet eller yrkeshögskola med relevant inriktning, men vi välkomnar också dig som går på gymnasiet att söka. Mångfald är viktigt för oss på Electrolux Professional!
Hur söker jag sommarjobb?
Ansök via länken här intill. Vi har en gemensam annons för alla sommarjobb, men du kan ange i din ansökan vilken typ av jobb du främst är intresserad av.
Vi tar?inte?emot ansökningar via mail.
Välkommen med din ansökan!
Vänliga Hälsningar HR-avdelningen på Electrolux?Professional AB Visa mindre


Electrolux Professional presents: KEMIKALIEINGENJÖR Ljungby, Sweden Nu söker vi dig som är ingenjör med examen inom kemi/ kemiteknik eller motsvarande att axla rollen som Kemikalieingenjör. Här har du chansen att ta ett helhetsgrepp om det så viktiga arbetet att organisera och koordinera företagets kemikaliehantering. Som kemikaliesamordnare hos oss är du vår sakkunnige inom kemikalieområdet och jobbar tillsammans med kollegor inom R&D. Tjänsten har en... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presents:

Ljungby, Sweden

Nu söker vi dig som är ingenjör med examen inom kemi/ kemiteknik eller motsvarande att axla rollen som Kemikalieingenjör. Här har du chansen att ta ett helhetsgrepp om det så viktiga arbetet att organisera och koordinera företagets kemikaliehantering.
Som kemikaliesamordnare hos oss är du vår sakkunnige inom kemikalieområdet och jobbar tillsammans med kollegor inom R&D. Tjänsten har en administrativ tyngdpunkt och din huvudsakliga uppgift är att säkerställa att produkter uppfyller gällande lagstiftning och regelverk.


• Kemikaliehantering
• Säkerställa att våra produkter överensstämmer med kemikaliestandarder, lagar och förordningar.
• Utveckla testmetoder
• Delta i teknisk laboratorietestning som driver och utvecklar våra produkter och tillverkning mot mer hållbara, miljövänliga och kostnadseffektiva lösningar.
• Stötta vår Product Approval Manager genom att vara första kontaktperson vid extern kommunikation med testlab och certifieringsorgan inom kemikalieområdet.


Vi söker dig som har högskole- eller universitetsexamen inom kemi, kemiteknik eller motsvarande. Vi ser det som meriterande om du har erfarenhet av liknande arbete, men det är inget krav.


Jobbet innebär varierande sysslor och kräver förmåga att kunna ta egna initiativ och arbeta självständigt. I rollen hanterar du flera kontaktytor både internt och externt.
Som person är du lösningsorienterad och försöker alltid ha en positiv inställning. Du är noggrann, organiserad och analytisk i ditt arbete.
God datorvana och goda kunskaper i svenska och engelska i tal och skrift är viktigt i rollen.
About Electrolux Professional
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 13 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2021, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,9bn and approximately 4,000 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit https://www.electroluxprofessional.com
Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre

Logistic Planner

Electrolux Professional presents: LOGISTIC PLANNER Ljungby, Sweden See and learn how we are changing the world by being one step ahead in our planning. A REGULAR DAY AT WORK / MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES At Electrolux Professional we always strive to do better and in this role you will be able to help us continue to succeed with our efficiency and quality of our world class Logistics Department. Logistics planners are the master strategists of the shipping wor... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presents:
Ljungby, Sweden
See and learn how we are changing the world by being one step ahead in our planning.
At Electrolux Professional we always strive to do better and in this role you will be able to help us continue to succeed with our efficiency and quality of our world class Logistics Department.
Logistics planners are the master strategists of the shipping world. Those who are successful in this position thrive on problem-solving and strategic thinking.
This is an opportunity for an independent and driven professional who thrives in a fast-changing environment.
You will:
Develop and daily monitor assembly line production plan, including batch number; act in case of need
Ensure balance between supply chain logics and plant
Report activities in terms of own area’s KPIs
Analyze suppliers/production constraints and involve SOP when change is needed
Develop feasibility analyses on production changes (i.e. shipping, components arrival, manning coverage)
Plan re-workable products
Interact with different functions to manage and monitor new PNCs and check point in production
Release and follow up orders for OEM suppliers

Are Customer Obsessed, as you create better experiences for your customers.
You deliver value and you proactively provide solutions.
Build Trust, as you take ownership of your area of specialty and run the extra mile to achieve your target. You are honest, transparent and trustworthy.
Are Bold, as you are proactive and take action. You embrace change, and you are not afraid of making mistakes and learning from them.
Act sustainably, as you make the best use of the digital tools at your disposal and you have a long-term perspective
Process improvement
Supply Chain synchronization
Product knowledge
Process knowledge
MS Office/ Darwin/PRMS
Fluent in Swedish and English language

Please apply by: 22.05.29
About Electrolux Professional
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 13 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2021, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,9bn and approximately 4,000 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit https://www.electroluxprofessional.com
Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre

Field Quality Analyst

Electrolux Professional presents: FIELD QUALITY ANALYST Ljungby, Sweden Turn needs into global solutions! A REGULAR DAY AT WORK / YOUR MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES We offer a high paced role in a global team that aim for perfection in customer focus. If you have the mindset that there is an opportunity for a better solution for every challenge that arises then this role could be a perfect fit for you! To sum up the work it includes: Understand our products’ q... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presents:
Ljungby, Sweden
Turn needs into global solutions!
We offer a high paced role in a global team that aim for perfection in customer focus. If you have the mindset that there is an opportunity for a better solution for every challenge that arises then this role could be a perfect fit for you! To sum up the work it includes:
Understand our products’ quality performance
Listen to our service organization and our technical support
Handle Weak Signals (Perfector)
Analyze statistics and reports (QES, PST, Darwin, Q-lik Sense, Spare Parts sales and more)
Demand and receive faulty parts and products back for analysis
Transform into continuous improvement
Identify patterns and relations across different sources of information and synthesize these into relevant actions
Define, prioritize (QA-matrix), delegate to project leaders and follow up quality tasks
Support project leaders within depth statistical analyses to build business cases
Inform on improvement activities
Regularly update public status on ongoing activities (Perfector)
Distribute market information on implemented improvements (Technical bulletins)
Communicate on on-going improvements/activities
Approve and process invoices according to Quality Cost Policy
Report on KPIs

Are Customer Obsessed, as you actively listen to understand your customers’ needs, you are fast paced and promptly provide answers. You proactively provide solutions, and you see yourself as a problem solver.
Build Trust, as you are a strong communicator who is honest, transparent and trustworthy. You are ambitious and target oriented, you also have the ability to prioritize and handle many simultaneous tasks.
Are Bold, as you are a driver of continuous improvement, you challenge yourself stepping out of your comfort zone and you are not afraid of making mistakes and learning from them.
Act Sustainably, as you are effective and optimize your resources, you make the best use of digital tools at your disposal and You always act in an ethical and responsible way

Technical knowledge/understanding and experience, both mechanical and electrical
Understanding/experience of technical support, service work
Experience in analyzing large amount of data
Effective communication and presentation skills, including the ability to simplify, translate and communicate technical information to non-technical stakeholders
Computer skills, especially Excel and databases; Interest for new technologies (Artificial intelligence, machine learning)

Please apply by: 22.05.29
About Electrolux Professional
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 13 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2021, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,9bn and approximately 4,000 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit https://www.electroluxprofessional.com
Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre

Sales Order Process Specialist

Electrolux Professional presents: SALES ORDER PROCESS SPECIALIST Ljungby, Sweden As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, resta... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presents:
Ljungby, Sweden
As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting truly sustainable means going beyond products; connecting users with intelligence, humans with technology and innovative thinkers with relevant business models. And providing the most inclusive service offering with expertise, state-of-the-art interfaces and the best people network. Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry.
We offer a fast paced role in a global customer environment. Here you act as a central point of contact when it comes to everything from order entry to monitor and booking shipments across the globe. It is important that you keep the customer experience top of mind in at all times which means that you have to be able to prioritize and be great at communicating both with internal and external stakeholders. This role is great for understanding the workflow at a big industry company as Electrolux as you will cooperate with different departments across our business unit.
Receive, monitoring and manage customer orders from our Sales companies and importers
Monitor proactively the products are available in time for delivery
Updates in business system related to the responsibilities of the order handling group
Registration of orders/handling of orders
Monitoring of deliveries and in close contact with forwarders
We support customers all around the world

Are Customer Obsessed
You create better experiences for your customers
You deliver value
You are fast pace and promptly provide answers

Build Trust
You are accountable
You share information
You support your colleagues so that they can also achieve their objectives

Are Bold
You are proactive and take action
You find solutions
You are not afraid of making mistakes and you learn from them

Act sustainably
You always act in an ethical and responsible way
You are effective / you optimize resources
You make the best use of the digital tools at your disposal


Customer focus
Working in teams
Experience of working in a multicultural and an international environment
Technical competence
Swedish, fluent in conversation and in writing
English, fluent in conversation and in writing

Please apply by: May 31st

About Electrolux Professional

Electrolux Professional has existed as a stand-alone company since March 23rd 2020, when it was spun off from the Electrolux group and separately listed at Nasdaq Stockholm.
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 12 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2020, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,3bn and approximately 3,500 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre


Reservdelslagret söker Lagermedarbetare Vi arbetar med in- och utleveranser samt plock och pack av reservdelar, som skeppas ut till hela världen. Vi är stolta över att kunna leverera inom Europa inom 1 dygn, och till resten av världen inom 2-3 dygn. Vi arbetar dagtid, och är ett tätt sammansvetsat team som värdesätter samarbete, lyhördhet och att ha kul på jobbet! Rollen som lagermedarbetare kräver noggrannhet och sinne för kvalitet. Detaljerna som vi ... Visa mer

Vi arbetar med in- och utleveranser samt plock och pack av reservdelar, som skeppas ut till hela världen. Vi är stolta över att kunna leverera inom Europa inom 1 dygn, och till resten av världen inom 2-3 dygn.
Vi arbetar dagtid, och är ett tätt sammansvetsat team som värdesätter samarbete, lyhördhet och att ha kul på jobbet!

Rollen som lagermedarbetare kräver noggrannhet och sinne för kvalitet. Detaljerna som vi hanterar avgör våra kunders vardag, om dom inte får sina reservdelar står deras verksamhet stilla, och vi är stolta över att vi gör skillnad för dem, varje dag.

Vi vill att du som söker har ett tydligt ordningssinne och att du trivs med självständigt arbete samtidigt som du kommer att ingå i ett team.

Välkommen med din ansökan!


· Hantering av in- och utleveranser
· Plock och pack
· Truckkörning
· Transportbokningar
· Löpande inventering


Slutförd gymnasieutbildning
Erfarenhet av lagerarbete
Grundläggande IT-kunskaper


Körkort B


Flytande svenska i tal och skrift
Goda kunskaper i engelska i tal och skrift

Vi tillämpar löpande urval vilket innebär att tjänsten kan tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdag löpt ut.

Vill du veta mer, kontakta Madelene Lindow +46 728866259
Eller facklig representant – Christian Johansson +46 37266344
Välkommen med din ansökan senast 2022-05-06 Visa mindre

Produktionsledare - Kvällsskift

Electrolux Professional presenterar: PRODUKTIONSLEDARE KVÄLLSSKIFT Ljungby, Sverige Vi utökar produktionsledarteamet och söker nu en produktionsledare till fabriken på kvällstid. Tjänsten är tillfällig, från augusti – december 2022, med möjlighet till förlängning om behovet kvarstår. Kunders efterfrågan på våra maskiner är stor. För att möta efterfrågan behöver vi öka output i vår fabrik och ytterligare kvällsskift kommer att införas. Vi söker därför Dig s... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presenterar:
Ljungby, Sverige
Vi utökar produktionsledarteamet och söker nu en produktionsledare till fabriken på kvällstid.
Tjänsten är tillfällig, från augusti – december 2022, med möjlighet till förlängning om behovet kvarstår.
Kunders efterfrågan på våra maskiner är stor. För att möta efterfrågan behöver vi öka output i vår fabrik och ytterligare kvällsskift kommer att införas. Vi söker därför Dig som vill ta taktpinnen och leda teamen på kvällstid.
I rollen som produktionsledare samverkar du kontinuerligt med övriga produktionsledare, produktionstekniker, processägare, kvalitetsavdelningen, färdigvarulager och underhåll.
I ditt arbete har du också stöd av team leaders.
Är du en stark och tydlig ledare, som sätter laget före jaget?
Har du fokus på att bygga starka team och att främja sammanhållning?
Då är du kanske den vi söker!

Leda och fördela arbetet för medarbetare på främst monteringslinor, delmontering och Supermarket, ca 25 st.
Coacha och stötta medarbetarna gällande säkerhet, kvalitet, kostnad, leverans, arbetsstandarder samt ständiga förbättringar.
Leda och utveckla medarbetarna genom ex coachning, utbildning, arbetsfördelning samt säkerställa så att nödvändig säkerhetsutrustning finns och används.
Jobba efter samt följa upp KPI:er.
Rekommendera och identifiera förbättringsmöjligheter för arbetsmetoder, utrustning och kvalitet.

Är en trygg och stark ledare
Driver och levererar resultat både på kort och lång sikt
Uppfattar snabbt förändrade behov och fattar beslut även i pressade situationer
Har alltid kunden i fokus
Kommunicerar effektivt både skriftligt och muntligt
Uppskattar förändring och att optimera ditt och ditt teams arbete.

Avslutad gymnasieutbildning, gärna med teknisk inriktning.
Van IT-användare, bekväm i Officemiljö
Erfarenhet av ständiga förbättringar
Flytande svenska samt goda kunskaper i engelska.

About Electrolux Professional
Professionals is an independent company of Electrolux but used to be a subsidiary company to Electrolux. It was stock listed on March23rd, 2020.

Electrolux Professional is a leading provider and trusted partner for unit and full solutions, with a comprehensive and integrated offering for food, beverage and laundry. Our innovative and efficient solutions help to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable - and truly sustainable every day. With 10,000 service technicians in over 140 countries, we offer our customers a worldwide service network. In 2018, Electrolux Professional had 3,000 employees and achieved global sales of SEK 9bn.
For more information, visit: www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre


Electrolux Professional presents: PROJECT MANAGER - LAUNDRY TEAM Ljungby, Sweden This is an opportunity for an independent and driven professional who thrives on a challenge, someone who has good leadership skills and enjoys working in international teams. If you are ambitious, committed and get things done – read on to find out more! A REGULAR DAY AT WORK • Define the project requirements and drive projects from project definition to the approval... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presents:

Ljungby, Sweden

This is an opportunity for an independent and driven professional who thrives on a challenge, someone who has good leadership skills and enjoys working in international teams.
If you are ambitious, committed and get things done – read on to find out more!


• Define the project requirements and drive projects from project definition to the approval of series production
• Drive and manage subsystem projects
• Define and implement new features and aesthetical design
• Be responsible for project budget and time-line
• Drive standardization
• Lead project teams
• Report in Check Point meetings/steering team meetings
• Ensure that new products/projects fit into the platform and subsystem structure
• Participate in a platform- and variant teams
• Organize test- and pilot series with the production
• Contact with suppliers
• Use development/quality tools like FMEA´s, project-planning tools etc.
• Create component and product specifications
• Support user manual creation


Are Customer Obsessed - Always keeping customers in mind, having an outside in perspective.

Build Trust - You always look for new ways of working and constantly improve.

Are Bold - You can work independently without detailed directions. You get things done. You take initiative and are always one step ahead.

Act sustainably - You always act in an ethical and responsible way, and you have sustainability in mind in whatever you do. You build reliable relationships with your stakeholders.

Furthermore, you are flexible and open to international travel. You can inspire, motivate and engage the Team
You are aware of cultural diversities and are able to tailor the communication to the people.


• University degree in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering or related fields
• At least 3-5 years’ experience in managing projects
• Strong analytical skills
• English language fluent
• Strong knowledge of the mechanical component, system development, and design.
• Strong structured and engineering approach during each development phase.
• Knowledge of the main manufacturing processes (metal forming, injection molding, die-casting) and assembling.
• Knowledge of quality tools (e.g. FMEA´s)
• Experience in Design for Assembling and Manufacturing
• Knowledge of components development
• Knowledge of approval and environmental rules in different countries.

Please apply by: 2022.04.30

About Electrolux Professional
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 13 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2021, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,9bn and approximately 4,000 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit https://www.electroluxprofessional.com
Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre


Electrolux Professional presenterar: PRODUKTIONSINGENJÖR Ljungby, Sverige Nu söker vi dig som har ett genuint intresse för teknik och att driva förbättringsarbete. Som produktionsingenjör är du en del av den dagliga verksamheten i fabriken, där du kommer att utveckla, stödja och effektivisera hela produktionsprocessen. Som produktionsingenjör på Electrolux Professional kommer du att arbeta med små och stora projekt i ett brett perspektiv. Du kommer att... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presenterar:

Ljungby, Sverige

Nu söker vi dig som har ett genuint intresse för teknik och att driva förbättringsarbete.
Som produktionsingenjör är du en del av den dagliga verksamheten i fabriken, där du kommer att utveckla, stödja och effektivisera hela produktionsprocessen.
Som produktionsingenjör på Electrolux Professional kommer du att arbeta med små och stora projekt i ett brett perspektiv.
Du kommer att ingå i ett tätt sammansvetsat team av produktions- och processtekniker som rapporterar till teknikchefen.
Tillsammans med dina kollegor samarbetar du med såväl utvecklings- och kvalitetsavdelningen på företaget som med produktionsledningen och produktionspersonalen.


Effektivisera, automatisera och standardisera produktionen, där du kommer att fungera som en support vid tillverknings- och monteringsprocessen.
Finnas till hands vid akuta fel, genomföra förbättringar och åtgärda grundorsaker till problem i produktionen.
Ta fram och modifiera underlag och metoder, som krävs för att kunna nyttja produktionen på bästa sätt.
Genomföra förstudier på utrustning och maskiner, ansvara från investeringsförfrågor till installation och driftsättning, samt säkerställa deras funktion och prestanda.
Tar fram och säkerställa så att tillverkningen av nya och ändrade produkter håller standard,
Arbeta med LEAN och kvalitetsarbete.


För att trivas i rollen som Produktionsingenjör hos Electrolux Professional bör du vara en problemlösare som tycker om att finnas till för andra kollegor.
Vi tror att du har en talang för att se vad som behöver prioriteras i en produktion. Du kan relatera till begrepp som effektiv, driven och kostnadseffektiv - där du alltid tänker på företagets bästa i varje given situation. Trots din drivkraft kan du även vara öppen för andras förslag och möter dina kollegor med ett ödmjukt sätt och värdesätter laganda. Du tycker om att arbeta efter ett strukturerat arbetssätt där du själv kan identifiera och planera ditt arbete. Vidare är du en person som brinner för teknik och som gärna följer nyheter när det gäller nytänkande inom teknikens värld, innovativa metodval och tekniskt stöd.


Du som söker denna tjänst har en produktionsteknisk utbildning och/eller motsvarande arbetslivserfarenhet.
Det är ett krav att du som söker har goda kunskaper inom LEAN, automation samt god kännedom om hur en tillverkningsprocess går till.
Erfarenhet av produktionsekonomi, ergonomisk arbetsplats, Microsoft Excel, cad samt projektledning är också något som efterfrågas av dig som söker.

Meriterande är robotteknik, pulvermålning / screen print, Heatpumpteknik och lödning.

Du behöver behärska svenska och engelska obehindrat i tal och skrift.

Ansök senast: 18:e april

Om Electrolux Professional
Professionals is an independent company of Electrolux but used to be a subsidiary company to Electrolux. It was stock listed on March23rd, 2020.
Electrolux Professional is a leading provider and trusted partner for unit and full solutions, with a comprehensive and integrated offering for food, beverage and laundry. Our innovative and efficient solutions help to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable - and truly sustainable every day. With 10,000 service technicians in over 140 countries, we offer our customers a worldwide service network. In 2018, Electrolux Professional had 3,000 employees and achieved global sales of SEK 9bn.
For more information, visit: www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre

Lagerchef - Reservdelslager

Electrolux Professional presenterar: ARBETSLEDARE - RESERVDELSLAGER Ljungby, Sverige På Electrolux Professional är vi stolta över att vi levererar kundservice i världsklass, genom att snabbt och korrekt leverera reservdelar till våra kunder över hela världen. Om en av våra maskiner står stilla betyder det minskad lönsamhet för kunden, och vi är stolta över att kunna leverera reservdelar till Europa inom 24 timmar, och över hela världen inom 48 timmar... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presenterar:

Ljungby, Sverige

På Electrolux Professional är vi stolta över att vi levererar kundservice i världsklass, genom att snabbt och korrekt leverera reservdelar till våra kunder över hela världen.
Om en av våra maskiner står stilla betyder det minskad lönsamhet för kunden, och vi är stolta över att kunna leverera reservdelar till Europa inom 24 timmar, och över hela världen inom 48 timmar.

För att lyckas i den här rollen tror vi att du är en person med förmåga att prioritera samt att bibehålla teamets engagemang i vår strategi och våra mål. Kommunikation är nyckeln, och du kommer att samverka med såväl interna som externa parter.

Som lagerchef för vårt reservdelslager kommer du ha det övergripande ansvaret för lagret. Du har full koll på allt som händer på lagret och förstår vikten av att vara närvarande i det dagliga arbetet. Vidare driver du aktivt förbättrings- och utvecklingsarbeten av arbetssätt och processer. Du stöttar övriga organisationen i logistikfrågor och rapporterar till ledningen varje månad.

Du kommer att leda ett team bestående av ca 15-20 medarbetare, och rapportera direkt till vår Logistikchef för den Nordiska Huben.


Sköta och övervaka tillgänglighet av lagerplatser, arbetskraft och utrustning efter behov kopplade till servicenivåer, fabriksutveckling och säsong.
Arbete med lagerprocesser och nya projekt, med mål att utveckla och förbättra övergripande logistiska strukturer, med fokus på produktivitet och optimering.
Ansvar för tillgänglighet av reservdelar
Leda aktiviteter kopplade till säkerhet och kvalitetsstandarder
Samarbete med övriga logistikhubar


Bygger förtroende genom din höga integritet och sociala kompetens
Agerar hållbart och använder din analytiska förmåga för att förbättra ditt och teamets dagliga arbete
Är modig, då du ser utmaningar som möjligheter till att förbättra
Är kundfokuserad och har ett starkt affärsfokus i allt du gör


Du har relevant utbildning, gärna inom logistik/produktion/arbetsledning och några års arbetslivserfarenhet inom logistik/lager. För att lyckas måste du vara en tydlig ledare, gilla att ha ordning och reda och trivas med att arbeta såväl strategiskt som operativt. Du är plikttrogen, prestigelös och har en förmåga att få människor att arbeta för teamets gemensamma framgång. Du är tekniskt intresserad, har god datorvana och vill ha roligt på jobbet. Du har goda kunskaper i svenska, både i tal och skrift.

Ansök senast: 2022-04-15

About Electrolux Professional

Electrolux Professional has existed as a stand-alone company since March 23rd 2020, when it was spun off from the Electrolux group and separately listed at Nasdaq Stockholm.
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 12 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2020, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,3bn and approximately 3,500 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre


Electrolux Professional presents: REDOVISNINGSEKONOM Ljungby, Sverige Letar du efter ett spännande jobb inom redovisning i ett globalt företag? Ser du utmaningar som en drivkraft och tilltalas du av eget ansvar? Trivs du i en omväxlande miljö och vill vara med och utveckla vår ekonomifunktion? Då kan du vara personen för oss! Vi står nämligen inför förändringar inom vårt redovisningsteam och söker därför en ny medarbetare. Tjänsten som vi erbjuder är e... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presents:

Ljungby, Sverige

Letar du efter ett spännande jobb inom redovisning i ett globalt företag? Ser du utmaningar som en drivkraft och tilltalas du av eget ansvar? Trivs du i en omväxlande miljö och vill vara med och utveckla vår ekonomifunktion? Då kan du vara personen för oss! Vi står nämligen inför förändringar inom vårt redovisningsteam och söker därför en ny medarbetare. Tjänsten som vi erbjuder är en tillsvidareanställning med start omgående.

Som redovisningsekonom hos oss kommer du till stor del arbeta självständigt men samtidigt vara en del av ett härligt gäng på sju kollegor. Vi erbjuder ett omväxlande och utmanande arbete i en internationell miljö där engelska blir ditt vardagliga språk. Tjänsten som erbjuds omfattar framförallt arbetsuppgifter kopplade till alla in- och utbetalningar samt bokföring av alla banktransaktioner.

Dina arbetsuppgifter i huvudsak

Registrering av alla inbetalningar och matchning mot kundfakturor.
Utföra utbetalningar.
Olika utredningsarbete gällande banktransaktioner.
Bokföring av alla banktransaktioner.
Bokslutsarbete för bankkontona.
Prognosarbete gällande kassaflödet av utländska valutor.
Nära samarbete med säljorganisationer för utredningsarbete av stoppade säljorder.
Vara back-up för arbetsuppgifter kopplade till kundreskontran.

Vem är du?

Du har avslutat din högskole- eller universitetsutbildning inom ekonomi med inriktning mot redovisning eller har motsvarande arbetslivserfarenhet. Du bör vara en prestigelös och driven ekonom med ett genuint intresse för redovisningsfrågor. Du måste trivas med såväl eget ansvar som att bidra till teamet med både kunskap, engagemang och bra samarbete.

För att trivas i rollen är du positiv, nyfiken och har en stark vilja att lära dig nya saker. Du känner även igen dig i att vara noggrann, strukturerad och gillar att driva det du tar dig an framåt. Du bör också ha sinne för problemlösning.

Vi ser att du har en kommunikativ förmåga och trivs med att arbeta med många kontaktytor i en internationell miljö. Du tycker det är kul med ständig förändring och har förmågan att snabbt organisera och prioritera aktiviteter utifrån deadlines.

Du är van vid och tycker om att arbeta med Excel och det är en stor fördel om du har goda kunskaper i affärssystem. Eftersom vårt koncernspråk är engelska så är det viktigt att du kan uttrycka dig väl både på engelska och svenska, skriftligen och muntligen.

Vi ser fram emot din ansökan!

Ansök senast: 22.03.31

About Electrolux Professional

Electrolux Professional has existed as a stand-alone company since March 23rd 2020, when it was spun off from the Electrolux group and separately listed at Nasdaq Stockholm.
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 12 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2020, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,3bn and approximately 3,500 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre


Electrolux Professional presents: KEMIKALIEINGENJÖR Ljungby, Sweden Nu söker vi dig som är ingenjör med examen inom kemi/ kemiteknik eller motsvarande att axla rollen som Kemikalieingenjör. Här har du chansen att ta ett helhetsgrepp om det så viktiga arbetet att organisera och koordinera företagets kemikaliehantering. Som kemikaliesamordnare hos oss är du vår sakkunnige inom kemikalieområdet och jobbar tillsammans med kollegor inom R&D. Tjänsten har en... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presents:

Ljungby, Sweden

Nu söker vi dig som är ingenjör med examen inom kemi/ kemiteknik eller motsvarande att axla rollen som Kemikalieingenjör. Här har du chansen att ta ett helhetsgrepp om det så viktiga arbetet att organisera och koordinera företagets kemikaliehantering.
Som kemikaliesamordnare hos oss är du vår sakkunnige inom kemikalieområdet och jobbar tillsammans med kollegor inom R&D. Tjänsten har en administrativ tyngdpunkt och din huvudsakliga uppgift är att säkerställa att produkter uppfyller gällande lagstiftning och regelverk.


• Kemikaliehantering
• Säkerställa att våra produkter överensstämmer med kemikaliestandarder, lagar och förordningar.
• Utveckla testmetoder
• Delta i teknisk laboratorietestning som driver och utvecklar våra produkter och tillverkning mot mer hållbara, miljövänliga och kostnadseffektiva lösningar.
• Stötta vår Product Approval Manager genom att vara första kontaktperson vid extern kommunikation med testlab och certifieringsorgan inom kemikalieområdet.


Vi söker dig som har högskole- eller universitetsexamen inom kemi, kemiteknik eller motsvarande. Vi ser det som meriterande om du har erfarenhet av liknande arbete, men det är inget krav.


Jobbet innebär varierande sysslor och kräver förmåga att kunna ta egna initiativ och arbeta självständigt. I rollen hanterar du flera kontaktytor både internt och externt.
Som person är du lösningsorienterad och försöker alltid ha en positiv inställning. Du är noggrann, organiserad och analytisk i ditt arbete.
God datorvana och goda kunskaper i svenska och engelska i tal och skrift är viktigt i rollen.

Skicka din ansökan senast: 2022.04.10

About Electrolux Professional
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 13 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2021, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,9bn and approximately 4,000 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit https://www.electroluxprofessional.com
Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre

Mechanical Engineer

Electrolux Professional presents: MECHANICAL ENGINEER Ljungby, Sweden Are you a proficient and self-motivated Engineer? Do you have good time management skills, strong technical knowledge and you are an excellent problem-solver? If the answer is yes the following challenge might be for you! A REGULAR DAY AT WORK In this role, you will drive and coordinate washer development projects in an international environment. What is more, you will be responsible for... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presents:
Ljungby, Sweden
Are you a proficient and self-motivated Engineer? Do you have good time management skills, strong technical knowledge and you are an excellent problem-solver? If the answer is yes the following challenge might be for you!
In this role, you will drive and coordinate washer development projects in an international environment. What is more, you will be responsible for execution and reporting of the respective project in the given time frame, cost target, and quality level. Your duties will include:
The product Development Mechanical Engineer will design and develop mechanical systems within Electrolux Professional Global R&D placed in Ljungby. The job position plays an important role for Electrolux Professional in executing the projects according to the Generation Plan and support the profitable growth strategy of Electrolux Professional.
The position requires you to interact with different teams and stakeholders within Electrolux Professional and external partners to design high-quality Professional Laundry solutions with focus on Washing machines.
You will be directly responsible for mechanical design of Washing machines based on a Modular approach.
Develop washer product designs from component level integration to complete system development fulfilling the assigned Project targets in terms of marketability, quality, performance, reliability and cost.
Create engineering 3D-models & drawings and specifications for new components, products and mechanical design working with internal and external customers through the development and approval process
Be responsible for participating in or supporting the following product development activities: Risk assessment, Prototyping/testing, Design reviews, Pilot Production, Verification, Validation, Pre-production
Evaluate design options and perform experiments to determine potential feasibility

Strong team player. You are reliable and able to incorporate input from others and generate consensus through inclusion and ability to develop strong relationships.
Curious mindset. You enjoy working with smart people that you can learn from.
Problem solver. Seeing challenges as opportunity.
Committed and driven. You get things done.
Detail oriented and highly organized.
Proactive. You take initiative and are always one step ahead.
Customer obsessed. Always keeping customers in mind, having an outside-in perspective
Good communicator. You are positive, open minded and enjoy working cross functionally in an international environment
You have sustainability in mind in whatever you do

Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical engineering and minimum 2-3 years of experience in product development.
Experience working in cross-functional teams.
General knowledge of manufacturing and assembly methodology.
Experience with mechanical designs involving sheet metal galvanized steel & stainless steel.
Experience with plastic and rubber injection mold tool design.
Knowledge of quality tools (e.g. FMEA´s)
Interpersonal & Verbal/Written Communication skills in Swedish & English language
Good knowledge of CREO would be an asset.

Please apply by: 2022.03.24

About Electrolux Professional
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 13 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2021, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,9bn and approximately 4,000 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit https://www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre

Stansoperatör - nattskift

Är du vår nästa maskinoperatör för stansning? Om jobbet Nu söker vi en stansoperatör till vår plåtverkstad på Electolux Professional, Ljungby. Vi arbetar i skift och söker nu en operatör till ständig nattskift. Upplärning sker dock dagtid alternativt kvällsskift. Rollen som stansoperatör kräver noggrannhet och sinne för kvalitet. Detaljerna som vi tillverkar är grundstommarna i produktionen av våra produkter och det är vi stolta över. Vi vill att du som s... Visa mer
Är du vår nästa maskinoperatör för stansning?
Om jobbet
Nu söker vi en stansoperatör till vår plåtverkstad på Electolux Professional, Ljungby. Vi arbetar i skift och söker nu en operatör till ständig nattskift. Upplärning sker dock dagtid alternativt kvällsskift. Rollen som stansoperatör kräver noggrannhet och sinne för kvalitet. Detaljerna som vi tillverkar är grundstommarna i produktionen av våra produkter och det är vi stolta över.
Vi vill att du som söker har ett tydligt ordningssinne och att du trivs med självständigt arbete. Du är ansvarstagande, flexibel, positiv och en riktig lagspelare. Man arbetar i team där man tillsammans ansvarar för att stansning sker enligt körplan.

Omfattning: heltid Varaktighet: tillsvidare Anställningsform: tillsvidareanställning

Huvdsakliga arbetsuppgifter
· Stansning enligt ritning och körplan
· Ställ och nestning
· Materialhantering med truck
· Kontroller enligt ritning och instruktioner
· Övervakning av maskin
· Allmänt maskinunderhåll och kringliggande vård
· Industriteknisk utbildning alt. Erfarenhet av styrda maskiner
· Goda kunskaper i ritningsläsning
· Grundläggande IT-kunskaper
· Erfarenhet av att jobba med stansning
· Programmering
· Truckkort
Flytande svenska i tal och skrift Visa mindre


Är du vår nästa maskinoperatör för kantpressning? Nu söker vi två kantpressoperatörer i plåtverkstaden på Electolux Professional, Ljungby. Vi arbetar skift, men initialt söker vi en operatör till ständig kvällsskift samt ständig nattskift. Rollen som kantpressoperatör kräver noggrannhet och sinne för kvalitet. Detaljerna som vi tillverkar är grundstommarna i produktionen av våra produkter och det är vi stolta över. Vi vill att du som söker har ett tydligt ... Visa mer
Är du vår nästa maskinoperatör för kantpressning?
Nu söker vi två kantpressoperatörer i plåtverkstaden på Electolux Professional, Ljungby. Vi arbetar skift, men initialt söker vi en operatör till ständig kvällsskift samt ständig nattskift. Rollen som kantpressoperatör kräver noggrannhet och sinne för kvalitet. Detaljerna som vi tillverkar är grundstommarna i produktionen av våra produkter och det är vi stolta över.
Vi vill att du som söker har ett tydligt ordningssinne och att du trivs med självständigt arbete. Du är ansvarstagande, flexibel och positiv. Man arbetar i team om tre personer per skift där man tillsammans ansvarar för att kantpressning sker enligt körplan.
Huvdsakliga arbetsuppgifter
Kantpressning enligt ritning och körplan
Ställa, rigga och justera verktyg och program
Materialhantering med truck
Kontroller enligt ritning och instruktioner
Operativt arbete i kantpress
Allmänt maskinunderhåll och kringliggande arbete i kantpress
Industriteknisk utbildning alternativ erfarenhet av kantpressar
Goda kunskaper i ritläsning

Erfarenhet av att arbeta med kantpressning
Flytande svenska i tal och skrift
Ansök senast: 20:e mars 2022

Välkommen med din ansökan! Visa mindre


Är du vår nästa maskinoperatör för pressning? Nu söker vi en pressoperatör i plåtverkstad på Electolux Professional, Ljungby. Vi arbetar skift, men initialt söker vi en operatör till ständig kvällsskift. Rollen som pressoperatör kräver noggrannhet och sinne för kvalitet. Detaljerna som vi tillverkar är grundstommarna i produktionen av våra produkter och det är vi stolta över. Vi vill att du som söker har ett tydligt ordningssinne och att du trivs med själv... Visa mer
Är du vår nästa maskinoperatör för pressning?
Nu söker vi en pressoperatör i plåtverkstad på Electolux Professional, Ljungby. Vi arbetar skift, men initialt söker vi en operatör till ständig kvällsskift. Rollen som pressoperatör kräver noggrannhet och sinne för kvalitet. Detaljerna som vi tillverkar är grundstommarna i produktionen av våra produkter och det är vi stolta över.
Vi vill att du som söker har ett tydligt ordningssinne och att du trivs med självständigt arbete. Du är ansvarstagande, flexibel och positiv. Man arbetar i team om två personer, där man tillsammans ansvarar för att pressning sker enligt körplan.
Omfattning: heltid Varaktighet: tillsvidare Anställningsform: tillsvidareanställning
Huvdsakliga arbetsuppgifter
Pressning enligt ritning och körplan
Ställa, rigga och justera verktyg och program
Materialhantering med truck
Kontroller enligt ritning och instruktioner
Operativt arbete i press
Allmänt maskinunderhåll och kringliggande arbete i press

Industriteknisk utbildning alternativ erfarenhet av hydraliska pressar
Goda kunskaper i ritläsning

Erfarenhet av att arbeta med pressar
Hydralisk pressning, tunnplåt 1- 2 års erfarenhet

Flytande svenska i tal och skrift

Ansök senast: 20:e mars 2022.

Välkommen med din ansökan! Visa mindre


Electrolux Professional presents: MILJÖINGENJÖR Ljungby, Sweden För oss är hållbarhet lika viktigt som tillväxt. Vill du vara med och göra skillnad på riktigt? I den här rollen kommer du att samordna och driva förbättringsarbetet inom miljöområdet. En stor del av arbetet sker i projektform där du själv kommer att driva olika projekt samtidigt som du också deltar/supporterar andra avdelningar i projekt de driver relaterat till miljö. EN DAG PÅ JOBBET / HU... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presents:
Ljungby, Sweden
För oss är hållbarhet lika viktigt som tillväxt. Vill du vara med och göra skillnad på riktigt?
I den här rollen kommer du att samordna och driva förbättringsarbetet inom miljöområdet.
En stor del av arbetet sker i projektform där du själv kommer att driva olika projekt samtidigt som du också deltar/supporterar andra avdelningar i projekt de driver relaterat till miljö.
Ditt huvudsakliga arbetsområde kommer vara att driva vårt miljöarbete framåt, vilket bland annat innebär att du kommer att:
Genomföra interna revisioner inom miljöområdet
Stötta vid externa revisioner inom miljöområdet
Stötta med underlag för miljörapportering
Genomföra lagefterlevnadskontroll inom miljöområdet
Arbeta med miljöpelare inom fabriken

Du kommer att tillhöra vår HSQE-organisation (Health & Safety, Quality, Environment). Därav ser vi gärna att du har kunskaper även inom säkerhet och kvalitet, detta för att stötta varandra inom teamet och bli en högpresterande grupp inom samtliga ansvarsområden.
Analytisk, systematisk och strukturerad
Bra på att hantera många uppgifter och kontakter samtidigt
Baserar dina beslut på fakta
Hjälpsam och coachande
En lagspelare som kan samarbeta med många olika funktioner i organisationen

Vi ser att du har en relevant (ingenjörs)utbildning för området eller motsvarande arbetslivserfarenhet. Du har arbetat med ledningssystem och är väl bekant med strukturen. Du har ett stort intresse för miljö och hållbarhet och du gillar att mäta och följa upp utveckling. Erfarenhet från producerande företag är naturligtvis en stor fördel.
Utöver detta ser vi att du har:
Erfarenhet av revisioner (främst ISO 14001 och ISO 50001)
Flytande svenska, utmärkt engelska. Andra språk är ett plus
Plus om du har erfarenhet av livscykelanalyser
Plus om du har erfarenhet inom World Class Manufacturing
Plus om du har erfarenhet av kvalitetsarbete

Sista ansökningsdag: Ansök senast 13 mars 2022
About Electrolux Professional
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 13 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2021, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,9bn and approximately 4,000 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit https://www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre


Electrolux Professional Presents: MANAGER HSQE (Health & Safety, Quality & Environment) Ljungby, Sweden As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming the OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether th... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional Presents:
MANAGER HSQE (Health & Safety, Quality & Environment)
Ljungby, Sweden
As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming the OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting truly sustainable means going beyond products; connecting users with intelligence, humans with technology and innovative thinkers with relevant business models. And providing the most inclusive service offering with expertise, state-of-the-art interfaces and the best people network.
Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry. Electrolux Professional – we are The OnE.
Our current Quality Manager at the Ljungby Plant in Sweden is moving on and at the same time we chose to combine the Quality with Environment and Health & Safety, creating an interesting role with a broad responsibility.
The role requires a strong understanding of both daily activities and compliance aspects as well as an innovative & collaborative mindset. It is expected that the person in this role can independently drive and organize the activities required to execute the agreed plan from quality, environment and health & safety point of view in cooperation with central functions. A successful candidate should be able to mix both strategic understanding of long-term vision in collaboration with the whole group, with hands-on operational implementation tasks.
You will be responsible for the overall quality control aspects of raw materials, in-process and finished products whilst we act in a safe way. You will set quality and safety standards and ensure compliance to standards (includes ISO). You will be responsible for quality control, and accountable for the quality performance inside the factory and that we run the operations without any unsafe conditions and acts. You will also drive the journey for being more proactive, with focus on process control rather than product inspections.
Plan, lead and follow up on factory level the:
Health and safety outcome.
Quality performance.
Environmental progress and sustainability.
Coordinate health & safety, quality & environmental activities within the factory.
Follow up and assure that the HSQE activities within the factory are done in accordance with policies, routines and guidance’s.
Support the factory organization with quality expertise.
Reporting within HSQE area internally & externally.
Factory interface vs. internal/external stakeholders for HSQE matters.
Coaching and developing your team members individually.
Developing the Management system, in cooperation with Group Quality and other departments.
Drive the transformation from product inspections to process control.
Maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction.

Delivering on KPI´s agreed.
Drive and develop the EPS pillars: Health & Safety, Quality Control, Environment.
Participate in budget process and keep within budgeted frames.
Ensure compliance with the ISO standards.
Coming up with action plans and executing them to assure performance.
Leading, developing and motivating the organization. This will include performance review, recruitment, training and development according to Electrolux guidelines
To monitor that finished goods are manufactured according to quality specifications and in a safe way.

Entrepreneurial. You are able to advice, structure and make decisions according to our business needs.
Business acumen. You love to be interfaced with the Business and work with other Electrolux Professional offices on a daily basis
Influential. You know how to structure a case and get people on board.
Proactive. You always think ahead.
Team player. Collaboration is everything, so you should like to work in groups, internal & external, as well as on your own.
Adaptable. Ours is a dynamic, fast-paced environment that asks for flexibility and agility.
Focused. You appreciate and understand the process and the project goals.
Adapt and follow our Guiding Principles – Be Customer Obsessed, Build Trust, Be Bold & Act Sustainably.

To be successful in this role, we believe you need to have at least 5 year’s experience working within the fields, preferably in a world class manufacturing environment.
We also believe you have a university degree, preferably within the field of engineering.
Please apply by: 2022.03.13
About Electrolux Professional
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 13 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2021, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,9bn and approximately 4,000 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit https://www.electroluxprofessional.com
Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre

Warehouse Manager - Spare Parts

Electrolux Professional presents: WAREHOUSE MANAGER - SPARE PARTS Ljungby, Sweden Where others see challenges you see opportunities! We are looking for our next Warehouse Manager for Spare Parts in Ljungby. At Electrolux Professional we are proud to deliver one of the world’s best customer service- that includes fast and accurate delivery of spare parts to our customers. If one of our machines is standing still at our customer it means that they are losing... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presents:
Ljungby, Sweden
Where others see challenges you see opportunities!
We are looking for our next Warehouse Manager for Spare Parts in Ljungby.
At Electrolux Professional we are proud to deliver one of the world’s best customer service- that includes fast and accurate delivery of spare parts to our customers. If one of our machines is standing still at our customer it means that they are losing profit and/or credibility. We take pride in delivering spare parts in Europe within 24 hours and worldwide in 48 hours.
To be successful in this role you should be a person with the ability to prioritize and to keep your employees involved in our strategy and goals. Communication is key in this role and you will have a lot of different stakeholders- both internally within Electrolux as externally with different stakeholders. You will manage a team of 20 competent employees and the role reports directly to the Logistic Manager Northern Hub.
This role holds great growth potential for the future.
Manage and monitor availability of space/manpower/ equipment in relation with demand to fulfill agreed service level and support factory development and seasonality
Execute warehousing processes/new projects with the goal to improve the overall logistics cost structure, focusing on productivity and optimization
Responsible for stock balance (spare parts)
Manage activities within agreed safety and quality standards
Collaboration with other spare part hubs as Italy

Suitable college degree
Proven management skills as well as experience, preferably within logistics/supply chain
Warehouse inventory control/policies/procedures

Build trust by your high interpersonal skills
Act sustainably and apply analytical thinking to improve your day to day work
Are bold, as you see challenges as a possibility to change for the better
Are Customer obsessed and business focused in everything you do

Please apply by: 2022-02-28
About Electrolux Professional
Electrolux Professional has existed as a stand-alone company since March 23rd 2020, when it was spun off from the Electrolux group and separately listed at Nasdaq Stockholm.
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 12 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2020, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,3bn and approximately 3,500 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre


Electrolux Professional presenterar: PRODUKTIONSTEKNIKER Ljungby, Sverige Nu söker vi dig som har ett genuint intresse för teknik och att driva förbättringsarbete. Som produktionstekniker är du en del av den dagliga verksamheten i fabriken, där du kommer att utveckla, stödja och effektivisera hela produktionsprocessen. Som Produktionstekniker på Electrolux Professional kommer du att arbeta med små och stora projekt i ett brett perspektiv. Du kommer att ing... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presenterar:
Ljungby, Sverige
Nu söker vi dig som har ett genuint intresse för teknik och att driva förbättringsarbete.
Som produktionstekniker är du en del av den dagliga verksamheten i fabriken, där du kommer att utveckla, stödja och effektivisera hela produktionsprocessen.
Som Produktionstekniker på Electrolux Professional kommer du att arbeta med små och stora projekt i ett brett perspektiv.
Du kommer att ingå i ett tätt sammansvetsat team av produktions- och processtekniker som rapporterar till teknikchefen.
Tillsammans med dina kollegor samarbetar du med såväl utvecklings- och kvalitetsavdelningen på företaget som med produktionsledningen och produktionspersonalen.
Effektivisera, automatisera och standardisera produktionen, där du kommer att fungera som en support vid tillverknings- och monteringsprocessen.
Finnas till hands vid akuta fel, genomföra förbättringar och åtgärda grundorsaker till problem i produktionen.
Ta fram och modifiera underlag och metoder, som krävs för att kunna nyttja produktionen på bästa sätt.
Genomföra förstudier på utrustning och maskiner, ansvara från investeringsförfrågor till installation och driftsättning, samt säkerställa deras funktion och prestanda.
Tar fram och säkerställa så att tillverkningen av nya och ändrade produkter håller standard,
Arbeta med LEAN och kvalitetsarbete.

För att trivas i rollen som Produktionstekniker hos Electrolux Professional bör du vara en problemlösare som tycker om att finnas till för andra kollegor.
Vi tror att du har en talang för att se vad som behöver prioriteras i en produktion. Du kan relatera till begrepp som effektiv, driven och kostnadseffektiv - där du alltid tänker på företagets bästa i varje given situation. Trots din drivkraft kan du även vara öppen för andras förslag och möter dina kollegor med ett ödmjukt sätt och värdesätter laganda. Du tycker om att arbeta efter ett strukturerat arbetssätt där du själv kan identifiera och planera ditt arbete. Vidare är du en person som brinner för teknik och som gärna följer nyheter när det gäller nytänkande inom teknikens värld, innovativa metodval och tekniskt stöd.
Du som söker denna tjänst har en produktionsteknisk utbildning och/eller motsvarande arbetslivserfarenhet.
Det är ett krav att du som söker har goda kunskaper inom LEAN, automation samt god kännedom om hur en tillverkningsprocess går till.
Erfarenhet av produktionsekonomi, ergonomisk arbetsplats, Microsoft Excel, cad samt projektledning är också något som efterfrågas av dig som söker.

Meriterande är robotteknik, pulvermålning / screen print, Heatpumpteknik och lödning.

Du behöver behärska svenska och engelska obehindrat i tal och skrift.

Ansök senast: 13:e februari 2022

Om Electrolux Professional
Professionals is an independent company of Electrolux but used to be a subsidiary company to Electrolux. It was stock listed on March23rd, 2020.
Electrolux Professional is a leading provider and trusted partner for unit and full solutions, with a comprehensive and integrated offering for food, beverage and laundry. Our innovative and efficient solutions help to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable - and truly sustainable every day. With 10,000 service technicians in over 140 countries, we offer our customers a worldwide service network. In 2018, Electrolux Professional had 3,000 employees and achieved global sales of SEK 9bn.
For more information, visit: www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre


Electrolux Professional presents: REDOVISNINGSEKONOM Ljungby, Sweden Är du en strukturerad, service minded och analytisk redovisningsekonom? Har du erfarenhet av att hantera banktransaktioner i storskaliga bolag i en internationell miljö? Då ska du läsa vidare! EN VANLIG DAG PÅ JOBBET Du kommer att bli en viktig del av Finansteamet som jobbar vid vår fabrik i Ljungby. Där kommer du att ansvara för hantering och redovisning av alla banktransaktioner samt in... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presents:
Ljungby, Sweden
Är du en strukturerad, service minded och analytisk redovisningsekonom? Har du erfarenhet av att hantera banktransaktioner i storskaliga bolag i en internationell miljö? Då ska du läsa vidare!
Du kommer att bli en viktig del av Finansteamet som jobbar vid vår fabrik i Ljungby. Där kommer du att ansvara för hantering och redovisning av alla banktransaktioner samt in- och utgående betalningar för businessen.
Registrering av inkommande betalningar och avstämning mot konton
Hantering av utgående betalningar
Varierande undersökande arbete gällande banktransaktioner
Dagliga bokningar av alla banktransaktioner
Sammanställning av bankkonton och interima konton länkade till betalningar
Skapa prognoser för valutaflöden varje månad
Stötta säljorganisationen vid kredithantering gällande orders.

Arbetar på ett strukturerat, noggrannt och effektivt sätt
Har hög social förmåga och är service minded, vilket hjälper dig att hantera ett flertal både interna och externa kontaktytor.
Är flexibel i ditt sätt att möta en utmaning, och du uppskattar att arbeta såväl enskilt som en del av ett team.
Är analytisk och har förmågan att identifiera ekonomiska sammanhang för att skaffa dig en djupare förståelse.
Är driven, du tycker problemlösning och är anpassningsbar till en föränderlig miljö.
Är pålitlig, initiativtagande och självständig.
Har ett utpräglat affärssinne, och förstår var och när du behöver ge support.

Högskoleexamen inom ekonomi, alternativt motsvarande arbetslivserfarenhet, minst 1-3 år.
Goda kunskaper i MS Office, främst Excel, gärna goda kunskaper i ett ERP-system.

Du talar och skriver flytande på Svenska och Engelska.
Denna tjänst är ett föräldravikariat, med start april/maj 2022, och förväntad längd 1-1,5 år. Det finns goda chanser till förlängning alt. omplacering inom bolaget.
Ansök senast: 2022.02.27
About Electrolux Professional
Electrolux Professional has existed as a stand-alone company since March 23rd 2020, when it was spun off from the Electrolux group and separately listed at Nasdaq Stockholm.
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 12 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2020, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,3bn and approximately 3,500 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre

Software Developer

Electrolux Professional presents: SOFTWARE DEVELOPER Ljungby, Sweden As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laun... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presents:
Ljungby, Sweden
As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting truly sustainably means going beyond products; connecting users with intelligence, humans with technology and innovative thinkers with relevant business models. And providing the most inclusive service offering with expertise, state-of-the-art interfaces and the best people network.
Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry. Electrolux Professional – we are The OnE.
The purpose of the Software Developer role is to master the technical details of the interconnection of laundry appliances with the external world, i.e. with an external cloud through MQTT protocol. The successful candidate will be accountable for the data management of an appliance and proper protocol. You will have the task of defining and developing data to be exposed through MQTT and conducting a pre-analysis of data at edge side. You will work closely with control system engineers of the appliances to define data, functions and configuration accessible in the cloud system.
Develop C++ functionalities on appliance backend, according to technical specifications coming from Control Systems.
Lead external provider and technical guide and validate software developed by suppliers and integrate into appliance system.
Develop Appliance User Interface, defining a sustainable design considering both an embedded display into appliance but as well the remote control of appliance through a mobile and/or web interface.

Operational performance
Well-structured way of working
Able to communicate clearly in a multilingual, multi-cultural context

University degree in Engineering, Data Science, or similar discipline
Strong technical expertise of IoT architecture/connected solutions
C++ skills
MQTT/JSON skills
Serial communication knowledge
Embedded Software Development
Python and Machine learning high level knowledge is desired
Microsoft Azure knowledge is a plus
English in speech and writing is mandatory for this position

Application Deadline: Please apply by february 28 2022

About Electrolux Professional
Electrolux Professional has existed as a stand-alone company since March 23rd 2020, when it was spun off from the Electrolux group and separately listed at Nasdaq Stockholm.
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 12 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2020, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,3bn and approximately 3,500 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre

Lackerare / Screentryckare

Medarbetare sökes till Lackering/ Screentryck hos Electrolux Professional AB Är du en erfaren lackerare med öga för kvalitet? Då är du kanske den vi söker! Hos oss blir du en del av ett tätt sammansvetsat team som jobbar i en toppmodern lackeringsanläggning. Du kommer att få intern utbildning i skötsel och underhåll av pulvermålningsanläggningen / screentrycksanläggning. Du kommer också att genomgå härdplastutbildning. Tjänsten är förlagd på dagtid. HUV... Visa mer
Medarbetare sökes till Lackering/ Screentryck hos Electrolux Professional AB
Är du en erfaren lackerare med öga för kvalitet? Då är du kanske den vi söker!
Hos oss blir du en del av ett tätt sammansvetsat team som jobbar i en toppmodern lackeringsanläggning.
Du kommer att få intern utbildning i skötsel och underhåll av pulvermålningsanläggningen / screentrycksanläggning.
Du kommer också att genomgå härdplastutbildning.
Tjänsten är förlagd på dagtid.
· Hängning av detaljer
· Pulverlackering
· Planering
· Screentrycksoperatör: Arbetet innebär screentryck, delmontering, planering och målning.
Verkstadsteknisk utbildning på gymnasienivå eller motsvarande,
Minst 1 års erfarenhet av lackering och/eller screentryck

Har ordningssinne och kan planera arbetet
Är noggrann och kvalitetsmedveten
Har förmåga att arbeta självständigt men även i team med screentryck respektive lackeringen

Flytande svenska i tal och skrift

Välkommen med din ansökan senast 2022-02-13 Visa mindre


Electrolux Professional presenterar: Verktygstekniker Ljungby, Sverige Electrolux Professional är din helhetspartner – The OnE. Vårt uppdrag är att göra ditt arbetsliv enklare, mer lönsamt och verkligt hållbart varje dag. Vilken verksamhet du än bedriver är vårt mål att göra den till den mest hållbara upplevelsen inom storkök, dryck och tvätt under hela produktlivscykeln. Med hjärta för hållbarhet leder vi vägen när det gäller att utforma fullständiga och ... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presenterar:
Ljungby, Sverige
Electrolux Professional är din helhetspartner – The OnE. Vårt uppdrag är att göra ditt arbetsliv enklare, mer lönsamt och verkligt hållbart varje dag.
Vilken verksamhet du än bedriver är vårt mål att göra den till den mest hållbara upplevelsen inom storkök, dryck och tvätt under hela produktlivscykeln.
Med hjärta för hållbarhet leder vi vägen när det gäller att utforma fullständiga och integrerade lösningar som ger hög produktivitet, lägsta livscykelkostnader och är de mest enkla att använda och underhålla.
Via det unika OnE interface gör vi det möjligt för våra kunder att hantera all sin verksamhet. Genom att använda anslutna och synkroniserade produkter och tjänster skapar vi det ultimata värdet för dina affärer.
Electrolux Professional är en pålitlig helhetspartner med lång erfarenhet och stor expertis. Vi har funnits i branschen i 100 år och har under denna tid byggt upp världens mest omfattande servicenätverk.
Vårt huvudkontor finns på Kungsholmen i Stockholm. I Ljungby i Småland finns vår tvättfabrik (som tidigare ägdes av Wascator), där vi producerar professionella tvättlösningar till hela världen. Ytterligare kontor finns i Göteborg och Malmö.
Vi på Electrolux Professional är övertygade om att rätt verktyg och instrument kan göra en positiv skillnad såväl i våra kunders vardag som för vår planet.
Vi är stolta över att vara världsledande inom innovation och design och över att kunna leverera de lösningar som du efterfrågar. Vårt uppdrag är att göra livet enklare och mer lönsamt för dig.
Om jobbet
Som verktygstekniker på Electrolux Professional AB kommer du att arbeta med underhåll och service av pressverktyg och produktionsutrustning, nytillverkning av fixturer där både svarvning, fräsning, svetsning och montering är vanligt förekommande arbetsuppgifter. Utfört underhåll dokumenteras och återrapporteras digital i underhållssystemet.
God samarbetsförmåga är en viktig egenskap då du blir en viktig person i underhållsgruppen där ni tillsammans löser problem. Ni har beredskap enl. ett rullande schema för verktygshaveri och akutservice av produktionsutrustning.
Utöver de dagliga arbetsuppgifterna kan du bli delaktig vid installation och flytt av produktionsutrustning, provkörning av nya pressverktyg och även medverka vid framtagning av rutiner för operatörsunderhåll på både verktyg och fixturer.
Arbetsrapportering och beskrivningar görs i vårt underhållssystem samt i Excel.
Omfattning: heltid Varaktighet: tillsvidare eller överenskommelse Arbetstid: dagtid och beredskap
Vem är du?
Du kanske arbetar som verktygsmakare, underhållstekniker eller bara är intresserad av verktyg och maskiner?
Ritningsläsning och kunskap inom manuell bearbetning är ett krav, materialkännedom är meriterande, likaså att kunna köra NC-styrda maskiner.
Har du kunskap inom plåtformning, stansning och bockning är det ett stort plus då vi har pressverktyg som regelbundet underhålls och repareras.
Du ska ha god känsla för finish och kvalité, samt vara noggrann med detaljer då verktygsunderhåll kräver precision.

Svenska i tal och skrift, talar och skriver du även engelska är det meriterande. Visa mindre

Sommarjobba?hos oss på?Electrolux?Professional i Ljungby 2022

Sommarjobba?hos oss på?Electrolux?Professional i Ljungby 2022 Vi på Electrolux Professional är övertygade om att rätt verktyg och instrument kan göra en positiv skillnad såväl i våra kunders vardag som för vår planet. Vi är stolta över att vara världsledande inom innovation och design och över att kunna leverera de lösningar som du efterfrågar. Vårt uppdrag är att göra livet enklare och mer lönsamt för dig Vilka sommarjobb erbjuder vi? Merparten av vår... Visa mer
Sommarjobba?hos oss på?Electrolux?Professional i Ljungby 2022
Vi på Electrolux Professional är övertygade om att rätt verktyg och instrument kan göra en positiv skillnad såväl i våra kunders vardag som för vår planet.
Vi är stolta över att vara världsledande inom innovation och design och över att kunna leverera de lösningar som du efterfrågar. Vårt uppdrag är att göra livet enklare och mer lönsamt för dig
Vilka sommarjobb erbjuder vi?
Merparten av våra sommarjobb är inom produktion, lager och administration. Sommarjobb hos oss är en bra start på en eventuell framtida karriär! Här får du inblick i hur det är att arbeta inom Electrolux Professional och en chans att bygga nätverk för framtiden.
Vem kan söka sommarjobb på Electrolux Professional?
Vi vänder oss till dig som är minst 18 år. (Du måste ha fyllt 18 år innan du påbörjar ditt sommarjobb hos oss baserat på arbetsmiljölagen.)
Vi ser gärna att du studerar på högskola, universitet eller yrkeshögskola med relevant inriktning, men vi välkomnar också dig som går på gymnasiet att söka. Mångfald är viktigt för oss på Electrolux Professional!
När kan jag söka sommarjobb?
Ansökningstiden startar i januari och avslutas den 31:a mars 2022. Blivande sommarjobbare får ett besked om anställning senast under maj månad, men urvalsprocessen sker löpande från det att vi publicerat annonsen.
Hur söker jag sommarjobb?
Ansök via länken här intill. Vi har en gemensam annons för alla sommarjobb, men du kan ange i din ansökan vilken typ av jobb du främst är intresserad av.
Vi tar?inte?emot ansökningar via mail.
Välkommen med din ansökan!
Den 31 mars 2022 stängs rekryteringsprocessen och därefter kommer vi att påbörja urvalsarbetet.
Vänliga Hälsningar HR-avdelningen på Electrolux?Professional AB Visa mindre

Global Project Buyer

Electrolux Professional presents: GLOBAL PROJECT ADVANCED BUYER Ljungby, Sweden // Pordenone, Italy Apply new ways of thinking to create new ways of working. As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming the OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their da... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presents:
Ljungby, Sweden // Pordenone, Italy
Apply new ways of thinking to create new ways of working.
As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming the OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting truly sustainable means going beyond products; connecting users with intelligence, humans with technology and innovative thinkers with relevant business models. And providing the most inclusive service offering with expertise, state-of-the-art interfaces and the best people network.
Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry. Electrolux Professional – we are The OnE.
By joining the Electrolux Professional team, you will take on the challenge to drive and execute purchasing activities in cross-functional product projects. You will be highly cost, time and quality driven to deliver the most profitable product for our customers, as well as recommending product innovations based on improving quality. The position requires an interest in market dynamics and competitive behavior, negotiation and pricing, manufacturing processes, and risk mitigation. This post is based in Ljungby, Sweden and/or Pordenone, Italy.
Manage all project related supplier relations
Member in applicable project cross-functional team(s)
Create partnership with R&D organization for an efficient purchasing approach
Develop and maintain a project sourcing plan in alignment with Sourcing Strategy and Project Targets, compile other sourcing prerequisites and secure timely hand-over to the Sourcing plant buyer
Handle Cost Modelling process to Reach Cost KPI targets for strong product competitiveness
Ensure supplier readiness for production
Negotiate NDA’s, MPA’s (Master Purchase Agreements) and other contracts
Enhance and Lead innovation input from suppliers and promote it into Electrolux Professional
All this while keeping Electrolux Professional values and priorities in check.

Team worker willing to take on new challenges
Capable to develop and take important business decisions
Ready to withstand the pressure and responsibility of your function
Have excellent negotiating and influencing skills
Open minded and creative
Able to contribute to the success of our company

University degree in Business, Engineering or equivalent through experience
Specialties can range from economics, technical studies
Minimum of 3-5 years of relevant experience in purchasing in a multinational environment
Experience in adjacent disciplines like those that logistics, manufacturing, research and development, are also welcomed
Ability to work in a dynamic, multicultural environment
Excellent listening, verbal and written communication skills
Ability to make important decisions and cope with the pressure of demanding targets and tight deadlines
Languages: Mandatory fluent in English, any other language is an asset.

Please apply by: December 19th 2021
About Electrolux Professional
Electrolux Professional has existed as a stand-alone company since March 23rd 2020, when it was spun off from the Electrolux group and separately listed at Nasdaq Stockholm.
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 12 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2020, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,3bn and approximately 3,500 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre

Training & Certification Coordinator

Electrolux Professional presents: TRAINING & CERTIFICATION COORDINATOR Ljungby, Sweden As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hot... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presents:
Ljungby, Sweden

As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting truly sustainable means going beyond products; connecting users with intelligence, humans with technology and innovative thinkers with relevant business models. And providing the most inclusive service offering with expertise, state-of-the-art interfaces and the best people network. Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry.


You will be responsible for coordination of Technical Training Activities for EPR Service Organization & Importer through Physical Training Sessions, Web Trainings, Training material
Being active as Technical Training Material developer and Trainer.


Coordination of all EPR Service related Training activities,
Initiate & Support the development of new Training material & update the of existing.
Web Training Tool System & Content Support / Global Admin.
Trainingcenter Ljungby / Vallenoncello local coordinator.
Support for Local Trainer & Training activities.
Coordination of Global Physical Training Sessions.
Being active as Technical Trainer for dedicated Equipment


Are Customer Obsessed
You understand who your customers are
You actively listen to understand their needs
You are a problem solver

Build Trust
You are accountable
You are honest, transparent and trustworthy
You take ownership of your area of specialty and run the extra mile to achieve your target

Are Bold
You are proactive and take action
You find solutions
You try new and alternative ways to achieve your target

Act sustainably
You always act in an ethical and responsible way
You are effective / you optimize resources
You make the best use of the digital tools at your disposal


Deep understanding in Customer Care,
Experience in adult education
Experience in event organisation
Service techniques knowledge
High level Product knowledge
Presentation skills as well as an interest in new ways to transfer technical knowledge, Self appraisal and continous learning,
Time management,
Positive thinking,
Fluent in English language written &
spoken additional language would be a benefit

Please apply by: 2021-11-15

About Electrolux Professional

Electrolux Professional has existed as a stand-alone company since March 23rd 2020, when it was spun off from the Electrolux group and separately listed at Nasdaq Stockholm.
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 12 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2020, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,3bn and approximately 3,500 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre


Electrolux Professional presenterar: PRODUKTIONSTEKNIKER Ljungby, Sverige Nu söker vi dig som har ett genuint intresse för teknik och att driva förbättringsarbete. Som produktionstekniker är du en del av den dagliga verksamheten i fabriken, där du kommer att utveckla, stödja och effektivisera hela produktionsprocessen. Som Produktionstekniker på Electrolux Professional kommer du att arbeta med små och stora projekt i ett brett perspektiv. Du kommer att ing... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presenterar:
Ljungby, Sverige
Nu söker vi dig som har ett genuint intresse för teknik och att driva förbättringsarbete.
Som produktionstekniker är du en del av den dagliga verksamheten i fabriken, där du kommer att utveckla, stödja och effektivisera hela produktionsprocessen.
Som Produktionstekniker på Electrolux Professional kommer du att arbeta med små och stora projekt i ett brett perspektiv.
Du kommer att ingå i ett tätt sammansvetsat team av produktions- och processtekniker som rapporterar till teknikchefen.
Tillsammans med dina kollegor samarbetar du med såväl utvecklings- och kvalitetsavdelningen på företaget som med produktionsledningen och produktionspersonalen.
Effektivisera, automatisera och standardisera produktionen, där du kommer att fungera som en support vid tillverknings- och monteringsprocessen.
Finnas till hands vid akuta fel, genomföra förbättringar och åtgärda grundorsaker till problem i produktionen.
Ta fram och modifiera underlag och metoder, som krävs för att kunna nyttja produktionen på bästa sätt.
Genomföra förstudier på utrustning och maskiner, ansvara från investeringsförfrågor till installation och driftsättning, samt säkerställa deras funktion och prestanda.
Tar fram och säkerställa så att tillverkningen av nya och ändrade produkter håller standard,
Arbeta med LEAN och kvalitetsarbete.

För att trivas i rollen som Produktionstekniker hos Electrolux Professional bör du vara en problemlösare som tycker om att finnas till för andra kollegor.
Vi tror att du har en talang för att se vad som behöver prioriteras i en produktion. Du kan relatera till begrepp som effektiv, driven och kostnadseffektiv - där du alltid tänker på företagets bästa i varje given situation. Trots din drivkraft kan du även vara öppen för andras förslag och möter dina kollegor med ett ödmjukt sätt och värdesätter laganda. Du tycker om att arbeta efter ett strukturerat arbetssätt där du själv kan identifiera och planera ditt arbete. Vidare är du en person som brinner för teknik och som gärna följer nyheter när det gäller nytänkande inom teknikens värld, innovativa metodval och tekniskt stöd.
Du som söker denna tjänst har en produktionsteknisk utbildning och/eller motsvarande arbetslivserfarenhet.
Det är ett krav att du som söker har goda kunskaper inom LEAN, automation samt god kännedom om hur en tillverkningsprocess går till.
Erfarenhet av produktionsekonomi, ergonomisk arbetsplats, Microsoft Excel, cad samt projektledning är också något som efterfrågas av dig som söker.

Meriterande är robotteknik, pulvermålning / screen print, Heatpumpteknik och lödning.

Du behöver behärska svenska och engelska obehindrat i tal och skrift.

Ansök senast: 12:e december 2021

Om Electrolux Professional
Professionals is an independent company of Electrolux but used to be a subsidiary company to Electrolux. It was stock listed on March23rd, 2020.
Electrolux Professional is a leading provider and trusted partner for unit and full solutions, with a comprehensive and integrated offering for food, beverage and laundry. Our innovative and efficient solutions help to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable - and truly sustainable every day. With 10,000 service technicians in over 140 countries, we offer our customers a worldwide service network. In 2018, Electrolux Professional had 3,000 employees and achieved global sales of SEK 9bn.
For more information, visit: www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre

IT Project Manager JD Edwards Implementation

Electrolux Professional presents: IT PROJECT MANAGER - JD EDWARDS IMPLEMENTATION Ljungby / Stockholm, Sweden Make our business, your business. As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming the OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – a... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presents:
Ljungby / Stockholm, Sweden
Make our business, your business.
As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming the OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting truly sustainable means going beyond products; connecting users with intelligence, humans with technology and innovative thinkers with relevant business models. And providing the most inclusive service offering with expertise, state-of-the-art interfaces and the best people network.

Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry. Electrolux Professional – we are The OnE.

The IT Project Manager is the individual responsible for delivering the project.
The individual leads and manages the project team, with authority and responsibility from the project Steering Committee, to run the project on a day-to-day basis.
The IT Project Manager has an important role in interfacing between the project and the business area.
This is important for communicating and encouraging the need for transformation and change within the business area (Business remains accountable of this) as well as the delivery of new capabilities from the project.
The readiness of the business to exploit the new capability is crucial to success.
Without this state of readiness in the business, there are likely to be disruptions and delays in the plan for benefits realization.

Your main responsibilities:
designing and applying appropriate project management standards (in Waterfall or Agile approach);
managing the production of the required deliverables;
planning and monitoring the project with special focus on target time of completion and costs;
adopting any delegation and use of project assurance roles within agreed reporting structures;
preparing and maintaining project, stage and exception plans as required;
managing project risks, including the development of contingency plans;
liaison with Program Management (if the project is part of the Spark or Digital Transformation programs) and related projects to ensure that work is neither overlooked nor duplicated;
monitoring overall progress and use of resources, initiating corrective action where necessary;
applying change control and configuration management processes;
reporting through agreed lines on project progress through highlight reports and end-stage assessments;
liaison with appointed project assurance representatives to assure the overall direction and integrity of the project;
maintaining an awareness of potential interdependencies with other projects and their impact;
adopting and applying appropriate technical and quality strategies and standards;
identifying and obtaining support and advice required for the management, planning and control of the project;
managing the project administration;
conducting a project evaluation review to assess how well the project was managed;
preparing any follow-on action recommendations.

establish a good working relationship with the Business Owners;
direct, manage and motivate the project team;
develop and maintain an agreed project plan and detailed stage plans;
understand and apply business case and risk management processes;
tailor expert knowledge to meet specific circumstances;
plan and manage deployment of physical and financial resources to meet project milestones;
build and sustain effective communications with other roles involved in the project;
apply quality management principles and processes.

degree in a relevant scientific or engineering discipline (Computer Science will be preferred) , or equivalent level of professional qualifications and/or experience;
5-8 years of previous experience in a similar role;
English speaking;

Postgraduate qualification in a relevant subject;
Past experience on JD Edwards
Formal training in one or more project management processes and approaches/frameworks (Waterfall, Scrum, etc.);
Project management tools and software: ideally Jira.

PLEASE APPLY BY 03.11.2021

About Electrolux Professional
Electrolux Professional has existed as a stand-alone company since March 23rd 2020, when it was spun off from the Electrolux group and separately listed at Nasdaq Stockholm.
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 12 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2020, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,3bn and approximately 3,500 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre

Planerare / Operativ inköpare

Electrolux Professional Presents: PLANNER / BUYER Ljungby, Sweden As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry ... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional Presents:
Ljungby, Sweden
As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting truly sustainable means going beyond products; connecting users with intelligence, humans with technology and innovative thinkers with relevant business models. And providing the most inclusive service offering with expertise, state-of-the-art interfaces and the best people network. Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry.
Exciting things are happening at Electrolux Professional, and we are now looking for a driven, creative and energetic team player to join our Planner/Buyer team
You will be part of a team at the core of our daily operations, who manages and develops the inbound supply chain in the factory.
Your goal is to achieve the highest raw material/component availability at lowest cost and inventory, and in your mission to do so you will communicate with multiple functions both internally and externally. You will participate in sourcing, perform part set-ups, and place purchase orders for materials necessary to support the daily operations


Daily analysis of material needs to the factory
Send call offs to the suppliers and follow up deliveries
Track changes (availability, and lead times) within the assigned commodities and execute MPS signals to support the value stream.
Visit suppliers together with the departments for Strategic Purchasing and Quality in order to improve and develop the suppliers
Plan the internal manufacturing of components
Refill stock for Spare Parts and for the factory in Thailand

Are bold, as you are proactive and take action, seek to find long term solutions and you challenge yourself to go outside your comfort zone.
Act sustainably, as you have a long term perspective and you always act in an ethical and responsible way.
Build trust, as you collaborate and communicate openly and you take ownership of your area of speciality and run the extra mile to achieve your target
Are customer obsessed, as you are a problem solver and you proactively provide solutions.

Minimum 3 years of experience within purchasing, supply chain and/or logistics
Excellent understanding of the supply chain process
Experienced in production planning
Fluent in Swedish and English

Please apply by: 2021-11-03

About Electrolux Professional

Electrolux Professional has existed as a stand-alone company since March 23rd 2020, when it was spun off from the Electrolux group and separately listed at Nasdaq Stockholm.
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 12 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2020, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,3bn and approximately 3,500 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre

Jr Product Manager

Electrolux Professional Presents: Jr Product Management Ljungby, Sweden Being part of the Electrolux Professional team means one day is never the same as the next. What drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming the OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional Presents:
Jr Product Management
Ljungby, Sweden

Being part of the Electrolux Professional team means one day is never the same as the next. What drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming the OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café.
Acting in a truly sustainable way means going beyond just products; connecting users with intelligence, humans with technology and innovative thinkers with relevant business models. And providing the most inclusive service offering with expertise, state-of-the-art interfaces and the best people network.

Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry. Electrolux Professional – we are The OnE.

Job background:
Product management is an organizational function within Electrolux Professional dealing with the planning, forecasting and marketing of a product or products at all stages of the product lifecycle. The role consists of product development and product marketing, which are different (yet complementary) efforts, with the objective of maximizing sales revenues, market share and profit margins. The product manager is responsible for analyzing market conditions and defining features or functions of a product. The role of product management spans many activities from strategic to tactical and serves an inter-disciplinary role, bridging gaps within the company between teams of different expertise, most notably between engineering-oriented teams and commercially-oriented teams. For example, product managers translate business objectives set for a product by into engineering requirements. Conversely they work to explain the capabilities and limitations of the finished product back to Marketing and Sales.

Job purpose:
Product management demands for:
Strong customer-orientation and analytical skills to understand and anticipate the market trends and the threats posed by competition;
Deep understanding of the Marketing process and strategic capabilities in defining and articulating a complete Business Plan;
Drive for results during the execution of the Business Plan;
Will to integrate different functions and departments, such as R&D, Logistics, Production, Quality, Purchasing, Marketing, Sales and Service into a unique great team to gain the customer’s trust.

The PM is responsible to develop and implement strategy for the assigned product category, which including:
Product lifecycle management for the assigned product portfolio
Market monitoring and research of new opportunities in terms of product offer and target Consumer/Market
Pricing and positioning activities
The analysis of the marketplace and benchmarking of competition;
The development of the positioning strategy and articulation of the Product Business Plan;
Monitoring of the Product Development process and management of the product lifecycle;
Product sales training and support
All the activities of communication and training required for a product launch execution.

Masters or Bachelor’s degree in engineering, business management or similar education.
Self-driven, results-oriented with a positive outlook, and a clear focus on Customer’ satisfaction.
Strong analytical skills and structured approach.
Ability to work in a multicultural team and being a team-player.
Business understanding and process knowledge.
Curious of learning and building a great Product knowledge, with focus on features-benefits-solutions selling.
Basic business finance knowledge: able to understand profit and loss calculations.
Excellent communication and presentation skills and ability in influencing;
Fluent English is mandatory and fluent Swedish an advantage.

The position requires intense interaction with several departments and functions, therefore some people-management skills, experience and natural ability will be useful.

Please apply by: 15.11.2021

About Electrolux Professional

Electrolux Professional has existed since March 23rd, 2020 when it was spun off from the Electrolux group an independent company listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. Electrolux Professional is a leading provider and trusted partner for unit and full solutions, with a comprehensive and integrated offering for food, beverage and laundry. Our innovative and efficient solutions help to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable - and truly sustainable every day. With 10,000 service technicians in over 140 countries, we offer our customers a worldwide service network. In 2018, Electrolux Professional had 3,000 employees and achieved global sales of SEK 9bn.
For more information, visit: www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre

Warehouse & Distribution Manager

Electrolux Professional presents: NORTHERN LOGISTICS HUB – WAREHOUSE & DISTRIBUTIONS MANAGER Ljungby, Sweden As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - wh... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presents:
Ljungby, Sweden
As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting truly sustainable means going beyond products; connecting users with intelligence, humans with technology and innovative thinkers with relevant business models. And providing the most inclusive service offering with expertise, state-of-the-art interfaces and the best people network.
Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry. Electrolux Professional – we are The OnE
This is an exciting opportunity for a driven person with multitasking skills. Our current Warehouse & Distribution Manager is moving on within the company and now we are looking for his successor.
A normal day at work:
This is an exciting, fast paced role in a global environment. Leading the day-to-day work in the warehouse and distribution together with a great team of 13 employees, both white collar and blue collar, you will see to that our safety, quality and productivity numbers are the best they have ever been. You will also be driving the continous development of the team and your methods, as you strive to always improve and evolve the team.
Within your team is a team leader and a logistics developer, who will be supporting you in your role. The daily operations within your team are run with a high grade of automation.
To be successful in this role you need to believe that we always can improve processes and communication, both within the company but also with our external contacts. You are probably a highly driven person who thrives in an environment with clear objectives and KPI:s. It is of utmost importance that you can transform these KPI:s and goals in to the everyday work of your group.
Lead and develop the operational activities on a daily basis according to the group Hub concept
Maintain a safe workplace. Continuously improve safety awareness throughout the Hub.
Report to both closest manager and responsible for standards and methods in warehousing
Achieve and exceed the goals of productivity and quality
Propose and implement best-practice solutions for the operations along with being responsible for standards and methods in warehousing
To investigate, develop and implement projects with the aim of further improvement of safety, productivity and quality
Participate actively in increasing the service level and work to reduce inventory values
Create conditions to work with change management
Cooperate with various actors within the company and with external partners (transport companies, customers, suppliers)

Strong problem-solving and analytical skills.
Excellent leadership and interpersonal skills.
Demonstrated ability to be flexible and adaptive to internal processes and change, delays or unexpected events.
You are humble. You take pride in being part of something bigger than yourself.
You are customer obsessed, as you understand who your customers are,proactively provide solutions and you deliver value.
You build trust, as you are honest, transparent and trustworthy.
You are bold, as you challenge yourself outside your comfort zone and you try to find new ways to achieve your target.
You act sustainably, as you have a long term perspective and you build for the future.

Education and Experience
University degree in Supply chain, Engineering or equivalent through experience
3+ years in a leading role
A background in logistics and/or supply chain is preferable
Ability to work in a dynamic, multicultural environment
Proficient in WMS, TMS and MS Office
Swedish and English is a must for this role.
Experience and knowledge of working with Lean
Please apply by: 2021-10-10
About Electrolux Professional
Electrolux Professional has existed as a stand-alone company since March 23rd 2020, when it was spun off from the Electrolux group and separately listed at Nasdaq Stockholm.
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 12 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2020, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,3bn and approximately 3,500 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre


Electrolux Professional presents: PRODUKTIONSLEDARE – Supermarket (SMKT) Ljungby, Sweden Shape the plan. Make it happen. Take it to the next level. As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us everyday is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming the OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presents:
Ljungby, Sweden
Shape the plan. Make it happen. Take it to the next level.
As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us everyday is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming the OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting truly sustainable means going beyond products; connecting users with intelligence, humans with technology and innovative thinkers with relevant business models. And providing the most inclusive service offering with expertise, state-of-the-art interfaces and the best people network.
Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry. Electrolux Professional – we are The OnE.
Supermarket (SMKT) är en del av produktionen i fabriken i Ljungby, där de primära uppgifterna innefattar hantering av direkt material, som används i monteringslinorna. SMKT hanterar inleveranser, förvaring, plock och leverans till monteringslinorna i sekvenser.
Vi söker nu vår nya produktionsledare för SMKT, då den nuvarande kommer att gå i pension.
I denna roll kommer du att förutom vara huvudansvarig för att leda och fördela dagligt arbetet även bidra till att förbättra och effektivisera arbetsmoment inom avdelningen.
Din avdelning och ditt team är en stor del av hela produktionsflödet. Vi tror att rätt person i den här rollen kan höja det totala flödets resultat. För att möta detta behov är du en stor bidgragande faktor när det gäller processerna inom din avdelning i enlighet med KPI:er för säkerhet, leverans, kvalitet, produktivitet och standarder gällande ständiga förbättringar. För just processerna sker samarbetet i nära samarbete med processägare som tillhör avdelningen produktionsteknik.
Förutom nära samarbete med processägare har produktionsledaren samverkan med bland annat övriga produktionsledare, kvalitetsavdelningen, färdigvarulager, underhåll, HR, IT, ekonomi.
I det dagliga arbetet har produktionsledaren stöd av en team leader i SMKT.
Leda och fördela arbetet för medarbetare inom Supermarket, ca35-40st.
Coacha och stötta medarbetarna gällande säkerhet, kvalitet, kostnad, leverans, arbetsstandarder samt ständiga förbättringar.
Anpassa scheman för att möta produktionslinornas behov, analysera och lösa problem samt koordinera med andra avdelningar.
Leda och utveckla medarbetarna genom, utbildning, arbetsfördelning samt säkerställa så att nödvändig säkerhetsutrustning finns och används.
Arbeta efter samt följa upp KPI:er.
Rekommendera och identifiera förbättringsmöjligheter för arbetsmetoder, utrustning och kvalitet.

Är en trygg och stark ledare
Driver och levererar resultat både på kort och lång sikt
Uppfattar snabbt förändrade behov och fattar beslut även i pressade situationer
Håller kunden i fokus genom ett ”utifrånperspektiv”
Kommunicerar effektivt både skriftligt och muntligt
Uppskattar förändring och att optimera ditt och ditt teams arbete.

Universitetsstudier omfattande minst 2 år inom logistik, supply chain eller liknande.
Arbetslivserfarenhet om minst två år i ledande roller inom lager/logistik.
Van IT-användare, bekväm i Officemiljö
Erfarenhet och intresse av ständigt förbättringsarbete.
Flytande svenska samt goda kunskaper i engelska.

About Electrolux Professional
Professionals is an independent company of Electrolux but used to be a subsidiary company to Electrolux. It was stock listed on March23rd, 2020.

Electrolux Professional is a leading provider and trusted partner for unit and full solutions, with a comprehensive and integrated offering for food, beverage and laundry. Our innovative and efficient solutions help to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable - and truly sustainable every day. With 10,000 service technicians in over 140 countries, we offer our customers a worldwide service network. In 2018, Electrolux Professional had 3,000 employees and achieved global sales of SEK 9bn.
For more information, visit: www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre

Global Projects Advanced Buyer

Electrolux Professional presents: GLOBAL PROJECT ADVANCED BUYER Ljungby, Sweden Apply new ways of thinking to create new ways of working. As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming the OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and ma... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presents:
Ljungby, Sweden
Apply new ways of thinking to create new ways of working.
As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming the OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting truly sustainable means going beyond products; connecting users with intelligence, humans with technology and innovative thinkers with relevant business models. And providing the most inclusive service offering with expertise, state-of-the-art interfaces and the best people network.
Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry. Electrolux Professional – we are The OnE.
By joining the Electrolux Professional team, you will take on the challenge to drive and execute purchasing activities in cross-functional product projects. You will be highly cost, time and quality driven to deliver the most profitable product for our customers, as well as recommending product innovations based on improving quality. The position requires an interest in market dynamics and competitive behavior, negotiation and pricing, manufacturing processes, and risk mitigation.
Manage all project related supplier relations
Member in applicable project cross-functional team(s)
Create partnership with R&D organization for an efficient purchasing approach
Develop and maintain a project sourcing plan in alignment with Sourcing Strategy and Project Targets, compile other sourcing prerequisites and secure timely hand-over to the Sourcing plant buyer
Handle Cost Modelling process to Reach Cost KPI targets for strong product competitiveness
Ensure supplier readiness for production
Negotiate NDA’s, MPA’s (Master Purchase Agreements) and other contracts
Enhance and Lead innovation input from suppliers and promote it into Electrolux Professional
All this while keeping Electrolux Professional values and priorities in check.

Team worker willing to take on new challenges
Capable to develop and take important business decisions
Ready to withstand the pressure and responsibility of your function
Have excellent negotiating and influencing skills
Open minded and creative
Able to contribute to the success of our company

University degree in Business, Engineering or equivalent through experience
Specialties can range from economics, technical studies
Minimum of 3-5 years of relevant experience in purchasing in a multinational environment
Experience in adjacent disciplines like those that logistics, manufacturing, research and development, are also welcomed
Ability to work in a dynamic, multicultural environment
Excellent listening, verbal and written communication skills
Ability to make important decisions and cope with the pressure of demanding targets and tight deadlines
Languages: Mandatory fluent in English, any other language is an asset.

Please apply by: 31.10.2021
About Electrolux Professional
Electrolux Professional has existed as a stand-alone company since March 23rd 2020, when it was spun off from the Electrolux group and separately listed at Nasdaq Stockholm.
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 12 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2020, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,3bn and approximately 3,500 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre

5 year PhD Position - Big Data

Electrolux Professional – Big Data Analytics for Insights into Professional Product Life Cycle – Ljungby, Sweden Become part of a multidisciplinary and agile team at The Research Hub at Electrolux Professional AB in Ljungby, Sweden, developing the technology driving tomorrow’s laundry appliances. Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry solutions, serving a wide range of customers globally, from... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional – Big Data Analytics for Insights into Professional Product Life Cycle – Ljungby, Sweden
Become part of a multidisciplinary and agile team at The Research Hub at Electrolux Professional AB in Ljungby, Sweden, developing the technology driving tomorrow’s laundry appliances.

Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry solutions, serving a wide range of customers globally, from restaurants and hotels to healthcare, educational and other service facilities.

What drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable.

Vision and Goal: We are looking to partner with a PhD student who will utilize Big Data to allow us to map the life cycle of our products and switch from a reactive to proactive approach in product development, production, and maintenance/repair.

Together with you, we seek to grow and create sustainable experience for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry. Big Data will enable us to analyze and understand the events occurring during the lifetime of our equipment, from birth to replacement. With this in-depth understanding, we expect to create benefits internally, for our customers, and the world around us.

The focus of the research will be to:

- Work on quality improvement by focusing on developing/modifying weak components/modules
- Enhance quality in production by focusing on developing/modifying processes and end-of-line controls
- Increase speed of resolution for Quality related issues (easy access to data)
- Prevent equipment failure by redefining an adapted maintenance program (maintenance vs repair, benefit: less costly, less downtime)
- Maximizing cost saving for customers by analyzing utilization of equipment, program
- Expend the range of services (Service agreement, connectivity, consumables, …)
- Improve product reliability and customers satisfaction

The industry PhD-student will be employed at Electrolux Professional and enrolled in the graduate program at Linnaeus University. Therefore the position has some academic requirements that needs to be fulfilled.
General entry requirements
- has been awarded a second-cycle qualification
- has satisfied the requirements for courses comprising at least 240 credits of which at least 60 credits were awarded in the second-cycle, or has acquired substantially equivalent knowledge in some other way in Sweden or abroad.
Specific entry requirements
- approved courses of a minimum of 90 credits in the subject Computer and Information Science or the equivalent
- an individual study project of a minimum of 15 credits in the subject Computer and Information Science, or the equivalent.
Assessment criteria
Good programming skills (in for example Java, C#, Ruby or Python), and a solid training in mathematics and theoretical computer science. Documented expertise and working experience within at least two of the following research and educational areas is a great advantage:
- Big data analytics
- Data visualization
- Machine learning
- Predictive Maintence
- Parallel processing
Because of the interdisciplinary character of the project and LNUC DISA (https://lnu.se/en/disa), the candidate should be an enthusiastic person who is interested in making sense of large and complex data sets of various types as well as capable of working both independently and within a group. Teamwork experiences should be documented in the application.
High proficiency in written and spoken English is required.
Applicants will be selected through a qualitative overall assessment of the competences and skills, assessed most suitable to conduct research and to contribute to a successful development of the research environment. Visa mindre

Vi söker en lödare

Vi söker en lödare till heatpump! Electrolux Professional är din helhetspartner – The OnE. Vårt uppdrag är att göra ditt arbetsliv enklare, mer lönsamt och verkligt hållbart varje dag. Vilken verksamhet du än bedriver är vårt mål att göra den till den mest hållbara upplevelsen inom storkök, dryck och tvätt under hela produktlivscykeln. Med hjärta för hållbarhet leder vi vägen när det gäller att utforma fullständiga och integrerade lösningar som ger hög pro... Visa mer
Vi söker en lödare till heatpump!
Electrolux Professional är din helhetspartner – The OnE. Vårt uppdrag är att göra ditt arbetsliv enklare, mer lönsamt och verkligt hållbart varje dag.
Vilken verksamhet du än bedriver är vårt mål att göra den till den mest hållbara upplevelsen inom storkök, dryck och tvätt under hela produktlivscykeln.
Med hjärta för hållbarhet leder vi vägen när det gäller att utforma fullständiga och integrerade lösningar som ger hög produktivitet, lägsta livscykelkostnader och är de mest enkla att använda och underhålla.
Via det unika OnE interface gör vi det möjligt för våra kunder att hantera all sin verksamhet. Genom att använda anslutna och synkroniserade produkter och tjänster skapar vi det ultimata värdet för dina affärer.
Electrolux Professional är en pålitlig helhetspartner med lång erfarenhet och stor expertis. Vi har funnits i branschen i 100 år och har under denna tid byggt upp världens mest omfattande servicenätverk.
Vårt huvudkontor finns på Kungsholmen i Stockholm. I Ljungby i Småland finns vår tvättfabrik (som tidigare ägdes av Wascator), där vi producerar professionella tvättlösningar till hela världen. Ytterligare kontor finns i Göteborg och Malmö.
Vi på Electrolux Professional är övertygade om att rätt verktyg och instrument kan göra en positiv skillnad såväl i våra kunders vardag som för vår planet.
Vi är stolta över att vara världsledande inom innovation och design och över att kunna leverera de lösningar som du efterfrågar. Vårt uppdrag är att göra livet enklare och mer lönsamt för dig.

Om jobbet
Vi arbetar med tillverkning av värmepumpar till produktion av torktumlare och till viss del reservdelstillverkning. Vi arbetar i team, och söker nu nya lagspelare med de rätta personliga egenskaperna. Vi ger dig ett jobb med frihet under ansvar, ett flexibelt och varierat arbete samt gott om möjligheter att lära och utvecklas.
Omfattning: heltid
Varaktighet: tillsvidare eller överenskommelse
Arbetstid: dagtid

Vem är du?
Är du noggrann, ordningsam och en fena på att planera ditt arbete för att få till ett optimalt flöde?
Ser du dig som en flexibel, proaktiv och ansvarstagande person som gillar att jobba i team? Du kommer att arbeta med både elmontering och mekanisk montering, lödning, felsökning/reparation på el- och kylfunktion även läcksökning och slutprovning ingår i jobbet.
- Är detta vad du söker då kan du vara rätt person för oss!

· Industriteknisk gymnasieutbildning eller motsvarande arbetslivserfarenhet
· Lödning, kyl/värme-teknik
· Lödarcertifikat
· Kyl- och värmeteknisk utbildning
· Industriteknisk gymnasieutbildning eller motsvarande arbetslivserfarenhet
· Elteknik arbetserfarenhet
· Monteringsvana
· Datorvana
· Tidigare erfarenhet av värmepumpstillverkning/service
· Flytande svenska i tal och skrift
Vi tillämpar löpande urval vilket innebär att tjänsten kan tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdag löpt ut.

Vill du veta mer, kontakta Produktionsledare Daniel Magnisson, på telefon 0372-66 082 eller den fackliga representant; IF Metall, Per Magnusson, på telefon 0372-66 262. Visa mindre

Kvalitetsingenjör - processkvalitet

KVALITETSINGENJÖR MED INRIKTING PROCESSKVALITET Ljungby, Sverige Nu söker vi dig som vill bli en del av vårt kvalitetsteam, och jobba med fokus på processkvalitet. Är du en erfaren och kunnig kvalitetstekniker som sporras av att jobba tvärfunktionellt i ett globalt bolag? Ser du möjligheter där andra ser hinder? Är du en driven, nyfiken och agil person som älskar att hitta lösningar på problem, samtidigt som du har fömågan att få med dig folk runt omkring... Visa mer
Ljungby, Sverige
Nu söker vi dig som vill bli en del av vårt kvalitetsteam, och jobba med fokus på processkvalitet. Är du en erfaren och kunnig kvalitetstekniker som sporras av att jobba tvärfunktionellt i ett globalt bolag? Ser du möjligheter där andra ser hinder? Är du en driven, nyfiken och agil person som älskar att hitta lösningar på problem, samtidigt som du har fömågan att få med dig folk runt omkring? Då ska du läsa vidare!
Ditt huvudsakliga arbetsområde kommer vara kvalitetsplanering och -styrning i våra nuvarande och framtida produktionsprocesser i Ljungbyfabriken. Detta innebär bland annat:
Definiera och implementera kontrollplaner med tillhörande processer och metoder för att säkra kvalitet i våra produktionsprocesser utifrån genomförda riskbedömningar.
Det gör du i samarbete med andra avdelningar men det är du som håller i taktpinnen.
Du utvecklar och förbättrar våra processer för kontroll och kvalitetstyrning och sprider best practise till områden som kan dra nytta.
Du håller koll på trender i vår statistiska processkontroll och initierar åtgärder vid behov.
Du genomför proaktiva processrevisioner och är ibland även värd för externa revisioner av t.ex. produktcertifieringsmyndigheter eller nyckelkunder.
Du är en lagspelare i fabrikens Kvalitets- och Produktionsorganisation.

Analytisk, systematisk och strukturerad
Bra på att hantera många uppgifter och kontakter samtidigt
Baserar dina beslut på fakta
Hjälpsam och coachande

Teknisk eftergymnasial utbildning
Kvalitetssäkringsmetodik, gärna inom World Class Manufacturing:
Statistisk processkontroll, processkapabilitet
Critical to Quality och risktänkande
Poka yoke
Flytande svenska, utmärkt engelska. Andra språk är ett plus.
Erfarenhet av kvalitetssäkring i produktion
Erfarenhet av Kvalitetsystem och revisioner

Sista ansökningsdag: Ansök senast 1 Oktober 2021.
About Electrolux Professional

Electrolux Professional has existed as a stand-alone company since March 23rd 2020, when it was spun off from the Electrolux group and separately listed at Nasdaq Stockholm.
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 12 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2020, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,3bn and approximately 3,500 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre


Electrolux Professional är din helhetspartner – The OnE. Vårt uppdrag är att göra ditt arbetsliv enklare, mer lönsamt och verkligt hållbart varje dag. Vilken verksamhet du än bedriver är vårt mål att göra den till den mest hållbara upplevelsen inom storkök, dryck och tvätt under hela produktlivscykeln. Med hjärta för hållbarhet leder vi vägen när det gäller att utforma fullständiga och integrerade lösningar som ger hög produktivitet, lägsta livscykelkostna... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional är din helhetspartner – The OnE. Vårt uppdrag är att göra ditt arbetsliv enklare, mer lönsamt och verkligt hållbart varje dag.
Vilken verksamhet du än bedriver är vårt mål att göra den till den mest hållbara upplevelsen inom storkök, dryck och tvätt under hela produktlivscykeln.
Med hjärta för hållbarhet leder vi vägen när det gäller att utforma fullständiga och integrerade lösningar som ger hög produktivitet, lägsta livscykelkostnader och är de mest enkla att använda och underhålla.
Via det unika OnE interface gör vi det möjligt för våra kunder att hantera all sin verksamhet. Genom att använda anslutna och synkroniserade produkter och tjänster skapar vi det ultimata värdet för dina affärer.
Electrolux Professional är en pålitlig helhetspartner med lång erfarenhet och stor expertis. Vi har funnits i branschen i 100 år och har under denna tid byggt upp världens mest omfattande servicenätverk.
Vårt huvudkontor finns på Kungsholmen i Stockholm. I Ljungby i Småland finns vår tvättfabrik (som tidigare ägdes av Wascator), där vi producerar professionella tvättlösningar till hela världen. Ytterligare kontor finns i Göteborg och Malmö.
Vi på Electrolux Professional är övertygade om att rätt verktyg och instrument kan göra en positiv skillnad såväl i våra kunders vardag som för vår planet.
Vi är stolta över att vara världsledande inom innovation och design och över att kunna leverera de lösningar som du efterfrågar. Vårt uppdrag är att göra livet enklare och mer lönsamt för dig.

Om jobbet
Som verktygstekniker på Electrolux Professional AB kommer du att arbeta med underhåll och service av pressverktyg och produktionsutrustning, nytillverkning av fixturer där både svarvning, fräsning, svetsning och montering är vanligt förekommande arbetsuppgifter. Utfört underhåll dokumenteras och återrapporteras digital i underhållssystemet.
God samarbetsförmåga är en viktig egenskap då du blir en viktig person i underhållsgruppen där ni tillsammans löser problem. Ni har beredskap enl. ett rullande schema för verktygshaveri och akutservice av produktionsutrustning.
Utöver de dagliga arbetsuppgifterna kan du bli delaktig vid installation och flytt av produktionsutrustning, provkörning av nya pressverktyg och även medverka vid framtagning av rutiner för operatörsunderhåll på både verktyg och fixturer.
Arbetsrapportering och beskrivningar görs i vårt underhållssystem samt i Excel.

Omfattning: heltid Varaktighet: tillsvidare eller överenskommelse Arbetstid: dagtid och beredskap

Vem är du?
· Du kanske arbetar som verktygsmakare, underhållstekniker eller bara är intresserad av verktyg och maskiner?
· Ritningsläsning och kunskap inom manuell bearbetning är ett krav, materialkännedom är meriterande, likaså att kunna köra NC-styrda maskiner.
· Har du kunskap inom plåtformning, stansning och bockning är det ett stort plus då vi har pressverktyg som regelbundet underhålls och repareras.
· Du ska ha god känsla för finish och kvalité, samt vara noggrann med detaljer då verktygsunderhåll kräver precision.
Svenska i tal och skrift, talar och skriver du även engelska är det meriterande. Visa mindre


Electrolux Professional är din helhetspartner – The OnE. Vårt uppdrag är att göra ditt arbetsliv enklare, mer lönsamt och verkligt hållbart varje dag. Vilken verksamhet du än bedriver är vårt mål att göra den till den mest hållbara upplevelsen inom storkök, dryck och tvätt under hela produktlivscykeln. Med hjärta för hållbarhet leder vi vägen när det gäller att utforma fullständiga och integrerade lösningar som ger hög produktivitet, lägsta livscykelkostna... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional är din helhetspartner – The OnE. Vårt uppdrag är att göra ditt arbetsliv enklare, mer lönsamt och verkligt hållbart varje dag.
Vilken verksamhet du än bedriver är vårt mål att göra den till den mest hållbara upplevelsen inom storkök, dryck och tvätt under hela produktlivscykeln.
Med hjärta för hållbarhet leder vi vägen när det gäller att utforma fullständiga och integrerade lösningar som ger hög produktivitet, lägsta livscykelkostnader och är de mest enkla att använda och underhålla.
Via det unika OnE interface gör vi det möjligt för våra kunder att hantera all sin verksamhet. Genom att använda anslutna och synkroniserade produkter och tjänster skapar vi det ultimata värdet för dina affärer.
Electrolux Professional är en pålitlig helhetspartner med lång erfarenhet och stor expertis. Vi har funnits i branschen i 100 år och har under denna tid byggt upp världens mest omfattande servicenätverk.
Vårt huvudkontor finns på Kungsholmen i Stockholm. I Ljungby i Småland finns vår tvättfabrik (som tidigare ägdes av Wascator), där vi producerar professionella tvättlösningar till hela världen. Ytterligare kontor finns i Göteborg och Malmö.

Vi på Electrolux Professional är övertygade om att rätt verktyg och instrument kan göra en positiv skillnad såväl i våra kunders vardag som för vår planet.
Vi är stolta över att vara världsledande inom innovation och design och över att kunna leverera de lösningar som du efterfrågar. Vårt uppdrag är att göra livet enklare och mer lönsamt för dig.

Om jobbet
Vi söker en person med kunskap inom styr och regler teknik för arbete inom drift och underhåll. I rollen som underhållstekniker kommer du att ha varierande arbetsuppgifter från att arbeta med förebyggande underhåll till att reparera och återställa maskiner vid haverier och produktionsstopp.
Du kommer att serva produktionsutrustning i huvudsak men det ingår även andra verksamhets relaterade arbetsuppgifter. Vidare ansvarar du för dokumentering och återrapportering av utförda insatser i underhållssystemet.

Omfattning: heltid Varaktighet: tillsvidare eller överenskommelse Arbetstid: dagtid och beredskap

Vem är du?
· Du kanske arbetar som servicetekniker, underhållstekniker eller bara är intresserad av verktyg och maskiner?
· Du kommer att använda underhållssystem och excel (och andra Microsoft mjukvara) varpå det är meriterande om du har kunskap och erfarenhet sen tidigare av detta.
· Kontakt med underhållsleverantörer
· Utbilda och träna produktionspersonalen i operatörsunderhåll
· Ansvarar för att den tekniska tillgängligheteten är på mål nivå
· Riskanalyser för reservdelar med avseende på produktionstopp
· Delta i installationer av maskiner och utrustning


· Vi söker dig som har erfarenhet av att arbeta med styr och regler teknik inom någon typ av industrimiljö.
· Du har datavana med allmänna PC-kunskaper samt viss kunskap inom el-schemaläsning.
· Det är viktigt med drivna, engagerade medarbetare som trivs med att arbeta i team samtidigt som man är självgående.
· Vi värdesätter medarbetare som är förändringsbenägna och som har en förmåga att delta i och bidra i det löpande förbättringsarbete för att utveckla verksamheten.
Svenska och engelska i tal och skrift. Visa mindre

Global Project Advanced Buyer

Apply new ways of thinking to create new ways of working. As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming the OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. A... Visa mer
Apply new ways of thinking to create new ways of working.
As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming the OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting truly sustainable means going beyond products; connecting users with intelligence, humans with technology and innovative thinkers with relevant business models. And providing the most inclusive service offering with expertise, state-of-the-art interfaces and the best people network.
Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry. Electrolux Professional – we are The OnE.

By joining Electrolux Professional team, you will take on the challenge to drive and execute purchasing activities in cross-functional product projects. You will be highly cost, time and quality driven to deliver the most profitable product for our customers, as well as recommending product innovations based on improving quality. The position requires an interest in market dynamics and competitive behavior, negotiation and pricing, manufacturing processes, and risk mitigation.
Manage all project related supplier relations
Member in applicable project cross-functional team(s)
Create partnership with R&D organization for an efficient purchasing approach
Develop and maintain a project sourcing plan in alignment with Sourcing Strategy and Project Targets, compile other sourcing prerequisites and secure timely hand-over to the Sourcing plant buyer
Handle Cost Modelling process to Reach Cost KPI targets for strong product competitiveness
Ensure supplier readiness for production
Negotiate NDA’s, MPA’s (Master Purchase Agreements) and other contracts
Enhance and Lead innovation input from suppliers and promote it into Electrolux

All this while keeping Electrolux values and priorities in check.

- Team worker willing to take on new challenges
- Capable to develop and take important business decisions
- Ready to withstand the pressure and responsibility of your function
- Have excellent negotiating and influencing skills
- Open minded and creative
- Able to contribute to the success of our company

· University degree in Business, Engineering or equivalent through experience
· Specialties can range from economics, technical studies
· Minimum of 3-5 years of relevant experience in purchasing in a multinational environment
· Experience in adjacent disciplines like those that logistics, manufacturing, research and development, are also welcomed
· Ability to work in a dynamic, multicultural environment
· Excellent listening, verbal and written communication skills
· Ability to make important decisions and cope with the pressure of demanding targets and tight deadlines
· Languages: Mandatory fluent in English, any other language is an asset.

About Electrolux Professional
Electrolux Professional is a leading provider and trusted partner for unit and full solutions, with a comprehensive and integrated offering for food, beverage and laundry. Our innovative and efficient solutions help to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable - and truly sustainable every day. With 10,000 service technicians in over 140 countries, we offer our customers a worldwide service network. In 2018, Electrolux Professional had 3,000 employees and achieved global sales of SEK 9bn.
For more information, visit: www.professional.electrolux.com Visa mindre

Electrical Engineer

As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting truly sustainable means going beyond products; con... Visa mer
As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting truly sustainable means going beyond products; connecting users with intelligence, humans with technology and innovative thinkers with relevant business models. And providing the most inclusive service offering with expertise, state-of-the-art interfaces and the best people network. Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry.

Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry. Electrolux Professional – we are The OnE.


The product Development Electrical Engineer will design and develop electrical systems within Electrolux Professional Global R&D placed in Ljungby. The job position plays an important role for Electrolux Professional in executing the projects according to the Generation Plan and support the profitable growth strategy of the Electrolux Group. The position requires you to interact with different teams and stakeholders within Electrolux Professional and external partners to design high-quality Professional Laundry solutions on Washers and Dryers. You will be directly responsible for electrical design of Washers and Dryers based on a Modular approach.

Develop washer and dryer product designs from component level integration to complete system development fulfilling the assigned Project targets in terms of marketability, quality, performance, reliability and cost.
Create electric schematics, drawings, specifications and BOM for new components, products and electrical design working with internal and external customers through the development and approval process
Participate in the following product development activities: Risk assessment, Prototyping/testing, Design reviews, Pilot Production, Verification, Validation, Pre-production
Evaluate design options and perform experiments to determine potential feasibility
Support the Product Care and Quality team for analyzing problems, modifications and questions


Strong team player. You are reliable and able to incorporate input from others and generate consensus through inclusion and ability to develop strong relationships.
Curious mindset. You enjoy working with smart people that you can learn from.
Independent. You take responsibility, find solutions and demonstrate creative problem solving skills within team and independent environments
Driven. You are able to prioritize and meet tight deadlines in an environment of competing priorities with a degree of autonomy and integrity.
Detail oriented and highly organized.
Proactive. You are a self-starter who is not just solving the tasks, you always think ahead.
Strong communicator. You are positive, open minded and enjoy working cross functionally in an international environment


Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical/Electronic engineering and minimum 2-3 years of experience in product development.
Experience working in cross-functional teams.
Knowledge about production and manufacturing
Interpersonal & Verbal/Written Communication skills in Swedish & English language
Efficient using MS Office

The following is considered advantageous:

Knowledge regarding certificate of electric components and applicable standards
Dimensioning according to Machine Directive
Knowledge in EMC requirements

Application Deadline: Please apply by 4 June 2021.

About Electrolux Professional

Electrolux Professional has existed as a stand-alone company since March 23rd 2020, when it was spun off from the Electrolux group and separately listed at Nasdaq Stockholm.
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 12 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2020, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,3bn and approximately 3,500 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre

Production Supervisor

PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR Ljungby, Sweden As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting truly sust... Visa mer
Ljungby, Sweden

As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting truly sustainable means going beyond products; connecting users with intelligence, humans with technology and innovative thinkers with relevant business models. And providing the most inclusive service offering with expertise, state-of-the-art interfaces and the best people network. Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry.

Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry. Electrolux Professional – we are The OnE.

The Production Supervisor is primarily responsible for effective operation of the assembly area, accomplished in a manner to enhance the overall performance of the plant. To meet this objective, the incumbent leads the production process in a manner necessary to meet or exceed safety, delivery, quality, productivity, and continuous improvement standards. The Production Supervisor will interface with Quality Assurance, Warehouse, Maintenance and Management personnel in order to achieve these goals.

Supervising production employees by planning and assigning work, adjusting schedules to meet production requirements, analyzing and resolving work problems, inspecting materials to verify conformance standards, and coordinating with other departments.
Managing and evaluating performance including coaching employees, conducting appropriate appraisals and administering discipline, employee training and development, assigning and directing work ensuring proper safety equipment is worn and proper safety procedures are being used.
Supervising the KPI’s.
Studying production schedules and estimating hourly requirements for completion of job assignments.
Recommending measures to improve production methods, equipment performance and product quality.
Conferring with other supervisors to coordinate activities of department.
Directing and coach Team Members for Safety, Quality, Cost, Delivery, Standardized Work and Continuous Improvement.

Drive and deliver business results in a short and long perspective.
Quickly understand and react to changes and makes decisions despite instabilities and uncertainties.
Keep the customers in mind through an outside perspective.
Excellent written and oral skills with the ability to communicate effectively.
Strong and solid leadership skills.
Good organizing skills.

Degree preferred (at least 2 years of University studies).
At least 2 years of experience in working as a manager.
Ability to work with computer equipment and proficient with Microsoft Office applications.
Fluent in Swedish and English.

Please apply before 07.07.2021.

About Electrolux Professional

Electrolux Professional has existed as a stand-alone company since March 23rd 2020, when it was spun off from the Electrolux group and separately listed at Nasdaq Stockholm.
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 12 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2020, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,3bn and approximately 3,500 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre


As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting truly sustainable means going beyond products; con... Visa mer
As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting truly sustainable means going beyond products; connecting users with intelligence, humans with technology and innovative thinkers with relevant business models. And providing the most inclusive service offering with expertise, state-of-the-art interfaces and the best people network. Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry.

Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry. Electrolux Professional – we are The OnE.


We are looking for a Customer Support Process Administrator to be a part of the Swedish Sales Organization, to fulfill the important role of providing excellent administrative support to the organization, our partners, and customers.

Maintain and administrate service contracts
Customer support for contract and invoice issues
Manage activities within CRM system
Maintaining customer master data
Updating necessary process documentation
Delivering high level of customer service
Organize internal and external events
Coordinate outbound process to achieve effective distribution to customer
Maintain and ensure best process for claims and transport damages
Reporting to direct supervisor of any deviations from agreed standards (delays, missing input)
Supporting other team members in achieving team and individual goals
Maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction
Be a professional colleague and team player, conducting business ethically, responsibly and in accordance to Electrolux Professional corporate guidelines

Customer focused with good business acumen
Excellent communication and social skills
Effective collaboration within a team
Strong instructional and analytical skills
Flexible and proactive


University degree with administrative or sales direction is a prerequisite
Fluent in spoken and written Swedish and basic level in English
Microsoft Office 365
Administrative work at sales department
Understanding the process of a sales-cycle and business acumen
Experience in CRM – Salesforce is a plus

Application Deadline: 11.06.2021

About Electrolux Professional

Electrolux Professional has existed as a stand-alone company since March 23rd 2020, when it was spun off from the Electrolux group and separately listed at Nasdaq Stockholm.
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 12 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2020, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,3bn and approximately 3,500 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre

Electronic Engineer

ELECTRONIC ENGINEER Ljungby, Sweden Create products that go beyond functional to fantastical! As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming the OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run... Visa mer
Ljungby, Sweden

Create products that go beyond functional to fantastical!

As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming the OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting truly sustainable means going beyond products; connecting users with intelligence, humans with technology and innovative thinkers with relevant business models. And providing the most inclusive service offering with expertise, state-of-the-art interfaces and the best people network.
Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry. Electrolux Professional – we are The OnE.

We are looking for a person that will be driving the development and maintenance of our motor control units. You will be specifying requirements for inverters to comply with product performance and regulations, and will being the technical contact to suppliers and our laboratory and quality departments. You will optimise algorithms and functions used by the product control system. As module area leader, you would be a key player in the generation plan for inverters.


You will work closely with colleagues from different technical disciplines, from all over the world, get to understand different realities, cultures and people, as well as being part of an open-minded team, where creativity is welcome and innovation applied to product development and methodology is the key mission.
You will interact with, and you will be in contact with the best experts in our company having the possibility to acquire knowledge at the state of the art and beyond in the professional laundry industry.
Your main responsibilities include:

Driving engineering changes for hardware and firmware revisions
Creating necessary documentation and design, testing and approval guidelines
Closely interacting with hardware and firmware teams for a seamless transfer from laboratory to suppliers and to mass production
Specifying and monitoring function test
Tuning of parameters for optimal performance


Analytical thinking and problem solving approach
Able to structure work and close tasks.
Passionate about technology with very good interpersonal skills
Good communication skills
Open-minded and resilient


Master degree in Electronics Engineering or similar
Good experience in power electronics and frequency inverter
Power electronics design
EMC knowledge
Knowledge of embedded systems. (Micro, ADCs, communication protocols, etc)
Experience with FW and SW coding principles and practices. (C/C++)
Experience with data acquisition and control systems.

Application deadline: 04.06.2021

About Electrolux Professional

Electrolux Professional has existed as a stand-alone company since March 23rd 2020, when it was spun off from the Electrolux group and separately listed at Nasdaq Stockholm.
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 12 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2020, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,3bn and approximately 3,500 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre

Project Manager Washers

PROJECT MANAGER – WASHERS Ljungby, Sweden As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting trul... Visa mer
Ljungby, Sweden

As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting truly sustainable means going beyond products; connecting users with intelligence, humans with technology and innovative thinkers with relevant business models. And providing the most inclusive service offering with expertise, state-of-the-art interfaces and the best people network. Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry.

Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry. Electrolux Professional – we are The OnE.


We are looking for an independent and driven professional who thrives on challenge, with good leadership skills and enjoys working in international teams, to lead Projects in the Washers division of the business. The Project Manager will be ambitious, driven, and ready to get things done.

In this role, you will drive and coordinate washer development projects in an international environment. You will also be responsible for execution and reporting of the respective project in the given time frame, cost target, and quality level. Your duties will include:

· Define the project requirements and drive projects from project definition to the approval of series production
· Drive and manage subsystem projects
· Define and implement new features and aesthetical design
· Be responsible for project budget and time-line
· Drive standardization
· Lead project teams
· Report in Check Point meetings/steering team meetings
· Ensure that new products/projects fit into the platform and subsystem structure
· Participate in a platform- and variant teams
· Organize test- and pilot series with the production
· Contact with suppliers
· Use development/quality tools like FMEA´s, project-planning tools etc.
· Create component and product specifications
· Support user manual creation


· Sustainability. To have sustainability in mind in whatever you do
· Autonomous. You can work independently without detailed directions
· Committed and Driven. You get things done
· Proactive. You take initiative and are always one step ahead
· Problem solver. Seeing challenges as opportunity
· Customer focused. Always keeping customers in mind, having an outside in perspective
· Good communicator. You build the reliable relationship with your stakeholders
· Open minded. You always look for new ways of working and constantly improve
· Flexible and open to international travel
· Networker. Ability to work in a matrix organization, building strong and valid relationships with all the functions of the organization
· Leadership. You can inspire, motivate and engage the Team
· Respectful. You are aware of cultural diversities and are able to tailor the communication to the people


· University degree in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering or related fields
· At least 3-5 years’ experience in managing projects
· Strong analytical skills
· English language fluent
· Strong knowledge of the mechanical component, system development, and design.
· Strong structured and engineering approach during each development phase.
· Knowledge of the main manufacturing processes (metal forming, injection molding, die-casting) and assembling.
· Knowledge of quality tools (e.g. FMEA´s)
· Experience in Design for Assembling and Manufacturing
· Knowledge of components development
· Knowledge of approval and environmental rules in different countries.

Application Deadline: 10.06.2021

About Electrolux Professional

Electrolux Professional has existed as a stand-alone company since March 23rd 2020, when it was spun off from the Electrolux group and separately listed at Nasdaq Stockholm.
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 12 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2020, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,3bn and approximately 3,500 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre

Digital Interaction & UX Designer

DIGITAL INTERACTION & UX DESIGNER Ljungby, Sweden Create a vision of the future. Make it real As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they ... Visa mer
Ljungby, Sweden

Create a vision of the future. Make it real

As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming their OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting truly sustainable means going beyond products; connecting users with intelligence, humans with technology and innovative thinkers with relevant business models. And providing the most inclusive service offering with expertise, state-of-the-art interfaces and the best people network. Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry.

Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry. Electrolux Professional – we are The OnE.


We are looking for a talented Digital Interaction and UX Designer who is able to understand our digital business requirements, user behavior, technologies and technical limitations, as well as be responsible for conceiving and conducting user research, interviews and surveys, and translating them into sitemaps, user flows, customer journey maps, wireframes, mockups and prototypes, in a collaborative and cross functional way.

You will create and enhances iteratively with end users and all stakeholders digital interfaces like apps, software programs, dynamic User Interfaces to make the experience more effortless and enjoyable for users.

Your final goal is to helps boost user efficiency, satisfaction and engagement, build brand loyalty, ensure smooth navigation, visual appeal and interaction with both remote (apps, web) and product embedded user interfaces.

Translate concepts into user flows, wireframes, mock-ups and prototypes that lead to intuitive user experiences
Facilitate, moderating and synthesize the different stakeholders product vision by researching, conceiving, sketching, prototyping and user-testing experiences for digital products
Design and deliver wireframes, user stories, user journeys, and mock-ups optimized for a wide range of devices and interfaces as well as UI graphics part
Identify design problems and create appealing and usable digital solutions
Make strategic design and user-experience decisions related to core, and new, functions and features.
Take a user-centered design approach and rapidly test and iterate your designs
Collaborate with other team members and stakeholders, leading and facilitating the conversation, in the way information is clustered and synthesized
Support the definition of the digital product road map through a direct and collaborative dialogue with BU's

Ability to work with Business Units to understand detailed requirements and design complete user experiences that meet customers needs and vision
Empathy for the user, and strong analytical abilities
A solid grasp of user-centered design (UCD) and Design Thinking processes, planning and conducting user research, user testing, A/B testing, rapid prototyping, heuristic analysis, usability and accessibility concerns
Ability to iterate designs and solutions efficiently and intelligently
Ability to clearly and effectively communicate design processes, ideas, and solutions to teams and clients
Ability to work effectively in a Team including synthesizing abstract ideas into concrete design implications
Excited about collaborating and communicating closely with teams and other stakeholders via a distributed model, to regularly deliver design solutions for approval
Passionate about resolving user pain points through great design
Open to receiving feedback and constructive criticism
Passionate about all things UX and other areas of design and innovation. Research and showcase knowledge in the industry’s latest trends and technologies

Three or more years of UX design experience. Preference will be given to candidates who have experience designing complex solutions for complete digital environments.
Expertise in standard UX software such as Sketch, Figma, Axure, InVision, UXPin, Balsamiq, Framer, Adobe UXD . Basic HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript and QT skills are a plus.
Excellent visual design skills with sensitivity to user-system interaction and look and feel
Graphics capabilities and attitude to generate iconography and visual solutions

Please apply by: 4 June 2021

About Electrolux Professional

Electrolux Professional has existed as a stand-alone company since March 23rd 2020, when it was spun off from the Electrolux group and separately listed at Nasdaq Stockholm.
Electrolux Professional is one of the leading global providers of food service, beverage and laundry for professional users. Our innovative products and worldwide service network make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. Our solutions and products are manufactured in 12 plants in seven countries and sold in over 110 countries. In 2020, Electrolux Professional had global sales of SEK 7,3bn and approximately 3,500 employees. Electrolux Professional’s B-shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, visit www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre

Sommarjobba hos Electrolux Professional!

Sommarjobba hos oss på Electrolux Professional i Ljungby 2021 Vi på Electrolux Professional är övertygade om att rätt verktyg och instrument kan göra en positiv skillnad såväl i våra kunders vardag som för vår planet. Vi är stolta över att vara världsledande inom innovation och design och över att kunna leverera de lösningar som du efterfrågar. Vårt uppdrag är att göra livet enklare och mer lönsamt för dig Vilka sommarjobb erbjuder vi? Merparten av vår... Visa mer
Sommarjobba hos oss på Electrolux Professional i Ljungby 2021
Vi på Electrolux Professional är övertygade om att rätt verktyg och instrument kan göra en positiv skillnad såväl i våra kunders vardag som för vår planet.
Vi är stolta över att vara världsledande inom innovation och design och över att kunna leverera de lösningar som du efterfrågar. Vårt uppdrag är att göra livet enklare och mer lönsamt för dig
Vilka sommarjobb erbjuder vi?
Merparten av våra sommarjobb är inom produktion, lager och administration. Sommarjobb hos oss är en bra start på en eventuell framtida karriär! Här får du inblick i hur det är att arbeta inom Electrolux Professional och en chans att bygga nätverk för framtiden.
Vem kan söka sommarjobb på Electrolux Professional?
Vi vänder oss till dig som är minst 18 år. (Du måste ha fyllt 18 år innan du påbörjar ditt sommarjobb hos oss baserat på arbetsmiljölagen.)
Vi ser gärna att du studerar på högskola, universitet eller yrkeshögskola med relevant inriktning, men vi välkomnar också dig som går på gymnasiet att söka. Mångfald är viktigt för oss på Electrolux Professional!
När kan jag söka sommarjobb?
Ansökningstiden startar i januari och avslutas den 28 februari 2021. Blivande sommarjobbare får ett besked om anställning senast under maj månad, men urvalsprocessen sker löpande från det att vi publicerat annonsen.
Hur söker jag sommarjobb?
Det finns en länk - klicka på den och fyll i ansökningsformuläret! Vi har en gemensam annons för alla sommarjobb, men i formuläret har du möjlighet att välja vilken typ av jobb du främst är intresserad av. Vi tar inte emot ansökningar via mail.

Välkommen med din ansökan! Visa mindre


Electrolux Professional presents: SW / HW LAB ENGINEER Ljungby, Sweden Move to improve. Bring your ideas and expertise to life. If you are looking to grow your career in a dynamic R&D function, and you dream about working with the latest technologies and brand new lab equipment – read on – this might be the right opportunity for you! A REGULAR DAY AT WORK / MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES Designing test cases (testing of washer/dryer performance and appliance sub-... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presents:
Ljungby, Sweden
Move to improve. Bring your ideas and expertise to life.

If you are looking to grow your career in a dynamic R&D function, and you dream about working with the latest technologies and brand new lab equipment – read on – this might be the right opportunity for you!
Designing test cases (testing of washer/dryer performance and appliance sub-systems) in Lab View with Q-Max as User Interface, following relevant standards
Writing Test Manuals for developed test cases
Designing test equipment through own choice of existing hardware solutions (PLC systems or company own developed control systems, I/O boards, inverters…) or development of customized hardware and applying existing/new software solutions
Participation in choice of network solutions for optimal lab environment for data collection/processing
Choice of sensors and other hardware components included in lab test environment
Designing test environment by applying existing/own developed software solutions for collection and processing of test data
Providing documentation (drawings, wiring diagrams, component specifications…) for own developed solutions
Designing procedures for automated/faster testing of machine software for washers, dryers and barrier machines.
Consulting SW/HW Platform Developers in their daily work
Participation in projects as responsible for test plan creation
Following updates in relevant standards and providing interpretations to Lab Technicians/Engineers
Conducting testing of hardware/software solutions and issuing of complete lab reports according to relevant standards
Supporting Lab Technicians/Engineers in SW/HW testing by providing constructive feedback based on experience and competence

Open minded, honest, easy to deal with, willing to cooperate and learn, ready to take initiative when it is missing from others
Bachelor’s degree in Electronics as SW and/or HW developer or within area of automation and control systems
Knowledge in any CAD tool for design of PCB and drawing wiring diagrams
Knowledge in basic MS Office 360 packages (Word, Excel, Teams, Share Point…)
Fluent in English
Fluent in Swedish / preferred, but not required
Driving license for B category vehicles

Please note that for this position a strong candidate has been identified. However, if your profile closely matches the position requirements you are still encouraged to apply.
About Electrolux Professional
Professionals is an independent company of Electrolux but used to be a subsidiary company to Electrolux. It was stock listed on March23rd, 2020.

Electrolux Professional is a leading provider and trusted partner for unit and full solutions, with a comprehensive and integrated offering for food, beverage and laundry. Our innovative and efficient solutions help to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable - and truly sustainable every day. With 10,000 service technicians in over 140 countries, we offer our customers a worldwide service network. In 2018, Electrolux Professional had 3,000 employees and achieved global sales of SEK 9bn.
For more information, visit: www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre

Global Commodity Manager Cluster North Europe - Mechanical

Apply new ways of thinking to create new ways of working. As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming the OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. A... Visa mer
Apply new ways of thinking to create new ways of working.
As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us every day is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming the OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting truly sustainable means going beyond products; connecting users with intelligence, humans with technology and innovative thinkers with relevant business models. And providing the most inclusive service offering with expertise, state-of-the-art interfaces and the best people network.
Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry. Electrolux Professional – we are The OnE.
Electrolux Professional Purchasing is a fundamental contributor for the achievement of the company objectives. In our world, we build on long-term relationships with our suppliers, the best value for money, the most meaningful innovation and excellent quality with respect for our values. Our mission is to support the company in delivering on time with perfect quality at the right cost, so that as a company we can live up to the expectations of our customers.
We operate both at global and plant level and collaborate with a panel of international suppliers engaging them with our internal business partners like: Sales, R&D, Quality, Manufacturing & Engineering, Product Line, Marketing, Finance, HR, IT, Business Units, etc.
We rely on building strong cooperation. We focus on innovation, quality and development of long-term relationships with our strategic suppliers. Sustainability and continuous improvement are the elements that are underpinning our activity. As we operate in a dynamic, international and competitive environment, Purchasing is sometimes quite challenging. We count on our well-developed social capabilities and good set of technical or financial skills to get us through the day.

The purchasing specialist, Mechanical, is positioned at the interface between Electrolux Business unit and the industries that are related to the commodity. In this role, the individual is responsible for developing and executing sourcing strategies as well as conduct research to ascertain the best products and suppliers in terms of best value, delivery schedules and quality, recommending product and service innovations based on improving quality. The position requires an interest in market dynamics and competitive behavior, negotiation and pricing, improving effectiveness and quality, and risk mitigation. As additional responsibilities, the individual will have to lead a team to drive results and activities.
Categories: Metal Sheet Working, Machining, Casting

Your main responsibilities will be:
Develop & maintain strategic and sustainable relationships with key suppliers to plan, organize and drive the best sourcing activities
Establish current and long-term objectives, setting plans for the future, including the development of suppliers to meet Electrolux Professional requirements for cost, quality, delivery reliability, new product launch, service level, code of conduct and environmental compliance
Understand the trade-offs between cost, volume, and quality in order to strike agreements that meet Electrolux Professional performance criteria and secure long-term supply continuity.
Develop an in-depth understanding for his/her commodity (value-added manufacturing and services processes and costs, reverse logistics, and market intelligence) and apply this knowledge to influence Electrolux Professional future product roadmap and sourcing decisions.
Lead innovation input from suppliers and promote it into Electrolux Professional
Develop a good relationship with key peers (Supply Chain, Quality, Product Line, R&D, Operations, IT, Finance, Marketing, HR).
Track and report key functional metrics to reduce expenses and improve effectiveness
Perform risk management for supply contracts and agreements
All this while keeping Electrolux Professional values and priorities in check.

Innovative, flexible and open minded, creative, passionate
Self-driven, methodical and action/result oriented
Time driven, reactive and proactive
Able to motivate changes and people
Respectful of culture diversities and ability to tailor the communication on the people
Willing to travel

University bachelor’s degree (at least)
Engineering or Economic education is a plus
Minimum of 7 years of relevant experience in purchasing in a multinational environment
Alternatively, experiences in adjacent disciplines especially in Engineering, research and development are also welcomed
Solid knowledge of specific product categories: metal sheet working, machining, casting
Ability to work in a dynamic and multicultural environment, dealing with complexity
Excellent listening, verbal and written communication skills within cross-functional teams
Leadership skills and ability to work under pressure of demanding targets and tight deadlines
Mandatory fluent in English, any other language is an asset

Öppen för alla
Vi fokuserar 100% på din kompetens, inte dina övriga förutsättningar. Vi är öppna för att anpassa rollen eller arbetsplatsen efter dina behov. Visa mindre

Maskinoperatör för stansning

Nu söker vi Dig som vill anta en nyckelposition i vår plåtverkstad på Electrolux Professional. Här arbetar ett kompetent och sammansvetsat team med bearbetning av plåtdetaljer, till produktion av världsledande tvättmaskiner och torktumlare för professionellt bruk. Vi arbetar skift, och Du kommer att ingå i ett team som tillämpar 2-skift. Rollen som stansoperatör kräver noggrannhet och sinne för kvalitet. Detaljerna som vi tillverkar är grundstommarna i pr... Visa mer
Nu söker vi Dig som vill anta en nyckelposition i vår plåtverkstad på Electrolux Professional. Här arbetar ett kompetent och sammansvetsat team med bearbetning av plåtdetaljer, till produktion av världsledande tvättmaskiner och torktumlare för professionellt bruk.
Vi arbetar skift, och Du kommer att ingå i ett team som tillämpar 2-skift.
Rollen som stansoperatör kräver noggrannhet och sinne för kvalitet. Detaljerna som vi tillverkar är grundstommarna i produktionen av våra produkter, och det är vi stolta över!
Vi vill att du som söker har ett tydligt ordningssinne och att du trivs med självständigt arbete samtidigt som du kommer att ingå i ett samansvetsat team.
Man jobbar i team om 2 personer, där man tillsammans handhar 3 stansmaskiner.
Välkommen med din ansökan!
· Stansning enligt ritning och körplan
· Ställ och nestning
· Materialhantering med truck
· Kontroller enligt ritning och instruktioner
· Övervakning av maskin
· Allmänt maskinunderhåll och kringliggande vård.
· Industriteknisk utbildning alt. Erfarenhet av styrda maskiner
· Goda kunskaper i ritningsläsning
· Grundläggande IT-kunskaper
· Erfarenhet av att jobba med stansning
· Programmering
· Truckkort
· Flytande svenska i tal och skrift
· Goda kunskaper i engelska i tal och skrift
Vi tillämpar löpande urval vilket innebär att tjänsten kan tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdag löpt ut.
Din ansökan mailar du till: [email protected]

Läs mer om oss på www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre

Manager Production

Electrolux Professional presents: MANAGER PRODUCTION Ljungby, Sweden Take manufacturing to a whole new level. As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us everyday is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming the OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - w... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presents:
Ljungby, Sweden

Take manufacturing to a whole new level.

As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us everyday is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming the OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting truly sustainable means going beyond products; connecting users with intelligence, humans with technology and innovative thinkers with relevant business models. And providing the most inclusive service offering with expertise, state-of-the-art interfaces and the best people network.
Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry. Electrolux Professional – we are The OnE.


As one of our managers of production, You will have the primary responsibility for effective operation of a manufacturing area, accomplished in a manner to enhance the overall performance of the plant. To meet this objective, the incumbent leads the production process in a manner necessary to meet or exceed safety, delivery, quality, productivity, and continuous improvement standards. In this role You will interface with Quality Assurance, Warehouse, Maintenance and Management personnel in order to achieve these goals. Furthermore, your responsibilities will involve;

Supervise production employees by planning and assigning work, adjusting schedules to meet production requirements, analyzing and resolving work problems, inspecting materials to verify conformance standards, and coordinating with other departments.
Managing and evaluating performance including coaching employees, conducting appropriate appraisals and administering discipline, employee training and development, assigning and directing work ensuring proper safety equipment is worn and proper safety procedures are being used.
Supervise the KPI’s.
Study production schedules and estimate hourly requirements for completion of job assignments.
Recommend measures to improve production methods, equipment performance and quality of product.
Confer with other supervisors to coordinate activities of department.
Direct & coach team members for safety, quality, cost, delivery, standardized work and continuous improvement.


Drive and deliver business results in a short and long perspective.
Quickly understand and react to changes and makes decisions despite instabilities and uncertainties.
Keep the customers in mind through an outside perspective.
Excellent written and oral skills with the ability to communicate effective.
Strong and solid leadership skills.
Good organizing skills.


University degree at least 3 years, preferably within the engineering field.
Minimum 2 years of experience in working as a manager within production.
Ability to work with computer equipment and proficient with Microsoft Office applications.
Fluent in Swedish and English.

Application deadline: 2020-11-13

About Electrolux Professional
Professionals is an independent company of Electrolux but used to be a subsidiary company to Electrolux. It was stock listed on March23rd, 2020.

Electrolux Professional is a leading provider and trusted partner for unit and full solutions, with a comprehensive and integrated offering for food, beverage and laundry. Our innovative and efficient solutions help to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable - and truly sustainable every day. With 10,000 service technicians in over 140 countries, we offer our customers a worldwide service network. In 2018, Electrolux Professional had 3,000 employees and achieved global sales of SEK 9bn.
For more information, visit: www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre

Talent Management and Recruiting Specialist (maternity cover)

TALENT MANAGEMENT AND RECRUITING SPECIALIST (maternity cover) Ljungby, Sweden Discover how HR is changing the world and how you can too. As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us everyday is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming the OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and ... Visa mer
Ljungby, Sweden

Discover how HR is changing the world and how you can too.

As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us everyday is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming the OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting truly sustainable means going beyond products; connecting users with intelligence, humans with technology and innovative thinkers with relevant business models. And providing the most inclusive service offering with expertise, state-of-the-art interfaces and the best people network.
Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry. Electrolux Professional – we are The OnE.


Talent Management & Talent Acquisition, under HR, plays an important role to drive the Electrolux’s ambition to be becoming a high performing learning organization with the right people in the right job. To support this ambition, we design and manage processes & programs that ensure we attract, recruit, develop & retain best in class talents.
As part of Talent Management, the Talent Management & Recruiting Specialist will manage & execute employer branding & recruitment strategies for all our companies located in Sweden and the Nordics.

act as a consultative business partner to a function/business area, with strong ownership of support for their end to end recruitment needs
engage and partner with the business, Hiring Managers and HR Business Partners to ensure a successful recruiting process
conduct impactful intake meetings, properly qualify job requirements, and develop strategic sourcing strategies to provide a qualified and diverse candidate pool
identify and activate the best recruiting channels (website, job boards, social media, events.
proactively utilize advanced skills and creative sourcing strategies, recruitment branding and networks to identify, engage and attract top talent
manage the requisitions on the internal ATS
successfully review, assess and qualify candidates against key competences, skills and experience for the job
run interviews and assessments and provide accurate and detailed evaluations
provide Hiring managers with continuous communication throughout the process including regular process updates, market data to help inform hiring decisions, help drive to decision through debrief sessions
effective & efficient documentation and tracking of requisition activity and applicant progression within the applicant tracking system
ensure compliance including posting, interviewing, pre and post hire employment documentation & background verifications
assist HRBP and HM during interviews
train HM in talent acquisition strategy
provide market expertise and analysis
strengthen talent pipeline based on hiring needs
social recruiting according to latest digital trends
Achieve key metrics & performance indicators while maintaining partnership level agreements for success
together with the global talent acquisition team, act as the subject matter expert for the ATS solution.

Culture and engagement:
Oversee the overarching employer branding strategy in the region to raise employer brand awareness to attract candidates, in line with the global strategy
Work closely with concerned digital marketing team to drive & execute employer branding contents on LinkedIn & social media
Monitor brand image on social media (glassdoor, etc.)
Manage special branding projects

Learning and development:
Support the roll-out of talent & performance management activities across the region
Identify learning needs and propose learning solutions
Coordinate training activities
Partner with HRBP to promote performance and talent management processes

High-achiever – entrepreneurial, ambitious & highly driven by results, always striving for better, in your work and for your future
Self-starter - with strong sense of ownership and lots of initiative, you always have something to do and thrive on being productive.
Risk-taker & forward-looking - willing to take calculated risk
Strategic but hands-on – analytical & forward-looking but still operationally strong
Influential - You know how to structure a case and get people on board, a true people person
Customer-focused – always keeping internal & external customers in mind, having an outside-in perspective
Networker & collaborator – able to network, leverage connections, & collaborate effectively across diverse stakeholders.Structured – In a fast-paced landscape, it is important that you remain structured and organized within your projectsCurious - wanting everything about everything – then taking it all apart and putting it back together.
Learner – always learning & able to cope with new information and evolve with the change need of the job.
Problem-solver - seeing challenges as opportunity.
Open-minded & adaptable – willing to listen and ready to be proven wrong

Bachelor’s degree in Human Resources or Behavioural Science or similar
A minimum of 3 years in managing end to end process
Regional recruitment experience across various functions and levels
Experience using applicant tracking system
Excellent verbal and written communication skills; ability to effectively interface with all levels of the organization
Standard computer skills
Swedish, fluent English. Any other language will be considered advantageous

Please apply by 30.11.2020 Visa mindre


Electrolux Professional presenterar: EKONOMIASSISTENT Ljungby, Sverige Har du erfarenhet av att arbeta med stora volymer av leverantörsfakturor? Är du en noggrann och effektiv person med ett utåtriktat sinnelag? Då är du kanske den vi söker för en roll inom Electrolux Professionals ekonomiavdelning i Ljungby. Detta är ett vikariat på ca 1 år, med tillträde enl. överenskommelse. EN VANLIG DAG PÅ JOBBET / HUVUDSAKLIGA ANSVARSOMRÅDEN · Hantera leveran... Visa mer
Electrolux Professional presenterar:
Ljungby, Sverige
Har du erfarenhet av att arbeta med stora volymer av leverantörsfakturor? Är du en noggrann och effektiv person med ett utåtriktat sinnelag? Då är du kanske den vi söker för en roll inom Electrolux Professionals ekonomiavdelning i Ljungby.
Detta är ett vikariat på ca 1 år, med tillträde enl. överenskommelse.
· Hantera leverantörsfakturor i ett workflowsystem
· Skapa betalningsförslag
· Avstämningar av leverantörsreskontran
· Koncernavstämningar
· Hantering av påminnelser och kravbrev
· Underhåll av leverantörsregistret
· Övriga arbetsuppgifter inom leverantörsreskontran

Vi tror att du som söker är högskoleekonom, alternativt har du ekonomiutbildning på lägre nivå med några års erfarenhet inom ekonomi. Rollen är en utmärkt grund för dig med karriärsambitioner inom ekonomi, då vi erbjuder dig en lärorik tid i ett kompetent team, i en internationell miljö.
Som person är du noggrann, strukturerad och effektiv, och kan därmed hantera ett stort flöde av transaktioner. Eftersom du kommer att ha kontaktytor både internt och externt är det viktigt att du har god social förmåga och är serviceinriktad. Vi ser också att du är flexibel och uppskattar att arbeta både enskilt och i grupp. För att lyckas i rollen behöver du vara analytisk samt ha förmågan att identifiera ekonomiska samband.
Vi ser också att det är viktigt att du som person är driven, pålitlig och självständig, samt att du har ett grundläggande affärstänk.
- Högskoleexamen inom ekonomi
- 1-3 års erfarenhet av ekonomiarbete
- Goda kunskaper i Office, huvudsakligen Excel
- Kunskap i affärssystemen JD Edwards, PRMS eller likvärdiga system
- Svenska och engelska i tal och skrift

Sista dag för ansökan: 2020-10-16. Urval och intervjuer kommer att ske löpande. Tjänsten kan komma att bli tillsatt innan sista ansökningsdag, ansök därför så snart som möjligt.

Om Electrolux Professional
Electrolux Professional is an independent company of Electrolux but used to be a subsidiary company to Electrolux. It was stock listed on March23rd, 2020.
Electrolux Professional is a leading provider and trusted partner for unit and full solutions, with a comprehensive and integrated offering for food, beverage and laundry. Our innovative and efficient solutions help to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable - and truly sustainable every day. With 10,000 service technicians in over 140 countries, we offer our customers a worldwide service network. In 2018, Electrolux Professional had 3,000 employees and achieved global sales of SEK 9bn.
For more information, visit: www.electroluxprofessional.com Visa mindre


Var en del av världens mest omfattande servicenätverk! Vi på Electrolux Professional är övertygade om att rätt verktyg och instrument kan göra en positiv skillnad, såväl i våra kunders vardag, som för vår planet. Vi är stolta över att vara världsledande inom innovation och design och över att kunna leverera de lösningar som du efterfrågar. Vårt uppdrag är att göra livet enklare och mer lönsamt för dig. Servicetekniker Stockholm Till vår servicestation i ... Visa mer
Var en del av världens mest omfattande servicenätverk!
Vi på Electrolux Professional är övertygade om att rätt verktyg och instrument kan göra en positiv skillnad, såväl i våra kunders vardag, som för vår planet.
Vi är stolta över att vara världsledande inom innovation och design och över att kunna leverera de lösningar som du efterfrågar.
Vårt uppdrag är att göra livet enklare och mer lönsamt för dig.
Servicetekniker Stockholm
Till vår servicestation i Stockholm söker vi nu en kundfokuserad servicetekniker för professionella tvättutrustningar.
Vi sätter kundmötet och att ge en god service i första rummet och är stolta över att vara Electrolux Professionals ansikte utåt.
En vanlig dag på jobbet
Hos oss så får du ett flexibelt arbete som ger dig mycket frihet under ansvar.
Här får du möjlighet att arbeta med kunden i hela värdekedjan - allt från att boka möten med våra kunder till att reparera nya miljövänliga maskiner samt utföra förebyggande underhåll. Det förekommer en del tunga lyft, så en god fysik behövs.
Om dig
•Proaktiv-du löser inte bara problemet, utan du tänker ett steg längre.
•Lagspelare – att stötta och hjälpa både kollegor och kunder ser du som en självklarhet
•Ambitiös -om något går att göra lite bättre så är du den personen som ser till att det sker.
•Kommunikativ – att förklara på ett tydligt sätt vad som behövs eller har åtgärdats faller sig naturligt för dig.
Utbildning och erfarenhet.
Ellära på gymnasienivå är ett krav, det är en merit om du innehar BB1-behörighet, samt kunskap och erfarenhet av att läsa elscheman.
Erfarenhet av maskininstallationer och underhåll är starkt meriterande, likaså kompetens och/eller erfarenhet inom VVS.
Vi ser det som en självklarthet att du har;
Grundläggande IT-vana.
B-körkort och körvana i Stockholm
Svenska i tal och skrift samt engelska i tal

Vi tillämpar löpande urval och intervjuer, så vänta inte med att skicka in din ansökan om du känner att du är den vi söker!

Anställningen är en projektanställning på 6 månader med möjlighet till förlängning Visa mindre

Elektronikingenjör, Hårdvara

MOVE TO IMPROVE, BRING YOUR IDEAS AND EXPERTISE TO LIFE. As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us everyday is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming the OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Act... Visa mer
As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us everyday is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming the OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting truly sustainable means going beyond products; connecting users with intelligence, humans with technology and innovative thinkers with relevant business models. And providing the most inclusive service offering with expertise, state-of-the-art interfaces and the best people network.
Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry. Electrolux Professional – we are The OnE.
I rollen som elektronikingenjör, hårdvara, ansvarar du för utvecklingen av kretskort, teknisk dokumentation och ritningar samt testning och underhåll av kretskort.
Du kommer vidare att ha ansvarsområden inom internationella projektgrupper, kring utförande av hårdvarukoncept, hårdvarudesign och produktionsförberedning av elektroniska subsystem. Du kommer att röra dig inom givna ramar för kostnad, tidsplan och kvalitetskrav.
Dina främsta arbetsuppgifter kommer att innefatta;
- Skapa och upprätthålla hållbara och kostnadseffektiva hårdvarulösningar, som är anpassade till interna och externa riktlinjer för hårdvaruutveckling, även gällande säkerhet och EMC-standarder.
- Förbereda tekniska specifikationer och ritningar av relaterade komponenter och subsystem.
Du kommer även att stötta i projekt inom;
Utveckling och testning av kretskort
Handhavande av prototyper
Samarbete med inköpsavdelningen för att förbättra kostnad och kvalitet rörande elektronik
Standardisering av moduler

Vi ser att du har några års erfarenhet inom hårdvaruutveckling, företrädesvis inom kraftelektronik.
För att lyckas i den här rollen behöver du ha ett öppet och kreativt sinne, god kommunikativ förmåga och ett proaktivt arbetssätt. Vidare tror vi att du kommer att stortrivas i den här rollen om du ser dig själv som en utpräglad lagspelare, med ett gott mått av ödmjukhet och ambition.
Kandidat- eller Masterexamen inom elektronik, alternativt motsvarande arbetslivserfarenhet.
Tekniska kunskaper som behövs för att lyckas i rollen;
Erfarenhet inom hårdvaruutveckling, företrädesvis inom kraftelektronik.
Erfarenhet inom motorstyrda applikationer
Erfarenhet inom komponenturval genom derating & reliability-teknik.
Erfarenhet inom elschema och PCB Design i CAD
Grundläggande kunskap och erfarenhet inom EMC-testning.

Är Du den vi söker? Tveka då inte att skicka in din ansökan, vi ser fram emot att lära känna Dig! Visa mindre

Elektronikingenjör, Hårdvara

MOVE TO IMPROVE, BRING YOUR IDEAS AND EXPERTISE TO LIFE. As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us everyday is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming the OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Act... Visa mer
As part of the Electrolux Professional team, one day is never the same as the next. But what drives us everyday is our mission to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable. Becoming the OnE trusted partner, managing their complete operations. Understanding their daily journey – and making it a winning one - whether they run a hotel, restaurant, laundry or café. Acting truly sustainable means going beyond products; connecting users with intelligence, humans with technology and innovative thinkers with relevant business models. And providing the most inclusive service offering with expertise, state-of-the-art interfaces and the best people network.
Together with you, we will grow and create sustainable experiences for people and the world around us, in food, beverage and laundry. Electrolux Professional – we are The OnE.
I rollen som elektronikingenjör, hårdvara, ansvarar du för utvecklingen av kretskort, teknisk dokumentation och ritningar samt testning och underhåll av kretskort.
Du kommer vidare att ha ansvarsområden inom internationella projektgrupper, kring utförande av hårdvarukoncept, hårdvarudesign och produktionsförberedning av elektroniska subsystem. Du kommer att röra dig inom givna ramar för kostnad, tidsplan och kvalitetskrav.
Dina främsta arbetsuppgifter kommer att innefatta;
- Skapa och upprätthålla hållbara och kostnadseffektiva hårdvarulösningar, som är anpassade till interna och externa riktlinjer för hårdvaruutveckling, även gällande säkerhet och EMC-standarder.
- Förbereda tekniska specifikationer och ritningar av relaterade komponenter och subsystem.
Du kommer även att stötta i projekt inom;
Utveckling och testning av kretskort
Handhavande av prototyper
Samarbete med inköpsavdelningen för att förbättra kostnad och kvalitet rörande elektronik
Standardisering av moduler

Vi ser att du har några års erfarenhet inom hårdvaruutveckling, företrädesvis inom kraftelektronik.
För att lyckas i den här rollen behöver du ha ett öppet och kreativt sinne, god kommunikativ förmåga och ett proaktivt arbetssätt. Vidare tror vi att du kommer att stortrivas i den här rollen om du ser dig själv som en utpräglad lagspelare, med ett gott mått av ödmjukhet och ambition.
Kandidat- eller Masterexamen inom elektronik, alternativt motsvarande arbetslivserfarenhet.
Tekniska kunskaper som behövs för att lyckas i rollen;
Erfarenhet inom hårdvaruutveckling, företrädesvis inom kraftelektronik.
Erfarenhet inom motorstyrda applikationer
Erfarenhet inom komponenturval genom derating & reliability-teknik.
Erfarenhet inom elschema och PCB Design i CAD
Grundläggande kunskap och erfarenhet inom EMC-testning.

Är Du den vi söker? Tveka då inte att skicka in din ansökan, vi ser fram emot att lära känna Dig! Visa mindre

Underhållstekniker - Verktyg

Som underhållstekniker för verktyg på Electrolux Professional AB kommer du att arbeta med underhåll och service av pressverktyg, nytillverkning av fixturer och produktionsutrustning där både svarvning, fräsning och montering är vanligt förekommande arbetsuppgifter. Utöver de dagliga arbetsuppgifterna kan du bli delaktig vid installation och flytt av produktionsutrustning, provkörning av nya pressverktyg och även medverka vid framtagning av rutiner för oper... Visa mer
Som underhållstekniker för verktyg på Electrolux Professional AB kommer du att arbeta med underhåll och service av pressverktyg, nytillverkning av fixturer och produktionsutrustning där både svarvning, fräsning och montering är vanligt förekommande arbetsuppgifter.
Utöver de dagliga arbetsuppgifterna kan du bli delaktig vid installation och flytt av produktionsutrustning, provkörning av nya pressverktyg och även medverka vid framtagning av rutiner för operatörsunderhåll på både verktyg och fixturer.
Arbetsrapportering och beskrivningar görs i vårt underhållssystem samt i Excel.
Arbetstiderna är förlagda till dagtid vid produktionsenheten i Ljungby, måndag till fredag, på sikt kan även beredskap komma att införas med därtill medföljande tillägg.
Du kommer att ingå i en grupp om 4 personer som har ett tätt samarbete och löser uppkommande problem gemensamt. God samarbetsförmåga är därför A & O.
Vem är du?
Vi söker Dig som har god erfarenhet av underhåll inom producerande verksamhet. Kanske är du servicetekniker, underhållstekniker eller reparatör?
Ritningsläsning och kunskap inom manuell bearbetning är ett krav, materialkännedom är meriterande, likaså att kunna köra NC-styrda maskiner.
Har du kunskap inom plåtformning, stansning och bockning är det ett stort plus då vi har ett 100-tal pressverktyg som regelbundet underhålls och repareras.
För att lyckas i den här rollen ser vi att du behöver ha god känsla för finish och kvaliet, samt vara noggrann med detaljer då verktygsunderhåll kräver precision.
Svenska i tal och skrift är en självklarhet, talar och skriver du även engelska är det meriterande.
Du kommer att rapportera till Underhållschefen.

Vill du bli en del av ett team präglat av kunskap, gemenskap och genuint verkstadsarbete? Tveka då inte att söka, du har många nya kollegor som väntar på att få lära känna just Dig!

Din ansökan skickar du till:
[email protected] Visa mindre